no intiendo nada en espanol
Pick one.
Is the store responsible for what employees say to each other? Is sexual harassment still a concern? Are they supposed to ensure there’s no hate speech?
If that is the case, then certainly is reasonable to require employees to communicate in a common language so that all can understand (including management) what is being said and correct those issues as they appear.
Personally, I’m all for this lawsuit. Say that the store has no control over the method of communication between employees and also with customers. Indemnify them from any and all future lawsuits based on the theory that they should take corrective action over abusive or harassing language in the workplace.
Because it is absolutely an undue burden to require management to monitor conversations in up to a hundred different languages.
Now just for one rational judge to take a brave stand. Ask the question: Does the government no longer consider harassment in the workplace to be an issue that they are willing to make management deaf to the conversations employees are having by allowing them to use whatever language they choose?
Unfortunately the US does not have an official language. Many states presumably not Cal, have identified English as their official language.
“The conduct violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the EEOC said.”
The current EEOC may be wrong.
“The official language of the United States is ENGLISH.”
There is no official language of the United States. There have arisen movements to make English the official language, but so far they’ve not met with success.
I have a pseudo-friend (was a ‘friend’ until he got what he needed from me) who was born in Mexico, and lives in San Diego. He is definitively anti-American, but benefits from US taxpayer money - including large US government grants. When the first World Trade Center attack occurred, his response was to comment that America was getting back what it was doing to others. He has benefited enormously from the US, and although he is a Mexican-trained MD, from a Mexican family of professionals, he does not practice medicine in Mexico - although he laments about the problems faced by the Mexican people. In short, he's a hypocrite. The American people are, in general, extremely giving and charitable, but are taken advantage of by those who hate them.
Nowadays in stores there is more Spanish being spoken clerk to customer than English sometimes. The clerks all speak Spanish to the Hispanic customers. English only speakers feel like we are in a foreign country. I need to learn Spanish.
It is insulting, disrespectful and demeaning to have co-workers speaking to each other in another language. It is meant to exclude and isolate.
I had it happen to me in 2014 and I complained. They cut it out....and this was a government office!
Thank you for mentioning the etiquette angle of this.
It used to be understood that it is RUDE to speak in a manner that might be hiding something from others in earshot. IOW, speaking a foreign language or whispering.
Now, no one cares about how insecure that makes others feel.
Hell, they could be plotting your murder right in front of you!
It creates a hostile workplace when workers shield their talk from co-workers. Gossip, slurs, harassment, and more are obscured from review by leadership.
It’s been brought up about Vietnamese staff at my job.
Patriots are reminded that states have never expressly constitutionally delegated to the feds the specific power to dictate policy for INTRAstate labor issues.
In fact, previous generations of state sovereignty-respecting Supreme Court justices have clarified that powers not expressly constitutionally delegated are prohibited.
"From the accepted doctrine that the United States is a government of delegated powers, it follows that those not expressly granted, or reasonably to be implied from such as are conferred, are reserved to the states, or to the people. To forestall any suggestion to the contrary, the Tenth Amendment was adopted. The same proposition, otherwise stated, is that powers not granted are prohibited [emphasis added]. United States v. Butler, 1936.
In other words, the corrupt, post-17th Amendment ratification, post-FDR era Congress established the EEOC with no express constitutional authority to do so imo, the EEOC probably established to win votes from low-information voters who have probably never been taught about the fed's constitutionally limited powers.
So not only is Congress effectively nullifying voting power by front-ending legislative powers with non-elected bureaucrats, but the legislative / regulatory power that the EEOC is exercising is actually stolen state powers.
Corrections, insights welcome.
Its up to patriots to support Pres. Trump with a Congress in the 2018 midterm elections that is willing to support him in draining the swamp.
I guess Hispanics are different in Texas.
A few years ago at work, there were 2 Hispanics talking about baseball to each other (totally unrelated to work), struggling a bit with their English. I said something like, “hey guys, it’s ok to talk Spanish to each other for non-work stuff”. One of them turned to me and said something like, “we’re at work in America, we talk English here”.
What next? Air Traffic Controllers who don’t speak English? How far are we going to go to accommodate lazy immigrants who think we should cater to their customs, instead of the other way around?
I don’t deal with them...I just say, “Does anyone speak English here?”. Even when I call user support, or any office, and there is a thick accent I can hardly decipher, I ask for someone who speaks better English.
When the Air Force shipped me to Germany, back in the 60’s, we had a full orientation meeting where they emphasized that WE, the Americans, are the foreigners when we go to Germany, and to act accordingly.
We should require the same courtesy here.
Americans speak, read and write in ENGLISH.
Anything else should be considered subversive and anti-American.
The unintended consequences of failing to make English the Official Language of the USA.