I specifically typed in $25.00 and click "no" for recurring. and they charged my credit card $100. I didn't check my charges on my credit card until today and was shocked to find a $100 donation. The credit card representative told me she had another customer who had the same problem. Just a warning to all, be careful. I thought it odd, that I didn't receive an email thanking me for the contribution, but then I rarely make them to politicians.
Had I been more careful and read that before, I would not have donated.
Has anyone else had that problem?
Please only give to direct organizations. Marketers can receive as much as 60% of your donation. Everyone should do their homework before giving.
Trump’s donation site has no $25 designation: https://secure.donaldjtrump.com/donate-homepage/?amount=150&utm_campaign=djt_website_donate&utm_source=website&utm_medium=web&utm_content=top_nav
Donate directly to Trump through his website. I’ve never had an issue.
Donate directly to Trump through his website. I’ve never had an issue.
Call your credit card company and have them stop the re-occurring payment...or just STFU.
Our country and, by association, the effing world hangs in the balance.
Payup, tightwad.;-)
Joking aside, send donations directly to Trump as his website.
No. donated about ten times, varying amounts, and no problem.
I donated a days pay to the Trump campaign and had no problems. #DayForDonald
No. Have you contacted the Trump people about it?
Same outfit called me last week. Woman was reading from a script. When I said no thanks....she proceeded to tell me Trump has not asked for donations, yadda, yadda. To which I said....”So why in the hell are you contacting me, then?”
*dial tone*
Suck it up. You're helping to make America great again!
Have you contacted the site to find out what is going on and to get a refund?
I have donated 5 times and never a problem.
Nope, but check the statement itself. There was a time Trump was matching, or doubling donations so that it might show up as more. Don’t know if that’s the case.
Don’t contribute at any site but his site, www.donaldjtrump.com/
That sounds fishy, because the credit card company would never tell you any history of other customers.
But it could be just a keyboard error, and all you have to do is dispute the charge. It is easy for someone to make a keyboard error on 1 or 2 while processing hundreds of thousands of transactions.
Heck, I even had the credit card company reverse charges by an airline for what I disputed was excessive bag charge of $50.
Tell your credit company to cancel the charge.
Then, only donate at the Trump website.
Always print the form for your files and future disputes.