I think we'll live til mornin' light, at least. Except for CA, Y'all gonna slide off into the ocean.
Anon says this is the bird call sign ENDGM20:
It's one of these things:
"Finally the U.S. Army is sending four AH-64 Apache attack helicopters, while the U.S. Coast Guard is sending a H-65 helicopters."
I don't think it has anything to do with this 1 Q drop found related to "end game" but I'm wrong a lot:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 968323 No.5929534
Mar 27 2019 18:44:35 (EST)
Pure speculation on my part but if haffast was flying around in a piece of hardware today over POTUS and had a hard landing it'd be nice to have a recovery CG helocoptor loitering close by to get what's left of me that could also do double duty and represent the CG with the flyby that He mentioned at the time. That'd be the end game I'd want to see.
Posting, blind, behind and weary. I think it's safe enough to go to bed.
Nite Night Shift.
LOL! the whole thing is starting to look like a nothing burger. I need to go to bed as well! Sweet Dreams!
“Finally the U.S. Army is sending four AH-64 APACHE attack helicopters, while the U.S. Coast Guard is sending a H-65 helicopters.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thanks for you dig on the military equipment.
The above quote from your post just made me think of the Q #646:
Not a new concept that “APACHE” could refer to a helicopter, but sorta interesting to me nonetheless.
I found this same graphic here
and came to see if anybody on our thread was talking about it...