Yes, their owlgorithm (Al Gore rhythm? ha)!
Yes, their owlgorithm (Al Gore rhythm? ha)!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You have a really bent mind, eldoradude. Bless you! LOL!
As funny/punny as it is, though, IT’S THERE.
(Al Gore invented the internet, you know.)
So, here is something I would be interested in hearing opinions on.
We know from reading the Wolfe indictment that the FBI had him dead to rights for lying on Dec 15. They started the interview by having him read statements about conversations and connections with reporters, answer them yes or no, and initial them.
They ended the conversation with him admitting he had lied, and that yes he had talked to all these reporters and yes he was banging the one reporter.
So, why did they take six ADDITIONAL months to make this case public? The grand jury indcitments were handed down in early May, what were they doing for those five months, and what were the doing since May that required the indictments to be sealed.
If it is as simple a case of lying to the FBI and leaking to the news, what else is there to investigate. He’s guilty as hell, according to the affidavit he even admitted he lied by the end of the interview.
What other loose ends were the FBI investigating? Were they considering sweeping it under the rug, but they suddenly in May decided to bring charges?
The time line doesn’t make sense to me.
Speculate away? What do you think is going on?