My husband and I were on a plane from Texas to Calif. When we were told to buckle and stay in our seats as we were making a landing halfway to our destination, it was amazing how quiet the plane was. They did not tell us anything until we landed. When we approached I knew it was not an emergency as there were no emergency personnel near the landing strip. Right when we touched down the guy ahead of us made a call and his admin. told him we’d been bombed/attacked. Getting off the plane was surreal but also very sad as many of the crew and ticket agents knew those who died.
It took me awhile to be at peace flying again and about 8 years to fly on 9/11.
Yes, I was glad I knew Jesus then as my Savior and Lord.
My son and I had just moved to Seattle for me to attend a doctoral program. We were still getting used to the time difference and sleeping weird hours. I was used to having the radio on and woke up to a news story about a plane going into a building. It made me think of the plane that hit the Empire State back in the 30’s or so and I sleepily wondered how the problem would be dealt with today.
Then the second plane hit and I jumped up and turned on the TV. I went to wake up my son, and then tried to call the family we had just left behind in DC. I tried calling my old job as well, but all the lines were down. The two of us watched the TV, mesmerized, alone in a new town and unable to reach family for maybe 2 days afterward.