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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...


Alright. This is the last Oracle of the INFORMATION WATERFALL and being slim on FReeQ input. There are no non-Q stories the Oracle was able to follow and record, so this is pure Q. And a lot. Let's get started.

  • ***Late Breaking Bulletin From the Mother of Dragons***

    ransomnote-I've never explained the MoD use before so I'll take a moment here...


    As Cletus posted several threads back, we don't have a boss (he said "leader"). I serve the thread and in that role I have responsibilities and I make requests. We seem to have hit upon something that works here - with cooperation from those who support the Q threads, I am able to make requests on behalf of the group for the good of the threads.


    In 2017, when I saw The Storm approaching, I was crushed that I couldn't do anything to support the effort (or so I thought). I was grieved to watch and not help. I begged God to give me some little thing I could do, anything I could do, to help. I would never think I could succeed as thread hostess - I reasoned the only skill I might have (I thought at the time) was diplomacy (so I've been told) and how far would that take me? :D

    More at link, and worth the read.

    This is Q....NN.


Accurate Memes of Bill and Loretta's Infamous Tamac Meeting
Dead on.

1st tweet:

When are people going to start asking about what REALLY went on in that plane between @BillClinton and @AGLynch in June 2016?

If it was "impromptu" then there wouldn't be @SecretService or @FBI records for their security details, right? (Along with the first tarmac meme Q posted).

2nd tweet

The Deal of a Lifetime?
SC/[LL] deal presented by BC?
What actions did [JC] take days after?

(with 2nd meme Q posted)

These memes tell, in simple terms, the story of the tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton [BC] and Loretta Lynch [LL], which Clinton offered Lynch RBG's Supreme Court seat in exchange for squashing the Hillary email "matter".

Just days later, Comey did exactly that. Almost as if Lynch accepted the deal and directed dirty Comey to squash it.

Simple as that.

Q confirms with DEAD ON.


POTUS Tweets a Link Included in a Q Drop (Q Proof)

Anon posts this, with comment;

Why hasn’t this been noted yet???

Trump just tweeted the same link Q started with in post 2856 regarding new narrative.


Q says;

Got popcorn?

The anon points out, rightly so, that the Donald tweeted out the Kim Stossel tweet that Q had posted (at link).

Does the President of the United States sit around all day cruising the internet looking for cool tweets? Or does somebody walk in his office and say, "Hey, Mr. President. Here's one. Do this one."?

I'm going with the latter. And there are WAY too many occurrences like this to be random coincidence.


The Link POTUS Tweeted Included Many Q Comments

Q repeats his last, and then comments.

There sure are a lot of 'Q' comments on that Tweet POTUS just referred to.
Happy Friday!



Memes, memes, and more memes!

The link is to the tweet that Q pulled this meme from.


Will There Be Another Air Force One "Q 0" Callsign on POTUS' Vietnam Trip?

Impossible to defend.
Vietnam trip coming.
Enjoy the show!

Q posts a very simple to understand the Q proof of AF-1/Q+, and asks if there will be a similar call-sign for AF-1 on the Vietnam trip.

The Oracle has seen no reportage thus far on this issue.

Maybe the return trip? Stay tuned.


Motorcade Honk Referenced in Q Drop 1691
Are we having fun yet?
The best is yet to come.

Q links to the old video of when the Presidential motorcade honked at/acknowledged Q people.


Something similar coming?



Bernie Sanders Praising Fidel Castro; Fed Prosecutors Drop Investigation into Sander's Wife
It's amazing what a person finds when they simply 'research'.
Praising Castro?
Will the next wave of [D] 2020 candidates begin to push the 'everything will be free' 'reparations for all Black Americans' 'more gov't control will save us' etc. etc. etc. (broken record) lines in order to 'buy'/'con' voters?
More talk?
More claims?
No facts?
No plan?
No details?
What happened re: Bernie's wife 'fraud' case?
The More You Know.

1st link (with video)

in 1985 praising the Communist Castro regime in Cuba and admitting on camera that he traveled to Nicaragua to advise the Ortega regime on how to successfully fight the United States.

Q discusses Berie's socialist past and the current derp party push for socialism.

2nd link:

Federal prosecutors drop investigation of wife of Bernie Sanders, adviser says

The investigation centered on a 2010 land purchase that relocated the college Jane Sanders previously ran to a new campus on more than 32 acres along Lake Champlain. While lining up a $6.7 million loan and additional financing, she told college trustees and lenders that the college had commitments for millions of dollars in donations that could be used to repay the loan, according to former trustees and state officials.

Q points out here how the derp bribery schemes work. The payooff go through the spouses.

Follow the wives.


Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Charged With Two Counts of Soliciting Prostitution

Anon writes;

You can BET Q knew Kraft was on surveillance video
Just when Kraft got all liberal in the Fake News

Q says;

Super Bowl (winners)?
Puppy (sex_urban dic)?
Q Puppy (sex_urban dic)? Q

New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft, was caught on video surveillance and charged with soliciting prostitution.

The anon posits that Q and his people NSA/MI had pre-knowledge of the video.

Q reminds us of the post he made days before with the words SUPER BOWL and PUPPY in it.

He now breaks the code and acknowledged he gave forewarning of the Kraft development.

Next time a troll pulls the "what has Q ever predicted that came true" card, toss this one on the table.

There was some discussion as to the connection between this incident, human trafficking, sex-slavery, and elite sex rings (Epstein/NXIVM, etc.).

On a possible related issue, A Florida anesthesiologist with the familiar name of AWAN, just had his vehicle lose control inexplicably and crash into a tree, he was rendered to a crispy critter and went to meet Allah.


TheTexasMom reported this.

Kraft? "Prostitution"? Human trafficking? Sex Slavery/Rings? Awan? Anesthesiologist? Funny car crash? Dead?

Is there a picture here?

We report, you decide.


Q Knew About the Robert Kraft Story 2 Days Before the Mainstream Media

Anon posts this.

Q responds with this.

Anon posted the "proof" and the post that Q "predicted" the Kraft incident before it happened.

Q then links to the urban dictionary definition of "puppy" just to confirm that the anon got it correct.

(from link)

A very sexy person who does nothing all day but follow around his/her master in a sexual manner, always happy for intercourse ("doggie").

Coincidence? LARP?

Q reports, you decide.


They Will Be Charged with Sedition, Treason and Crimes Against Humanity

Anon asks;


DeGenova says 'sedition' not 'treason', is that delineation accurate on those who were involved to frame Trump and the American people?

Please advise.

To which Q responds.

Crimes against Humanity.

Take your pick, anon and DiGenova.

The corpus delecti for all these crimes exist derp-wide.

The more you know...


Recall: Evidence on Weiner's Laptop Includes Crime Against Children by Hillary Clinton & Foundation

Anon responds to Q's last (Sedition/Treason/Crimes Against Humanity), with this.

And children*
Q adds this.

Q reinfoces that Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation are complicit in these crimes.


End the Fake News Narrative
azkathy- Weiner Laptop/Crimes Against Children.


This is the first “official” reference I have seen to the rumors that NY PD officers were horrified by what they found on Anthony Weiner’s computer.

FBI Agent Coleman noted “Hillary Clinton & Foundation Crime Against Children” (This was after NYPD had the laptop but before they had turned it over to the FBI so they must have told the FBI that not only were there 1000’s of Clinton emails but they found evidence of crimes against children.)

A FINE investigation there, Mr Comey.


White House Looking into Labor Secretary Alex Acosta’s Role in Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal
How do you fill your admin if majority of those 'in politics' are corrupt? DRAINING THE SWAMP. Q

(from linked tweet)

White House looking into Labor Sec. Acosta's role in secret plea deal for sex abuse

Q links to the above tweet, which is in reference to Acost's role as a Florida prosecutor who made a corrupt deal in the Epstein sex ring scandal.

Q laments that MOST polticians are corrupt, which makes it difficult to staff an administration with the non-corrupt.


One Step Closer to Defunding Planned Parenthood One step closer.

(linked tweet)

Trump administration moves to cut off some Planned Parenthood funding

Apologies. I couldn't find who posted this excellent and apropos meme, in order to give attribution. But here it is, nonetheless. Thank you FReeQanon.


Direct Attack by Hillary Clinton on 'Q' & 'PRO POTUS' Patriots

For those who think this war is fake, or we are not a considered a major threat, this is a direct attack by Hillary Clinton on 'Q' & 'PRO POTUS' PATRIOTS.
The article referenced has an embedded link that literally TARGETS PRO POTUS/Q Twitter accounts that have been IDENTIFIED by CLINTON/DS as serious threats (ability to shift the narrative).
Twitter has already begun to remove targeted accounts (stages) under false pretenses.
The war is real.
The threat is real.

(linked Hillary tweet)

@Politico reports today: "A wide-ranging disinformation campaign aimed at Democratic 2020 candidates is already underway on social media, with signs that foreign state actors are driving at least some of the activity."

Q points out that, at the Politico article that the Clinton/Derp State has identified twitter accounts that are pro-Trump/Q for targeted removal.

Watch Hillary's/DS flying monkeys (bees) fly.


Disregard All Spelling/Other Errors

Q reposts his last, then this.

Disregard all spelling/other errors.
On the move.


Link to Analytical Tool Targeting PRO POTUS/Q Twitter Accounts
Link embedded in article.

Q links to the artile in his previous post (last two) that he pointed to as a response to Hillary's call to target Trump/Q supporters. This is one of the mechanisms they will use.


LOS ANGELES – 22 February 2019 – The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) believes that there is an ongoing and significant risk to key parts of the Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure.

In the context of increasing reports of malicious activity targeting the DNS infrastructure, ICANN is calling for full deployment of the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) across all unsecured domain names. The organization also reaffirms its commitment to engage in collaborative efforts to ensure the security, stability and resiliency of the Internet’s global identifier systems.

Let me just point out, that's a LOT of brackets around Hils. Last time i saw that many, it was [[[RR]]].




Internet Infrastructure Is under Attack; Tools of Prevention Are Online to Stop It

Anon posts this, with comment.

#BREAKING The internet infrastructure is under attack, the agency that oversees the online address book warns.

Evil trying to prevent #TRUTH from spreading?

Q's response.

List of 200 Targeted Patriot Accounts for Purge/Removal from Twitter

Link to this Q post).

What? You didn't think I was gonna do all that html, did ya'? Foolish mortals.

Q said this, and linked to articles.

[Public Service Announcement]

The first two links are the previously posted articles (Hillar's call to arms tweet) and the "tools of suppression" article.

(excerpt from third link).

The 200 accounts shown above are a sample of a network on Twitter talking about Voter Fraud and amplifying false and/or misleading narratives about election integrity and the democratic process. We discovered that this group of 200 accounts either generated or were mentioned in over 140 million tweets over the last year.

As you will see below, this network is not only growing at an accelerating rate but also coordinating with effective tactics that appear to bypass many of the detection methods of existing disinformation research.

Out of control Q has the nerve to then post the FIRST OF A TWO PART SERIES of the targeted twitter accounts.

Click link to Q post above to see them.

End 1


Q Advises Targeted Patriots to Contact Their Representatives & Media (STAND UP TO FASCISM)

Q posts his last, then this. Start 2

Q's original post w/list of targeted twitter accounts.

He then makes this commentary.

Patriots, you have been selected as ‘threats’ and falsely labeled as ‘Foreign Disinfo’ agents (though they attempt to disguise at the bottom as 'not all'). This is an attempt to target & remove by false pretense all threatening voices (ELIMINATION OF FREE SPEECH TO PREVENT LOSS OF CONTROL). These actions are now being monitored and would strongly encourage forwarding this information to the appropriate members of Congress, Senate and the media. We believe this is a ‘test run’ to effectively silence the opposition while testing the potential media backlash and/or 'official' response. This attempt to remove/silence (‘FASCISM’) those who oppose their view/narrative should further demonstrate their resolve to control the ‘message’ / ‘narrative’ (win at any cost).

Q explains the purpose of this "Patriot Purge" and STRONGLY SUGGESTS we contact our representatives and the media to object.


Q Warned in Advance That Social Media Accounts with a High Follower Count Would Be Targeted

Anon posts this.

Theyre scared and desperate.

That's just the opening Q needs to post this.

Coincidence days after this post?
We have everything.

Q points out, and rightly so, that the day after he posted about "accounts with high followers" being targeted, this call to arms by Hillary and the tech flying monkeys moves to sqaush dissension were revealed.

Q heres you when you sleep, silly derps.


Dig: Why Did Obama Transfer US Gov't Control of the Internet to a Non-profit California Company?

(1) Info
(2) Remove Control from Gov't and provide to CA (who controls CA?)
(3) Significant Risk? Cover? Control?
Link #2:

7 Days Before Obama Gives Away Internet & National Security.

In one week, President Obama will allow what remains of the United States' control over the Internet to pass to a California non-profit organization, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). This is a reckless and dangerous decision that has serious national security consequences that have not been fully considered.

3rd Link:

Links to the previously posted ICANN article describing tools the derps use to shut us down.

The simple answer to Q's question of "Why Did Obama Transfer US Gov't Control ..." is, to give control of the internet over to the derp state.

Easy peezy.


Caught on Video: Krassenstein Brothers Are Paid Shills?"> Nothing to See Here.
You are the news now.

The video at the link was quickly purged once Q outed the derps. Twitter got hot on THAT one. Do they read Q?

BUT, here's the video anyway. We FReeQs are resourceful, and you can't stop the signal.

Krassenstein Derp Confession

Little Jeremiah and another unidentied FReeQ provided this link while we were under heavy troll assault. Ironic, right? Watch and see as one of the Krassenstein brother (no, not anti-semetic to say his name) discusses ON VIDEO that he is payed by "higher ups" pay him and other members of the "Resistance" to "troll" internet platforms and the Trump twitter feed.

This little cat is an effeminate, half-a-fag, and typical ANTIFA looking derp.

Hey derpo. Loose lips sink ships, nukka.

Does anybody think that FR doesn't have a healthy dose of guys like this posting here? I can think of a few likely candiates. Can you?

See you in the funny papers.

Alright. The last of the Oracles from the INFORMATION WATERFALL is in the can. From here on out, more FReeQ input will be made available. Now, just to ketchup.

We are the Mouth of America.
Not all can hear our voice, but more do every day.
Can you hear us?

Will you join in our crusade?

The adventure continues tomorrow, sportsfans. See ya ‘round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.

1,426 posted on 02/26/2019 4:07:18 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster

And now there are MORE Q drops....

As long as there is a Q waterfall, I think your new method is excellent.

1,433 posted on 02/26/2019 4:21:43 PM PST by little jeremiah (When we do notTh punish evildoers we are ripping the foundations of justice from future generations)
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To: bagster

Another Qulitzer Prize to the Oracle!

1,437 posted on 02/26/2019 4:27:48 PM PST by greeneyes
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To: bagster
Now, just to ketchup

1,439 posted on 02/26/2019 4:31:05 PM PST by eldoradude
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To: bagster

As always thanks for the Oracle, bagster. Whatever would we do without you?

1,455 posted on 02/26/2019 4:49:01 PM PST by John4.11 (WWG1WGA! You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it)
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To: bagster


1,458 posted on 02/26/2019 4:50:28 PM PST by Jet Jaguar
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To: bagster

As always “Barrel Rider!” Thank You!
Distillation of Torrent of “Pure Q!”

1,478 posted on 02/26/2019 5:14:58 PM PST by Pete from Shawnee Mission
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To: bagster

I am sooo far out of the Q-thread loop...

Why do we not have a no-kill shelter for babies?!

Cannot comprehend. Will NOT be assimilated.

1,484 posted on 02/26/2019 5:25:57 PM PST by lyby ("Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe." ~ Galileo Galilei)
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