What has she done for women? Any legislation? Nope. She has done nothing, just like Shitlery.
I’m fighting for women blah blah blah. All they do is get rich off stupid women and men donating to them.
Heroic Champion of Abortion.... Yeah, that is sure gonna make her stand out in a crowd of Rats.
They haven’t changed the word ‘sexism’ to ‘genderism’ yet?
In other words, the influence of the NYT to get her elected failed.
Sexism Racism Homophobia. Everyones a friggin victim.
Its the Marxist way.
She didn’t promise enough free things. Should have promised “free” abortion, euthanasia, aids care and sex “change” operations, plus guaranteed money, home, car, phone and sex to all.
Oh of course, its all the patriarchy keeping the woman down, blah blah blah.
Oh,wait, it was her dad that was associated with the NXIVM sex cult people. Hmmmm . . .
Gillibrand is a sack of slime balls. Wrong on every issue. Worthless as cotton on a horses ass on fire.
I think fewer and fewer women will vote as we move along.
The demographics card has been overplayed, too.
Landslide for President Trump.
But Dems cheat.....so get to the polls. Repubs have to get out the vote.
Can anyone say... LOSER!
Sexism? Sounds like a bitter excuse for the failure of a poorly run campaign by a candidate who advocates for unpopular political policies. But sure, if you want to dumb it down and insult the very people whose votes and approval you were seeking... Hint, the whole “we know better than you” attitude that is so obviously behind this excuse is also part of the problem. No one wants to vote for someone who is going to be condescending towards them. You’re elected to represent, to serve, not to go on some self aggrandizing power trip.
“Sexism”! “Champion of Women”? But ... but ... there are no genders, right?
With those issues primary in my mind, Warren, Harris, and Gillebrand (and of course hillary and Michelle Obama) scare me. They scare me to the point where I wouldn't want them to be nominees, even though they'd be weak candidates who'd probably mess up and lose. It wouldn't be worth the risk.
PS: The talk of replacing Pence with Nikki Hailey is even scarier. I'd stay home if that *itch who sold out US history and had her own agenda at the UN were on the ballot. She's as scary as those on my list.
Promoting abortion is not, in fact, protecting womens rights or advancing womens issues.
Gillebrand was divisive and annoying. Im glad she dropped out.
How is that headline not sexist?
I guess her affiliation and her fathers membership into that sex cult thing was all about raising women up and celebrating them. I guess the brand or tattoo, or whatever they got, was kind of like a diploma.
These same Feminazis stood silent as homofascists called Sarah Palin a B**** and a C*** and told rape jokes about her and her daughter on national tv.
The Left is not pro-woman. Just as they are not pro-black. Just cross them and find out how extreme their hate rhetoric is.