“Im thinking of starting the school year immediately...”
Planning to crank up the Big Generator with D2 and D3 starting August 8th using history as the “spine” (a la Tapestry of Grace, Vol 2: 475AD to 1800AD). Learning from earlier efforts, I’m upping the structure with these two.
Sent D1 to DFW yesterday to hang out with daughters of good friends for a week before she starts “real school” on August 10th. New charter. Performing Arts focus. Usual subjects through the morning hours (8am to noon-ish) then the student’s conservatory of choice until 4:15pm. UNLESS said student is cast in the school production for the semester in which case they are not “done” until past 6pm.
Found this cool flight tracker website so I could coordinate with friends waiting at the other end regarding changes to projected arrival time and gate assignment. Feel free to geek out over it. This was the actual flight:
Got the round trip OAK-DFW and back for ~$260 on Spirit.
Check ‘em out if you’re not averse to a la carte pricing structures and somewhat off-hours flight times.
Good price on the flight. I dream of structure. Maybe someday, when the first six have graduated ...
There are a couple of charter schools opening in this area, but they ask a lot of parents in terms of time commitment, and really limit one’s freedom, with their schedules and all.
Last day of Frank and Kathleen’s swimming lessons. Next week, a group goes to Pamlico Seabase for a week. They’ll return with D2, who’s been working at camp all summer and is supposed to be Ecology Area Director next summer (requiring more training and stuff, but will look good when she applies to a forestry program as a college junior).
Wow. That IS cool. That could be addicting...