I nuovi scavi di Pompei (La Regio V) raccontati dal Direttore del Parco Archeologico Massimo Osanna, in un tour virtuale esclusivo.
Un volo con il drone sulla città antica e nei nuovi scavi alla scoperta delle domus venute alla luce: la casa del Giardino con gli splendidi affreschi del triclinio e il portico dipinto; la casa di Orione con le pitture di Primo stile e il mosaico di Orione, unico nel suo genere; ma anche gli ambienti della vita di tutti i giorni. Uno spaccato straordinario della vita quotidiana della città.Un esclusivo tour virtuale nei nuovi scavi di Pompei con Massimo Osanna | MiBACT | Published on Apr 7, 2020
Do they have blue cabinets in the kitchen?
Im not looking at any houses unless they have blue cabinets in the kitchen.
Thank you.
I was in a production of The Music Man and got to say the Mayor's line about putting on the spectacle of The Last Days of Pom-pee-eye!
The ruins seen from above look remarkably like a street map of London...
That is remarkable! Those homes must have offered some very pleasant living. They are made to be lavishly decorated, and that would have been so easy given that layouts.
How much do they rent for?
Thanks, enjoyed the video. Was there many years ago. I am always surprised how bright some of the colors have remained.
Pompeii and Herculaneum , both only partially excavated, still hold many pieces of art and tormented souls.
... and then all hell broke loose for a time.
I’d like to make another journey there someday and see what else has been uncovered, just not the same day the everpresent mountain does its thing again.
My wife and I went to Pompeii for our 30th anniversary...a decade and a half ago.
It is as fascinating a ruin as I have ever visited.