Posted on 04/17/2017 10:45:52 AM PDT by LTC.Ret
Quote the article: "Prosecutors in Belgium have recently announced that executives with pharmaceutical companies based in the country will be charged with knowingly providing drug cartels with prescription drugs that were used to manufacture methamphetamine. . . . accused of providing the Mexican drug kingpin Ezio Figueroa Vazquez with several tons of ephedrine . . . seven executives who were charged with crimes . . . company made two shipments of two million pills containing pseudoephedrine in 2006 . . . big pharma drug Adderall is nearly identical to crystal meth . . .the only place to get massive quantities of a substance like ephedrine would be a pharmaceutical company . . . they are making millions of dollars on the deal."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This story is right out of “Breaking Bad”. Which is must see tv.
And they check my ID and write my name in a book when I need a few measly pills for cold relief.
Unless and until the demand for such mind emptying drug abuse is addressed, all this prohibition will be in vain.
Madrigal Electromotive.
The practical upshot, as it has been for years, will be that needed uses of the drugs will be increasingly hard to approve, while the leaks to abuse will continue at maddening levels.
If I make baseball bats, I’m not responsible for the people who use them to mug other people.
Mexican Meth is killing Americans and wreaking havoc throughout our country. I don’t see a lot of difference between selling the Cartels pseudoephedrine in 2017 and selling bullets to the Germans in 1941.
Concur. Loved that show.
I’ll remember this story when people express surprise & dismay when I refuse to kneel before our corporate overlords.
I wonder if the Big Pharma companies are breaking any laws?
Certainly a Libertarian would argue that Big Pharma should have a legal right to provide ingredients to the Cartels; but that’s to be expected from those types.
It won’t be long before drug laws are relaxed enough so that Mexican Cartels like Sinoloa will be decent respectable tax paying corporations here in the US.
An ample supply and a blind eye has a way of creating its own demand.
Meanwhile, various laws restrict the amounts of cough syrup, et al. that we can purchase.
The analogy would be more of a match if the Germans were using the bullets in 1941 to commit suicide, instead of using them to shoot foreigners and citizens of their own country they considered “undesirable”.
It has gotten so out of hand that, at some stores, they put all antihistamines behind the counter - even those without pseudoephedrine. I have pointed out to store staff how ridiculous that is but they don't care (nor do I expect them, to). But it is stupid, nonetheless.
hated it- grossly over acted and over dramatized-
I have been saying, and will continue to say, that if you want to save lives, we should be droning the Cartels, not ISIL.
95 People a day die from Opiod abuse, and a bunch more die from Meth.
That is a lot more every year than we lose through terrorism. And the money saved will be felt right at home. The return on investment from your average drone strike would be massive.
Try Better Call Saul.
Its funnier.
The chemicals in the Manzanillo raid had been manufactured by a company in China.Precursors bound for Mexico have also been manufactured as far afield as Iraq, India and the Central African Republic, according to the International Narcotics Control Board.
The chemicals are often imported by seemingly legitimate front companies, making the search more difficult. In April, the U.S. Treasury blacklisted 12 companies in Mexico it accused of bringing in precursors to make meth.
Mexican meth production goes on speed
Phil's footnote: For years stories emerge of tons of Chinese precursors flowing to Mexican superlabs for trade extending into CONUS. Examples of DOJ/DEA collusion "for intelligence" with cartels abound.
Orders from corporate headquarters, no doubt.
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