To: cgbg
that Danbury Hospital, where the first COVID-19 case in CT was found, is at capacity and 200 nurses (!!) are furloughed because they have potentially been exposed to the virus.
I have been ranting on this subject about my home state for several days, but I did not know the numbers.
704 posted on
03/16/2020 6:04:31 PM PDT by
(BOLO--escaped SNF resident--Joe Biden)
To: cgbg
Needless to say, all 200 Danbury CT nurses need to be tested _stat_, and if they are negative, they need to go back to work.
This is _not_ rocket science. :-(
713 posted on
03/16/2020 6:08:58 PM PDT by
(BOLO--escaped SNF resident--Joe Biden)
To: cgbg
Goldman Sachs briefing is correct on many elements but has one major flaw:
Peak-virus is expected over the next eight weeks, declining thereafter.
This is simply false.
Let me explain:
The virus would take six weeks to infect everyone in the US that it could (60% of population) if _no_ effort were made to slow the spread.
To the extent efforts are made to "flatten the curve" that time frame is expanded.
The latest policies by the administration will delay completion of the major part of the curve by several months:
--No large gatherings
--Closing of restaurants, bars and other entertainment venues
--Limitations on travel
etc etc etc
Further measures (such as a ban on domestic travel, closing of all non-essential businesses) would add another couple of months.
These measures are likely imho because the health care system will be overwhelmed if they are not taken.
In addition, the claim that warmer weather will reduce the spread is totally unproven for this disease--that remains an open question at best.
883 posted on
03/16/2020 8:48:57 PM PDT by
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