quick and LOVING good morn from iced in/snowed in Ohio. My van is covered in 4” of snow and under that a layer of ice. i reallty want to get out today. some white stuff still falling
when life has been about the pits for several years it seems things are happening to make it even more complicated. More later but involves my son who - if it is believable - is in worse shape than me. Im going to pursue him coming up here..Pax gave me a lead on a catholic charity. My son if healthy (and now he is very bad with orthopedic; issues plus others) could be a tremendous help with my home. I would immediately deed him half interest for help.
Just praying we can together survive. 9n 1990 I made a decision. My son was tremendously hurting. only 18. My mom a spoiled “brat” but mom needed me. 500 miles apart.
Now I want to give my all to help Jeff if we can work some things out. he can probably help me more than the reverse.. and psycholocially I am really needing a boost
well right now I have wifi on my MacBook pro so am going to put up new thread .. if I can.. It will NOT be the rich/graphic filled. Probably bare bones basic.
Just not sure what the next few days/weeks hold for me .. and him. Not sure his Jeep can make the trip or he has $$ for gas to get here. Praying.
I have not had contact with him for a long time.. no estrangement . just as I thought. his embarrassment with his situation.. as if I am proud of mine.
well friends .. keep us in your prayers. I only have one child. He was terribly abused by his father, whom in retrospect I should have never married, yet alone spent 22 years - for the sake of our son & because the church said “I should”..
will keep you posted.
I have the silver on my hair. going to wash it out & when come back, cross fingers I still have wifi to get up a new/bare bones thread.
hugs love
That actually sounds like a wonderful situation, both for you and your son to be together, but also for you to help each other. I pray that it works out.
Prayers for you and your son.
Sure hope and pray all works out for you and your son.
Blessings, Dolly.
Praying , Dolly. hugs.
As far as Catholic Charities I hope you have better luck then I have been having. I was told they have volunteers that build wheelchair ramps. I told them I would be more then happy to pay for the materials I just need someone to build it. I was told we qualify. This was the end of August. My husband has not been out of the house since May because I can't get him out and we have had to cancel doctor appts. About 4 wks ago a volunteer finally came and looked over where we would put a ramp and what would need to be done. Said would get back to us. He hasn't so far. I leave voice mails with the Catholic Charities and they don't return the calls. Now with all the holidays around the corner I am sure I will hear nothing until next year. :-(
Hang in there and try to keep warm.