To: trisham
Not much. That’s why I pretty much quit starting seeds. But If I ever do, then I’ll probably just cover them with row covers, so that the air and sunshine can sort of get through, until for sure good weather, and I won’t have to uncover and cover them daily. Like I said. Lazy way or no way for me. LOL
20 posted on
04/29/2016 2:57:53 PM PDT by
(Moderation in defense of your country is NO virtue. Le//t Freedom Ring.)
To: greeneyes
It’s always a challenge here in New England. Whenever I order plants, no matter what the source, they always claim I’m in zone 6. Don’t I wish!
25 posted on
04/29/2016 3:02:53 PM PDT by
(Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.)
To: greeneyes
A very beneficial treatment on trans planted plants is to use chic grit in the mix.
Available from Orschelins...
58 posted on
04/29/2016 7:13:29 PM PDT by
Eric in the Ozarks
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