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Orlando Man Charged With Punching Swan in Head During Incident at Downton Lake
NBC Miami ^
| Jun 27, 2016
Posted on 06/27/2016 11:34:50 PM PDT by nickcarraway
A 59 year old man was arrested Sunday evening as he punched a swan in front of two off-duty police officers.
According to Orlando NBC affiliateWESH-TV, two members of the Orlando Police Department were watching a swan and her babies along Lake Eola. At that point, Sor Velez walked between the officers and the mother swan.
The swan reached up toward Velez in what officers describe to be an effort to defend her babies. Velez then walked away, only to turn back around and punch the swan in the head before trying to run away.
He was caught by the off-duty officers, who called OPD to report the incident. Velez pled no contest to a charge of endangering wildlife on public property and was sentenced to 10 days in jail.
TOPICS: Local News; Pets/Animals
KEYWORDS: cygnets; floriduh; gtfo; mexican; mexicrime; mexicriminal; sorvelez; swan
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To: Paladin2
Had a couple swans in a local pond. The children in the area carried big sticks to protect themselves while waiting for the bus.
They're crazy critters and they attack for absolutely no reason.
To: nickcarraway
posted on
06/28/2016 5:25:57 AM PDT
mountn man
(The Pleasure You Get From Life, Is Equal To The Attitude You Put Into It)
To: Paladin2; Daffynition
Velez then walked away, only to turn back around and punch the swan in the head Swans are not very friendly.<<<
It was an ugly swan anyway..
posted on
06/28/2016 5:26:09 AM PDT
(All who mourn the destruction of America merit the celebration of her rebirth.)
To: nickcarraway
“Those swans will really get after you”...Frank Beamer
Background: Frank said this about every opponent when he was coaching.
posted on
06/28/2016 5:28:53 AM PDT
(If you really want to irritate someone, point out something obvious they are trying hard to ignore.)
To: skr
Some humans can be just plain damned mean. - No care for
any thing or anybody else. (The swan now has to provide
for her young injured; AND she will. Some animals are
far superior to some human ASSES.)
posted on
06/28/2016 6:14:34 AM PDT
(Cowards die a thousand deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.)
To: mountn man
posted on
06/28/2016 6:27:35 AM PDT
Don W
( When blacks riot, neighborhoods and cities burn. When whites riot, nations and continents burn)
To: nickcarraway
...Velez pled no contest to a charge of endangering wildlife on public property and was sentenced to 10 days in jail.Couldn't help but notice that he wasn't charged with playing "Knock out Whitey" game.
posted on
06/28/2016 6:34:45 AM PDT
(Men are liars who refuse them news, and by fools who cannot govern. " Chesterton)
To: nickcarraway
Animal cruelty is a Mexican habit.
posted on
06/28/2016 7:03:14 AM PDT
(Obama, the most unAmerican President in history)
To: nickcarraway
was sentenced to 10 days in jail. That seems excessive, especially since it sounds like the swan started it.
posted on
06/28/2016 8:08:29 AM PDT
(And the trees are all kept equal by hatchet, ax and saw)
To: nickcarraway
The swan reached up toward Velez in what officers describe to be an effort to defend her babies. Reached up? What does THAT mean? She tried to bite him? Swans can take quite a chunk out of you.
Velez then walked away, only to turn back around and punch the swan in the head before trying to run away.
He walked away but was still close enough to punch the swan in the head? Was the swan chasing him?
posted on
06/28/2016 8:15:18 AM PDT
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Proud Infidel, Gun Nut, Religious Fanatic and Freedom Fiend)
To: Pelham
The ChiComs are MUCH worse!
posted on
06/28/2016 10:20:05 AM PDT
To: EEGator
Haha.. You beat me to it.
posted on
06/28/2016 4:38:55 PM PDT
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