The aggregators are hardcoded on the tripcode and the /boardname/
The aggregators can't predict new tripcodes or new /boardnames/ in advance, so have to adjust the aggregating program to the new circumstances.
Not a glitch, just the way things work.
Can you provide a link to a known good site. One of them is throwing exploits. is fine, but it’s got the old trip code.
Thanks for clarification.I’m glad to know that.
In ignorant layman’s terms, believe it or not, all of those things go under the general heading of “glitch.” As in, “it ain’t working - therefore it is a glitch!”
I really did know I was inadequate to the task (being an ignorant person myself in this area) to explain to non-ignorant people’s satisfaction what the situation is!
They are all scrambling to add the new Trip Code to their aggregator algorithm. It's bound to take some time first to notice the change and then add the new Trip Code as well as keep the old one.