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[bug-eyed Adam Schiff Photo]
Hillary gives you a red scarf for your birthday.

~~~~~~~ oh Lord my college team is Georgia, I own red from my head to my feet... Fitflol

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
* while DC busies herself hiding her JoJaw-red scarf down her pant leg.*
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

ROFL!! Cletus you are a hoot!

Davey Crockett, don’t you dare hide that scarf away! :-D

Just not the same thing, in my book! Part of our discussion on how the Cabal takes over and perverts positive symbols is that they do that to ANYTHING Good which they can.

Lately a number of us are generating the consensus that we WILL continue to love butterflies - and wear them as our FLOTUS demonstrated. We WILL continue to appreciate owls, if we did so before learning about what the Cabal has done to besmirch them.

We Will reclaim, if we wish, the color RED!

As mentioned in my previous post, the symbol of RED is a positive Biblical symbol. The RED in our flag denotes the blood of Patriots who have and are ready to shed their blood for it and our Republic. Your Georgia colors need to be displayed Proudly!

Just my honest opinion!

1,499 posted on 08/21/2018 1:46:58 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: DAVEY CROCKETT; Cletus.D.Yokel; ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; ...


And of course, regarding RED - to Christians, it also denotes the blood of our Savior, Christ Jesus!

Probably the very reason why the Cabal took it over to besmirch. And the very reason they vampirize the blood of the Innocents - they have no Light from the Lord themselves, so they must steal it.

Again, just my honest/humble opinion

1,504 posted on 08/21/2018 1:55:33 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; Wneighbor; mairdie; Swordmaker; ...

One of our Qanteen Qittens, Cats PJs, has brought in a catch and deposited it proudly by the Steinweigh.

I’m glad she brought it in, because imho, it is quite a find. The link tells the stories of what REALLY happened at Benghazi, but also the history and the current state of affairs in the Las Vegas massacre last fall.

In addition to telling the stories, I will be interested to see if other FReeQs will think, as I do, that we may be hearing more from these two sources of Investigative journalism. In the LV youtube series, the second clip goes into detail of the efforts and standards they follow in order to bring proper standards of Investigative Journalism back into Journalism again.

It is entirely possible that I’ve been under the Steinweigh too much and others here may already know about the White Hat with Paladin, and the Critical Post - Chicago.

I have left it to you to read the Benghazi report on your own, which is not terribly long.

The interviews of Paladin by the Critical Post - Chicago are indeed rather lengthy, so I jotted a few notes to designate what topics are covered in them:

Has a very interesting story about truth behind Benghazi

Has lengthy story in form of video interviews in 8 parts on the LV shooting/inverstigation. A 9th interview was done bringing us up to Current events in July.

Part 1: overview

Part 2: discussion of the resources at the command of the White Hat’s Paladin and the Chicago Crititcal Post supporting their efforts to report the news properly with integrity.
Gets into discussion of the LV event having to do with seeking to promote debate/discussion about firearms control/confiscation, multiple shooters confirmed, but details not completely nailed down. Estimates now are between 5-20 bad guys.
Motives - Soros and others sold or shorted stocks beforehand. If gun control/security increases were brought in, then those companies would benefit from such a false flag.
White Hat says from beginning something went wrong with the FF operation. In some ways appears to be a drill. Lots of contradictions. Was it a drill gone bad?
Do companies need to be investigated, ie stock sales, etc.? Also a discussion of the hiring of crisis actors for drill purposes and need to investigate that aspect as well. Not being able to rely on the info being released by LVPD per court order. Contradictory.
LV was originator of surveillance, yet we do not have the information that should be available… and solid ballistics not available. - Conclusion is that the narrative does not match the evidence.
Makes point that not only is the MSM obviously infiltrated, but many aspects of the alternative media have also been infiltrated. This network seeking to re-establish the integrity to be looked to as a source that has the expertise to be able to have technical abilities and discipline to truly perform investigative journalism.

Part 3: - Autopsies
In January - redacted ones were released. Used several autopsy facilities, some from outside the area. Chain of evidence discussion.
42 of 58 did not have proper tagging. Other problems with descriptions. 38 of 58 were fingerprinted. Some did not receive date of death, some did not get time of death. Other irregularities discussed. Only 25 of 58 did not have internal exams. Ie, not full exams. Rigor mortis - only half had it described. Most done within 72 hours or so. Rigor timing is questionable.

Part 4 - Paddock’s Autopsy
Eye color, hight, report varies with other descriptions from life. Date/Time of death irregularities. Paddock stated to be dead noon on 2nd, but other reports show he had to be dead on 1st. His ID confirmed by fingerprints - problem with that: supposedly had not had official fingerprints done. Why did they have fingerprints for match? Cremated the body. So chain and preservation of evidence has been destroyed.
Gets into discussion of Paddock’s death scene pix.

Part 5 - FIT Report, Preliminary,
81 pages, text, timelines, lists, and pix. (Force Investigation Team) - Officer involved shooting is why it is done by the Internal Affairs instead of the Homicide division.
Timeline discussion - room service receipts, check in times, receipts, baggage, valet, etc. He had 3 rooms at the Ogden (hotel). Rifle purchase time.
Victim names, locations in the venue.
Discussion/description of the hotel rooms, and evidence
Discussion of bullet strike on tank - some think impossible shot came from the Paddock location room 135/134. Some hold shots had to come from a lower elevation than Paddock’s room. But one of Paladin’s team indicates it could be possible to fire the tank shot from Paddock’s location.

Part 6 - Evidentiary releases.
Suits filed for the release of evidentiary results from Lombardo. He has been releasing info over past few months - various forms of evidence - 911 calls, radio traffic, police helicopter footage, etc.
Witness statements, body cam footage. Interviews of concert attendees, hotel employees, people who knew Paddock, Campos, Huber driver - drove Paddock. One lady alleges she saw Paddock in an IHOP talking with a middle eastern man about Ruby Ridge, taking away guns, and other such topics, but other witness reports show him somewhere else at that time. And other sightings reported.
Heli cam and some body cam images do not have time stamps. Some audio has been blanked out. Lots of redactions.

Part 7 - Paddock Family
Paladin and his team at White Hat have done a deep dive on that family. Father was a bank robber. Escaped from prison when Steven was small. Brothers traced and discussed in this clip. Steven grew up in LA County. Worked for PO and IRS. 1988 He started selling / investing real estate. Sharon and Peggy are the wives. Peggy still uses last name, and they find no record of divorce. He had plane license and plane. Peggy also had pilot license.
Narrative says they were divorced. She also was involved with him in real estate investments. Media camped out in front of her house after the LV event - sheriff deputy states that she had not had any contact with Steven since divorce. Other reports have her saying she had been in contact with him. Truth is yet to be determined.
Bruce Paddock’s interviews with Jim Breslow of Hidden Truth show Bruce was a mechanic.His statement all over the map. Owner of the garage he used found some of Bruce’s pedo/porno materials. Bruce arrested on 19 counts of pedophilia. Those 19 counts dropped (statute of limitations) - he was going to trial on another charge, but when it was supposed to go to trial, the charge was dropped. Paladin thinks they are trying to exercise leverage on Bruce, because that final charge could be resurrected at any time.
Discussion of other brothers’ activities. Not much info on brother Patrick Benjamin Paddock II. “Patrick Benjamin Paddock was an alias of Steve’s one of Paddock Sr’s boys is named for one of his aliases.

Part 8 - Court Cases
Mother waived her rights to Steve’s estate, so law suits arose. She stated she wanted the money to go to the victims. In the course of events, there was a subpoena to a bank for what was thought to hold a large account. The bank did not respond. The reason eventually was stated to be that the account was closed. Had thought initially his estate was 5 million down to the value of his two houses. Paladin states that the experts who give these estate estimates are not known to us. He had a lot of assets, but it doesn’t appear that those are being pursued and that the victims are basically being whickered out of the funds.
For some reason there is now a suit filed against the victims in federal court, based on a 911 safety act. Event has to be declared a terrorist attack to make that law activated. LVNPD tried to stress initially it was NOT a terrorist attack.
Paladin wonders if there will be a conclusion the end of the process if the event will be declared a “terrorist attack.”

Part 9 - Current status
Waiting for the Final report from LVNPD in August. The FBI report should be out by October.
He speculates that the FBI will portray Paddock as an “angry white man,” and we’ll hear a lot of psycho babble based on brain analysis etc.
Paladin states that Lombardo has done an excellent job at obscuring the evidentiary releases with redactions and confused details. Sometimes info released and then other relevant material to that release is released later. So you get incomplete data.... then weeks later more comes available, and have to wade through a huge pile of data to correlate.
There were two separated incidents: The concert venue/hotel Mandalay Bay was one, and the second simultaneous to that was located at Giles and Ali Baba. The second even was later on the strip.
Then there is radio traffic of reports of shots along the strip starting about 11:00 - AFTER the Mandalay/Giles events. 911 calls coming in indicate the callers are in hiding. So shooters are not at Mandalay/concert venue.
Strip was locked down until early the next morning. If Paddock, the threat, had been neutralized, why close down the strip? Businesses stood to lose a lot of money by not being open, and yet they weren’t.
They continue to track the law suits - especially the one where victims are being sued.
They are still awaiting the LVNPD’s and FBI’s reports.

1,519 posted on 08/21/2018 2:41:04 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; Wneighbor; mairdie; Swordmaker; ...

Transom Friend has been busy over past several days - as have I. She has chunked some wonderful gems over the transom at the Qanteen, and I have a respectable pile of them to disposition! I will endeavor to do a series of posts to share with you what our Transom Friend has found.

The first is an excellent argument to get out to vote: JUDGES. We knew that, but this story explains why it is so very crucial for this mid term election:
The ‘But Judges’ argument applies much more this election
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., kept the Senate in session this month with two goals in mind. First, he wanted to prevent vulnerable Democrats from getting out on the campaign trail. The longer they’re stuck in Washington, the less time they have to defend their records back home.
Second, he wanted to keep the judicial confirmations rolling, in spite of ongoing Democratic obstruction. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has been resourceful in using every possible tool to delay hearings and votes for as long as possible.

It isn’t hard to see why. Democrats are in a struggle for ideological survival, and it’s nobody’s fault but their own.

With their decision to invoke the “nuclear option” in November 2013, abolishing Senate filibusters against the confirmation of lower court judges, they actually did President Barack Obama little good. Yes, he was able to move a small number of appointees who were being blocked, but he had only a year after that to appoint judges before Republicans retook the Senate.

Beginning in 2015, McConnell shut Obama down as a means of punishing Senate Democrats’ nuclear stunt. The result was that Obama was only able to appoint the same number — almost the exact same number — of lower court judges as President George W. Bush had appointed.

Thus, although the nuclear option detonated three years before President Trump’s election, he is the first president who will truly benefit from it. He has a unique opportunity here that is a much bigger deal than many people realize — provided that conservatives get out and vote and Republicans keep the Senate this November.

With 24 confirmations so far, Trump is already setting a record pace in filling up the circuit courts of appeals — Obama only got to appoint 55 circuit court judges in his eight years. And the circuit courts decide the vast majority of the nation’s most controversial cases.

With the Senate’s help, Trump also has the opportunity going forward to fill the 180 current and future vacancies in the lower courts (20 of these are additional circuit court nominations), in addition to the many more seats that will open up as judges retire or pass away during the remainder of his presidency.

Although future presidents will have the same power to appoint and confirm with a simple Senate majority, Trump has a leg up on all of them. Here’s why: Like all Republican presidents, he will appoint judges who are less likely to retire when Democrats are serving as president. But because he is the first president in modern times to fill vacancies at the new, faster rate that the nuclear option allows, he will be effectively Democrat-proofing a larger portion of the judiciary than any of his Republican predecessors could have done.

A successful Trump presidency could thus significantly and for many years reduce the sort of goofy outcome-based reasoning on the courts that conservatives have long hated. It means that a greater share of the 874 judges in the federal judiciary will stick to interpreting the written and common law and the Constitution in their reasoning, rather than imposing arbitrary tests and rules and making up new rights on the spot in order to produce a specific outcome in a given case.

However, Republican efforts to restore the judiciary to sanity and the rule of law depend on conservatives getting out and voting this fall. If Republicans lose control of the Senate, Trump will have to spend the two years that follow cutting deals with Democrats to fill judicial vacancies — something he might end up all too willing to do. He may be forced to appoint several liberals to satisfy them. And if he refuses, they may even simply decide not to confirm any of his judges at all, as payback for Republicans blocking Merrick Garland.

For Republicans who support Trump wholeheartedly, the need to help his party maintain congressional power should be obvious. But even for those Republicans who have never warmed to Trump, and perhaps voted for him only with the deepest reluctance if at all. For them, the so-called “ But Judges” argument from 2016 applies much more clearly to a 2018 Senate race than it did to Trump’s election.

A Republican Senate majority after the coming midterm elections guarantees continued progress in pulling the judiciary back from an era of legal wackiness, grounding it once again in logic and law.

1,522 posted on 08/21/2018 2:46:45 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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This a very lengthy - but fascinating story about the Senate Intelligence Committee - and its corruption.

Because of its length, I will not seek to post the entire story, but will post a few excerpts:

“Adam Waldman is the lawyer/lobbyist for Oleg Deripaska, the Russian billionaire who appears to be a key background player in the 2016 DOJ/FBI scheme against presidential candidate Donald Trump.  Additionally, Waldman represents the U.S. interests of Christopher Steele, author of the Clinton-Steele Dossier that was used by the DOJ/FBI during their scheme against presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Waldman was also the person in contact with corrupt Senate Intelligence Committee vice-chairman Mark Warner early in 2017 when the ‘insurance policy’ was deployed against newly elected President Donald Trump.  As discovered in text messages, Waldman was the liaison, the person providing plausible deniability, between Senator Warner, Christopher Steele and Oleg Deripaska….”

“…Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has requested testimony from Mr. Waldman surrounding his contacts and engagements throughout the 2016/2017 operation to undermine and remove President Donald Trump.  In a response letter released today (full pdf below) lawyers representing Mr. Waldman are trying to keep their client from forced testimony; and it appears likely he is remaining outside of the country to avoid being captured in the investigative net….”

“…Adam Waldman was representing Oleg Deripaska’s interests in the U.S. to politicians and officials. In May of 2018, John Solomon was contacted by Adam Waldman with a story about how the FBI contacted Deripaska for help in their Trump Russia investigation in September of 2016.
Keep in mind, this is Waldman contacting Solomon with a story.
Waldman told Solomon a story about how his client Oleg Deripaska was approached by the FBI in September of 2016 and asked for help with information about Paul Manafort and by extension Donald Trump. Within the backstory for the FBI and Deripaska was a prior connection between Robert Mueller and Deripaska in 2009….”


“…Deripaska once hired Manafort as a political adviser and invested money with him in a business venture that went bad. Deripaska sued Manafort, alleging he stole money. However, according to the article, despite Deripaska’s disposition toward Manafort he viewed the request as absurd. He laughed the FBI away, telling them: “You are trying to create something out of nothing.”
This story, as told from the perspective of Adam Waldman -Deripaska’s lawyer/lobbyist- is important because it highlights a connection between Robert Mueller and Oleg Deripaska; a connection Mueller and the DOJ/FBI never revealed on their own….”


“…The FBI used Oleg Deripaska (source), and Oleg Deripaska used the FBI (visa).
Here’s where it gets interesting….
In that May article John Solomon reports that Deripaska wanted to testify to congress last year (2017), without any immunity request, but was rebuked. Who blocked his testimony?…”


“…However, based on their ongoing contact and relationship Deripaska’s lawyer, Adam Waldman, asks Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chair Mark Warner for feedback.
Oleg Deripaska was blocked from testifying to congress. Now, it was obviously not from the HPSCI (Nunes Committee), but rather by the Senate Intel Committee, via Vice-Chair Senator Mark Warner. Oh yes, THAT Senator Mark Warner again….”


“…Guess who else must be controlled and/or kept away from congress?
Julian Assange.
Assange has evidence the Russians didn’t hack the DNC….”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And it continues for several more pages - Quite an amazing summary of some of the things that are being brought into the light! Thanks, Transom Friend!

1,528 posted on 08/21/2018 3:18:39 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; Wneighbor; mairdie; Swordmaker; ...

Here is another fun one from Transom Friend:

(I intended to ping the above people to my post 1528 - oops!)

I appears JOE DiGENOVA is BUSY!

Joe DiGenova: Process is underway declassifying documents
By Thomas Lifson

Former US Attorney for DC Joseph DiGenova is one of the smartest, most energetic, and clearest-thinking lawyers on the conservative side. He knows what he is talking about, and he doesn’t mince words. The video of him speaking for 12 minutes with Howie Carr on Carr’s Newsmax TV show, embedded below, is must-watch material, and well worth the twelve minutes it will take.

The first thing that DiGenova does is bust wide open the Russia Collusion fantasy and re-frame the issue as a conspiracy against President Trump, a theory explaining the events of the past two years with far better evidence than the theory that President Trump is a pawn of Putin. But then he gets into explaining what is underway beneath the surface: the process of declassifying documents that implicate the cabal is underway, based on hints that DiGenova has picked up from his many contacts.

I would bet a substantial amount of money that Joe knows exactly what he is talking about. My assumption all along has been that President Trump has a strategy for countering the cabal and has been handing them rope with which to hang themselves once he exercises his authority to declassify information that has been so far kept from the public. The confident attitudes and body language we see from Trump defenders with access to classified material, people like Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, and Matt Gaetz, suggests that Joe’s scenario is very likely to play out.

Watch and enjoy:

1,529 posted on 08/21/2018 3:21:31 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; Wneighbor; mairdie; Swordmaker; ...

This is another interesting story thrown over the Qanteen Transom, but because of the subject matter, (religious/RC subject matter) and the need to safeguard the thread from deep discussions on that subject matter, I will post only the link, and an opening excerpt. Those interested have the option of pursuing it on their own and in FReepMail.


By Monica Showalter

“I am sure the Holy Father means well, and I am sure he is doing the best he can with his limited socialist background. But his letter to the faithful on the massive Church scandal out of just Pennsylvania alone leaves a lot to be desired….”


1,532 posted on 08/21/2018 3:26:58 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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To: ransomnote; Cats Pajamas; greeneyes; bagster; generally; Wneighbor; mairdie; Swordmaker; ...

I don’t know if Transom Friend stays up all night reading, or what, but she threw another link at me - (actually several - but I picked only one) - which identifies the source of “Pee Pee gate:

BINGO: Russian Escort Says She Gave Recordings of Deripaska Discussing 2016 Election Back To Deripaska….

Posted on August 20, 2018 by sundance

This is VERY interesting, actually a MASSIVE FIND by Ziiggii, and simultaneously an apropos signal of the collapsing narrative.

Back in March 2018, CNN was giddy about a Russian prostitute arrested in Thailand named Anastasia Vashukevich; who claimed to have evidence of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.  CNN framed the prostitute story around a possibility that her claims would back-up the ridiculous Trump ‘hookers’ angle in the Steele dossier.

CNN even sent Ivan Watson to Thailand to interview Ms. Vashukevich in the hopes that she could validate the “hookers” and “pee-tapes” material that was in the Steele dossier.
Well, it turns out the recordings Ms. Vashukevich was promoting/leveraging, were actually recordings of Oleg Deripaska; and, at his request she returned them to him. News today:

 “ Vashukevich told The Associated Press that she had turned over audio recordings to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, whose conversations about election interference she claimed to have taped.
She has said she provided “escort” services to Deripaska, who is close to Russian President Vladimir Putin and who has links to Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager now being tried in the United States on money laundering and other charges.

Speaking to an AP reporter in the courtroom in Pattaya, Vashukevich said she had promised Deripaska she would no longer speak on the matter, and that he had already promised her something in return for not making that evidence public. …“

This is HUGE.

Because everyone was wondering how the salacious and ridiculous Russian “hookers” and “pee tapes” story went into the Steele Dossier.  Well, in recent discoveries, including text message and emails between DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele, it was uncovered that Christopher Steele was representing Oleg Deripaska; and was also likely employed (at least in part) by Oleg Deripaska.

It now stands as a virtual certainty that Deripaska was the source of those ridiculous claims that Steele put into the dossier….”


[look to the headline above for the punchline!...or to the article itself for more detail!]

1,533 posted on 08/21/2018 3:35:53 PM PDT by TEXOKIE
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We Will reclaim, if we wish, the color RED!


I second that. (Especially since red is my favorite color.)

1,623 posted on 08/22/2018 8:02:57 AM PDT by Bigg Red (The USA news industry, the MSM-13, takes a machete to the truth. {h/t TigersEye})
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