We seem to have gotten above average snow here in the Colorado Rockies. Forcast is for two feet more this weekend.
El Niño was a flop, sooooo Plan B.
The Sun along with El Nino and La Nina affect our weather. Not climate change bull crap.
The sky is still falling! From one extreme to another. Just a new slogan.
In other words, weather will continue.
“Halpert said computer models are unanimous that the world will zip past neutral and directly into the cooler La Nina.”
Caused by globull warming, of course.
Our forecasters can’t seem to even get the weather forecast for today correct so it always amazes me that they think they can forecast weather for many months out.
Oh nos! The weather will change!
What a bunch of malarkey.
Who the hell cares? Just more crap news to stir up attention and raise FUD.
“Halpert said computer models are unanimous that the world will zip past neutral and directly into the cooler La Nina.”
Halpert sounds like a “Denier” to me! /sarc
[[”A dry winter next year won’t be good, I can assure you of that,” Halpert said.]]
Psssst- it was a dry winter this year all across the states practically- so we get dry witners with both el ninjo and la ninja?
[[Halpert said computer models are unanimous that the world will zip past neutral and directly into the cooler La Nina.]]
Oh how convenient for them- cooler global temps are predicted so of course blame it on la nina so that we can say global warming caused by man is still happening
“If its not one thing its something else”. Rozanne Rosannadana.
el nino, la nina, polar vortex, sub-polar vortex, equatorial vortex, ....whatever they can make up and get the media to swallow
What a crock. There have always been wetter years and dryer years, colder winters and warmer winters. But now since the icky weather zealots coined “El Nino” and “La Nina” we have to listen to their iffy forecasts in Spanish.
Happily, the plain old “sandstorm” is still hanging in there, even though these cretins want to introduce the Arabic term “haboob”. The public should nix that one and make fun of anyone who uses it.
THIS was an “epic El Niño?”
It rained a few times, mostly just drizzle, over the past few months. Never two solid days of rain. Never one solid day of rain. Every other week, maybe, a bit of drizzle for 3-4 hours at most. We never needed rain jackets, umbrellas, or boots (sadly for my daughter, hardly any puddles ever).
In my childhood I remember flooded streets and hard rain that soaked you. I remember it raining for days on end.
Meteorologists should look out of the window more.