My son and I had just moved to Seattle for me to attend a doctoral program. We were still getting used to the time difference and sleeping weird hours. I was used to having the radio on and woke up to a news story about a plane going into a building. It made me think of the plane that hit the Empire State back in the 30’s or so and I sleepily wondered how the problem would be dealt with today.
Then the second plane hit and I jumped up and turned on the TV. I went to wake up my son, and then tried to call the family we had just left behind in DC. I tried calling my old job as well, but all the lines were down. The two of us watched the TV, mesmerized, alone in a new town and unable to reach family for maybe 2 days afterward.
” alone in a new town and unable to reach family for maybe 2 days afterward.”
That must have been horrible.