TRANSLATION: “I can’t do algebra, so nobody should be allowed to do algebra.”
Hard to even begin to imagine how training minds with algebra could be bad thing.
Maybe check out Danica Mckellar books on math.
Lets us all just be STOOPID and sit on our a$$es collecting our gummint bennies.
I simply tell the young ‘uns that the more math they know, the less that people will be able to trick them.
I was chatting yesterday with a math teacher. She had a terrible time in grade school learning math and now she teaches it. hmmm. I remember having an aptitude. In 6th grade, I was the only one who “got” long division. Probably they don’t even teach it any more. When I say I was the only one, I’m including the teacher. It was also the only class where I experienced corporal punishment. I think that there might have been a connection. Even so I ended up maxing out my private high school’s math classes when I was a junior - trig and pre-calc. Sadly, no one encouraged me to continue with math and I quizzed out of having to take any in college.
A. Hacker
That would certainly keep the population as stupid as possible so that socialism becomes easier. And with the freed up time in school kids could learn more about socialism and homosexuality.
No AlGebra = No SelfConfidence for Islam
I loved math until I hit calculus. It was years before I finally figured it out on my own, and realized that my math professor sucked. Good math teachers are crucial.
Electrical engineers didn’t like mathematicians teaching partial differential equations.
Algebra trains the mind to think logically. Even something like “if a=b and b=c then a=c” causes headaches for the “no right or wrong, just choices” community. Theorems are anathema to their utopia.
this is idiotic algebra is the basis of going on to learning Computer logic and code the concept of a variable placeholder
I know when I was first exposed to Algebra I was completely perplexed by the concept of something like A=1.
Lets start by considering math majors in college. Except for the best of the best, its been my experience that most 3rd or 4th year math majors dont understand half the stuff theyve studied, nor do they have any notion as to how deeply connected the different branches of math truly are.
Okay -- the problem I would like to see solved is that the cashier at the supermarket is flummoxed when my bill comes to $90.25 and I hand then $100 bill and a quarter. They don't know what to do. Thinking deeply about 3rd year math majors is NOT the place to start solving this deficiency.
And this:
Imagine 4th graders being taught why time slows down for people who move relative to us.
Why THE HELL is anyone considering teaching Einstein's Theory of Relativity to 4th graders. This -- THIS -- is why 9-year-olds decide that they cannot ever understand math.
Well why not get rid of algebra anyway - we’ve gotten rid of history and social studies neither of which made kids feel good about themselves and girls are reputed to be math challenged so let’s just teach the good stuff like welfare studies, social justice and the like.
By extension, ‘logic’ or logical thinking also out.
Math is truth and logic. Learning algebra is acquisition of these skills. Music as well as astronomy, for instance, are math in motion. Grammar is algebraic. The government school system leeches logic out of kids. Any idiot baby boomer who sent their kids to be brainwashed in these institutions, who trusted tgeseinstitutions is responsible for the idiocy running this country. I sent my kids to government school for one year so they could get a cultural education - to find out the insanity they’re going to have to live with
A couple of saws ago I needed to get a zip tie for a 5” pipe. Sure was glad I had that little diameter x pi thingy in the back of my brain...