Posted on 03/16/2020 10:07:59 AM PDT by Mariner
thread # 17 is here...;page=1
Futures trading halted. I guess lock limit UP this time. I hope it holds overnight.
Wow, yall havent met my 80+ father in law who has stocked enough to feed a small country, and insists on buying three times what he needs every time we shop, lol. We had to go through his pantry last summer and get rid of some food that was expired by 10 years. He grew up dirt poor, and even when he had money, he stocked as if the Great Depression was right around the corner.
Came up for me.
Love Trinh, when she’s not over my head.
“And the worst happened coffee pot died. LOL.”
Sorry to hear that. There’s still time to replace it, but that is ticking away too. People who are past the FluBro Stage (or who never were one) should be thinking longer-term now, about backup systems and capability - while it’s still available. For example, I have about a dozen options if my primary method of making coffee dies - including butane, propane, and gasoline powered stoves.
Well, let’s see where the Bailout lands this time. Airlines are now claiming they want 50 billion. “Banks” already getting Bailout $, MBS RICO, while big business get preference over small props.
I think you're attaching far too much negative meaning to the empty shelves you saw at the Walmart. Massive numbers of people have decided they need to stock up and possibly remain at home for two or more weeks. So, they're buying ahead on the items they'll need.
After this major spike in retail purchases levels off, the stores will be able to restock and you might go back to that same store and find shelves filled out to the edge and very few people shopping.
I'm been buying extra quantities since mid-February and will probably purchase very little for the next three or four weeks, or more.
The same thing has happened often before in more limited areas when dangerous weather approached various states. Then the stores restock and things go back to normal.
We should keep track of the threats posed by the virus, but the bare shelves in stores only indicate an unusual spike in buying that will level off.
“If thats what you believe, then why dont you go volunteer at your nearest hospital?”
She works at the hospital as am RN.
“My son in NH says that some of his friends are now saying *Hey, this homeschooling stuff isnt as bad as I thought it would be*.”
SWEET - there still may be a lot of good that comes out of this!
“My son in NH says that some of his friends are now saying *Hey, this homeschooling stuff isnt as bad as I thought it would be*.”
...and it starts making me wonder - when the schools re-open, maybe in August/September (if the pandemic ends early), will parents necessarily be in a big hurry to re-institutionalize their kids?
Yep. I heard tonight that the virus bill will likely put our business in the red for possibly a year. Its going to get ugly. I still believe with Gods help America will get through this, if Im naive, so be it. Id rather live with hope than without.
WH cancels Easter Egg Roll. Queen Elizabeth and Phillip move to Windsor Castle. Hope they’re monitoring the servants.
My last outing for meat and food was Fri.
However, Sunday, mr. mm and I went to a little local grocery store that still had some milk and bought a gallon and some chocolate milk. But they get it very locally so they are well supplied. It was pretty deserted so we did not come in contact with much of anything or any one.
We have friends who sell eggs, too, so we can do that.
Mr. mm is doing low carb, but one thing I picked up at a local co-op type place was flour, oats, and pancake mix.
I also have wheat berries from way back and a grain mill so I can make my own flour, which makes the most out of this world bread.
We’ll be good for a while,
I think I’ll be looking into availing myself of the Wegman’s online ordering and pick up for future purchases. It will cut down on unnecessary exposure to others.
Buck up, it just getting us ready for a Biden/Bernie economy.
I’m praying that someones all caps and exclamation keys on their keyboard break.
I think you have the right idea!
Try the link on her Twitter feed...
Maybe that makes a difference.
We had friends who who pulled their kid out of school and found the same thing.
He was out for surgery and they gave him several weeks worth of school work.
He went into his room and came out about 2 hours later and had it ALL done.
She was absolutely blown away, and that’s when they realized what was going on in public schools and they yanked him for a few years. he eventually wanted to go back but by then he had at least gotten a decent education.
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