Posted on 04/30/2018 7:01:38 PM PDT by ransomnote
This thread is a friendly collaborative place for FReepers to analyze information and share opinons. FReepers have a wide variety of reasons for investigating Q Anon content; this is not the appropriate place to criticize or badger those who choose to use some of their time in this manner.
If you are new to Q Anon, the three links below provide overviews to help answer the questions, "Who is Q?" and "Why read Q drops?".
Q Anon: A Freeper's post re the "new Parallel Construct that Trump has created"
First post to Q ping list. Please read and let me know if you want off or on it
You can locate Q Anon threads by searching the key word "Qanon" using the search window in the upper right of Free Republic's forum page.
If you haven't seen it yet, President John F. Kennedy's excellent speech regarding secret societies, as well as comments about the press, is located at the following link:
A helpful FReeper passed along the following link to a group that goes live on Youtube when Q drops are released. Each live stream video remains active as long as they have new insights or information or guests to share information. You can look for any live stream videos in progress or recordings of their prior videos at the link:
The following link displays President Trump's tweets and Q Anon drops in one table in chronological order:
Q "drops" (i.e., posts) can be read with their original formatting on various websites. Sometimes the Q drop websites come under cyber attack or stop updating. This week, I've been using the following link:
Q drops (i.e., posts) often use unfamiliar acronyms. Swordmaker maintains a list of acronym definitions to help FReepers understand Q drop text. The master list of acronyms is stored on Swordmaker's profile page. It's really great to have a convenient place to find definitions and explanations of terms used in the drops. Here is the link:
Within our threads, Swordmaker posts updates featuring the latest terms added to the lexicon - you can find his updates on threads by looking for this silver Q graphic:
SkyPilot has been collecting Q Anon information into one interesting, detailed, "story of Q" post which I'll place here:
Here's a handy link for those who would like to read what people on Twitter are Tweeting about Q Anon:
Click to read what Tweeters are saying about Q Anon
For those who want a little uplifting video which outlines the big picture that we are now striving for, here's a video from 2016 in which candidate Donald Trump outlines what he wants for Americans and America and his promises if elected.
This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected
If you'd like to communicate your support for President Trump's efforts to "red-pill" Americans, you may want to use the link Hoosiermama posted which provides you with and email page - you can send the president an email. Here's the link:
Email support for President Trump
I like how you’re thinking here. Where is that list anyway?
Being a YUGE tennis fan, I was thinking that might be Dick Enberg instead of that sword-swallower.
might be better. LOL.
I must have been offline, composing and/or researching -- or was "stutter-scrolling" -- but, I missed that particular "MOAB" Qdrop...
Would you please share the Qdrop # -- or provide a link to it?
We can double date. You can have Dick, and I'll take the sword swallower.
(do you see what I did there?)
IMO, ‘One Second After’ was a brilliant ploy to strike fear into people and force them to grovel in the face of certain destruction if there’s an EMP. An entertaining and clever story, but I suspect things would be less severe over a shorter time span, limited to dense, urban areas full of ferals.
Those of us who had grandparents born in the 19th century, parents who survived the depression and who, ourselves, prep for various disasters or live in the sticks and experience power outages in bad weather would figure things out.
Even progs prep.
For sure, grant me some space, please. Being a Bengal fan is painful.
Our double date is cancelled.
Now I must take a bath in Clorox.
I SWEAR!!!!!
Break time.
Soooo....there will only be us three?
Right on, Bagster. I have been paying close attention to this for almost half a century. My life experiences jive with your conclusion. My 91 year old mother agrees with us. It is crystal clear for me. Keep on.
A post of note, everyone. This level of “gender confusion” hasn’t happened to baggy since he admitted to being in full support of Bruce Jenner...
...back in the Olympics.
[insert Greg Louganis joke HERE]
[insert Mark Spitz joke HERE]
I guess so. You, me and Dick. We'll get a booth. You and Dick on one side. :)
Everyone needs air intakes and air exchange. Hikers stumble over vents all the time.
In my area, we’ve had waves of various dooms-dayers buy land, attempt redoubts and finally leave. Farmers are very savvy & creative. The old knowledge still exists and along with that, knowledge of modern materials and systems. There are more than a few vehicles and farm equipment still running out here that pre-date even oldsters like myself.
Besides GPR, LIDAR and night vision, there are portable EMP devices that will take out isolated bunkers. Only idiots place all their faith in gold and currency. They make fun of us as the people who go into service. What do they think our troops learn there, besides valuable traits like discipline and survival? And what sorts are likeliest to pick up demolition skills?
Out of their element, deprived of their bunkers and power, the globalists will be like a snail without a shell, meaning soft, defensless slugs.
Q:”These people are stupid.”
Report: Kim Jong Un agrees to meet at inter-Korean zone for talks with Trump - Breitbart via @BreitbartNews
May 1 (UPI) South Korean President Moon Jae-in has reportedly convinced North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to hold his summit meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump at the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between the two Koreas, otherwise known as the village of Panmunjom, CNN reported Tuesday.
According to the U.S. broadcaster, a source with deep knowledge on North Korea said it is likely that the summit the first ever between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader would likely take place on the Norths side of the inter-Korean truce village.
This would provide a historic opportunity for Trump, as well as make logistic sense for Kim, the source said, adding that the media facilities and equipment from the recent inter-Korean summit would also be used for the subsequent U.S.-North Korea talks...ONLY part of the article by UPI
End of free association; this is a family show.
Where’s the next drop?
I think of Q as more like a laser pointer. And I don’t mean using it to distract a cat. I mean pointing at precision data points and letting the crowd fill in the blanks.
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