I was that way until my pancreas exploded. It's a lot more painful than it sounds.
I was on morphine for several days (I distinctly remember 21 days, but I was only in the hospital for 5). I would have lapsed into shock and died without it.
It's warm, it's fuzzy, it's a mother's caress, a lover's embrace, and more wonderful and seductive than I ever imagined. I can see now how someone could become addicted.
Me? I got off it the instant I could. Having only been on it a few days it was relatively easy. Had I needed for weeks or months it due to major chronic pain... maybe not so much.
Trust me on this one, it's a lesson hope you never have personal experience with.
I have seen burn patients on for a year or two.
They get detoxed. No problem.
I’m one of those people who is allergic to morphine.
It didn’t do a thing for pain what times the ER types gave it to me for different things that happened to me.
Toridol on the other hand does rather well. Too bad, it’s rough on the kidneys if I remember the doctor correctly.