If you’ve bound yourself hand and foot, how do you hang yourself? Naked and gagged is details, but the fundamental question remains. It’s like shooting yourself in the head, twice.
This always seemed like murder and retribution for the apparent accidental death of the kid. Will be interesting to hear how she managed to hang herself in the manner described.
“was found hanging naked, gagged and bound hand and foot “
Obviously suicide (/sarc).
How stupid were these “investigators”?
From the very first the whole affair has been weird
So if her footprints were the only ones found in the room how did the guy walk in to the room, lift her dead body back through the second story window and into the room without leaving footprints of his own?
And how did he manage to pull her body up by the rope without leaving any of his own DNA on the rope?
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel no doubt concurs with that finding. Clear suicide, no need to look for a criminal.
Somebody needs to roto-rooter the California court system.
Somebody’s bank account got a whole lot bigger.
Hmmm. Bet the Lying of Broward could solve this!
It happened at the Spreckles Mansion in Coronado, CA. You should see the pictures of that beautiful old beach front mansion next to the Hotel Del Coronado. Now it is a beautiful old beach front haunted house.
The pharma exec’s kid was thrown over the balcony and then two days later his lady friend was found hanging bound and gagged. There is something going on with that brother and the pharma exec is probably going to go the same way after the rest of the heirs are taken care of.
Sheriff Bill Gore
Ruby Ridge: San Diego Sheriff Candidate approved "shoot to kill ...
As I recall, they killed her dog first, and then her.
Either an outright kidnapping/murder, or a kinky time gone bad.
The dead woman then apparently got up, got the nail file and stored it neatly back in her purse that was in the car.
I didn't buy that one either.
Just no way to tell. She’s oriental which is already inscrutable. She’s in California. And the family is very wealthy.
Three kinds of crazy going on there.
If you can’t figure out how to bound yourself hand and foot then hang yourself you shouldn’t be reading this article...