I would like to see the future of Mr Torres JD, and the name calling turd from harvard soon to be lawyer.
On one hand I think that offering citizenship to those who have served honorably is a worthwhile endeavor. On the other hand, this could lead to a military made up almost exclusively of foreign fighters and this is very dangerous.
Anybody know what the hell “law” he’s talking about? There isn’t any “law” in this country anymore. If there was, he wouldn’t have been here in the first place.
Things would be a lot better if only veterans were allowed full citizenship or voting rights.
I wonder if had access to classified material and other NOFORN material.
As much as I have sympathy for his individual case, I don't think he should have been given citizenship and allowed back into the US. It sets a bad precedent.
Well the current POTUS has a counterfeit birth certificate, forged selective service registration and has multiple social security numbers that were never issues to him and few, especially Congress seem to care about that.....
As the military slashes personnel under obama - there is no need for illegals to take the place of a US citizens
DITTO....those that serve, except mussies, have proven their metal.
But, he served, as a United States Marine, in combat, and very well, too.
I lean towards forgiveness and acceptance.
Well done, Marine.
The biggest problem with any kind of immigration is that people want to come to the USA because it is a better place to live, but then they think trying to make it more like the place they came from will improve it.
Savage has it right on this: borders, language, culture.
Unfortunately, this will have to be a motto for whatever nation rises from the ash heap of this once great nation.
Aren’t foreigners allowed to serve ? I though that was how Arnold gained citizenship, by joining the US Army, in Europe.
I know some Fillipinos who say they got their citizenship by serving in the US Navy.
I understand the problem with falsification, clearly a separate issue.
Thanks, to all.