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Letter to Trump Supporters: The Principles and Person of Ted Cruz, ^ | April 4, 2016 | Rebecca Hagelin

Posted on 04/04/2016 1:33:21 PM PDT by Kaslin

It does my heart good to see millions of Americans rising up and boldly proclaiming that we are DONE with Washington politics as usual.

To all of those who want to take America back, who want to restore the greatness of our country, and who see Donald Trump as the one who shares their rage - I get it. I understand.

I've spent most of my adult life in the policy arena fighting both the liberals and those in the GOP whose policies are nothing more than "liberal lite".

After eight years of Barak Obama, America is on the brink of destruction and in grave danger of no longer being that Shining City on the Hill that is a beacon of hope for the world. Basic freedoms like the ability to say what we please, to openly live out our faiths, and to raise our children as we see fit are disappearing before our very eyes. If we do not get this election right, our children and grandchildren will live under the strong fist of government and their opportunity to thrive will be diminished. Our very Constitution is in peril. Please hear me: if we do not elect someone who both understands the Constitution and has a proven record of working to restore and preserve the Bill of Rights, WE WILL LOSE THOSE RIGHTS.

And without first having the protections that the Constitution provides each of us as citizens, America can never be great again.

We can build a wall as high as you want and renegotiate all the trade agreements you can dream of, but if we do not get the Supreme Court right, while simultaneously slicing and dicing government agencies, programs, and departments in order to restore the limited government the Constitution portrays, we will each become a person of servitude to a corrupt and stifling system.

Ted Cruz has spent his entire adult life fighting to restore the Constitution. He has argued nine cases before the United States Supreme Court. He has fought for the First Amendment, The Second Amendment, The Tenth Amendment and more as both a Senator and a Constitutional expert. He has always been pro-life and has successfully fought to protect the right to life as well as parental rights. A lifetime of studying the Constitution and American history developed Ted Cruz's thinking and approach to governing, and provides the basis for his public policy prescriptions. The Constitution is Ted Cruz's compass, his North Star.

Please understand this: The public policy prescriptions that will make America great again are all rooted in the Constitution. This is why Ted Cruz's proposals will work: they are all fundamentally grounded in Constitutional principles.

The Constitution plays no such role in the person of Donald Trump. I'm not criticizing him for it; as a businessman and entrepreneur, Donald Trump chose to place his focus elsewhere. And that's fine. But it is going to take more than a businessman to turn the nation around. We need more than good intentions. What we must have at this critical juncture is a president who understands that he is going to war in Washington for the document and principles that made America great in the first place; someone who does not have to be taught that it is the Constitution itself that provides the map for how to make America great again.

A simple overview as well as detailed plans of Ted Cruz's policies can be found on Yes, I know it became a joke during the debates when candidates extolled their websites. But please do your homework and read exactly how Ted Cruz will restore your rights, your opportunity to prosper. He knows how to create jobs, restore freedom, and make America secure.

For example, do you want to protect America? Read his plan to rebuild our military, secure our borders, and untie the hands of our service men and women so that we can utterly defeat ISIS. Interested in economic prosperity? Read his Simple Flat Tax plan that will get rid of government loopholes, get rid of payroll taxes, and allow the IRS to be abolished. See how allowing you and your small business to keep more of the money you earn by the sweat of your brow will result in an increase in the GDP of 13.9% over current projections, create over 4.8 million new jobs, and see a rise in wages of 12.2%. Learn how Ted's plan to cut the bureaucratic regulations and agencies that are stifling the free market system will cause opportunity and prosperity in America to boom! Find out how a Cruz presidency will abolish Obamacare and replace it with a system that enables health insurance accounts to be personable, portable and affordable - and expands the use of HSA's.

If policy prescriptions of Ted Cruz are not enough to convince you, take a look at his personal and courageous efforts as a United States Senator to take America back.

Ted Cruz fought the Washington establishment before fighting the establishment was cool.

He lead the charge to defeat the Washington cartel and the Gang of Eight that tried to give blanket amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Think about what that took for a moment - about how the young Senator was willing to anger the Establishment in fighting boldly for us. Still, he fought on. He led another bold charge - the charge to defund Obamacare, daring to cross his party leaders. He led the charge against the federal budget increases, daring to out party leaders. Ted Cruz created fissures in the concrete foundation of the Washington Establishment, weakening their death grip on the process and on us. So while not always ultimately successful, it is Ted's courageous acts that showed America and other conservative leaders that you CAN stand up to the Establishment, and not only survive, but live to fight another day. And in Ted's case, to fight the next time as President of the United States.

As President, Ted Cruz will encourage freedom fighters in Congress to boldly continue to dare to stand for Truth and the Constitution. And as president, he will have the authority to destroy the unconstitutional schemes and executive orders of Barak Obama. Ted Cruz knows what needs to be done, he knows how to do it, and he has a proven record of doing it over and over again.

If I haven't convinced you so far on the principles or the personal record of Ted Cruz, then please bear with me as we explore the politics of why you must support him.

In order to be president of the United States of America you have to win at the ballot box. And Donald Trump will not be able to do that in a general election.

In the bluster and noise of endless news coverage of this very interesting (to say the least) presidential race, the simple facts often get lost.

Facts like those revealed in national polls:

- 75% of women have a negative opinion of Donald Trump (ABC/Washington Post)

- 80 % of young adults view Donald Trump unfavorably (Washington Post) ; only 17.5 % view him positively (Monmouth College)

- 85% of Hispanics have a negative opinion of Donald Trump (Washington Post-Univision)

- 80 % of Blacks have an unfavorable view of Donald Trump (Washington Post)

And get this: The ABC/Washington Post poll reveals that while only 37% of Americans think that Hillary Clinton is trustworthy, only 27% believe that Donald Trump can be trusted! It's a sobering reality that the current GOP frontrunner is less trusted than even Hillary Clinton.

These are just some of the reasons why poll after poll also shows that in a contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton contest, Hillary Clinton wins hands down.

As encouraging as Donald Trump's message has been to some, we now know with absolute certainty that a vote for Donald Trump in the GOP primary is a vote for Hillary Clinton. The reality is that even if Republicans were to coalesce behind Mr. Trump, it would not be enough to win in the key demographic groups that we must win in order to gain the White House.

Despite many in the media who are ready to crown Mr. Trump as the GOP nominee, he has only received about 38% of the votes in Republican primaries and caucuses thus far. Why? Until recently, the GOP field was composed of numerous conservatives who were splitting the other 62% of the vote between them. Now that the field has narrowed to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz (oh, and John Kasich), Ted Cruz in surging. (Mathematically, only Trump and Cruz can still reach the required 1,237 delegates before the convention to receive the nomination outright. Kasich can not reach the required number, and is excluded from having his name placed in nomination due to the fact he has only won one state, seven short of the required GOP rule of a minimum number of eight state victories to be considered for nomination. Kasich is holding on to some illusion that he will mysteriously become the GOP candidate, which is an impossibility. It can only be concluded that John Kasich is in the race as a spoiler, either due to the Establishment using him to keep delegates from Ted Cruz, or due to Kasich's own ego.)

Ted Cruz is surging because Republican voters are starting to understand and think about what is at stake in this election. Many who were enamored with Donald Trump's large presence and exciting rallies are beginning to look deeper and are discovering that he is not prepared to be the leader of the free world. And even Republican leaders who were angry with Senator Cruz are coalescing behind him. Why? Because he earned their respect; because they know he is a fighter who he is true to his word; because they understand that he is the only one that can beat Hillary Clinton.

Ted Cruz is more than prepared - he is steeped in the wisdom that comes with years of understanding how freedom thrives, and he is experienced in battle. On day one of a Ted Cruz presidency, you and I will begin to feel the exhilaration that liberty brings as it is unleashed from the shackles of oppressive government. And you, your family and America will be great again.

TOPICS: Cheese, Moose, Sister
KEYWORDS: cheesy
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To: Kaslin

If we have NO BORDERS, NO JOBS, NO SECURITY, and UNLIMITED IMMIGRATION——then nothing else matters. Vote Trump.

61 posted on 04/04/2016 2:12:12 PM PDT by gg188 (Ted Cruz, R - Goldman Sachs)
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To: Kaslin

You know I like and respect you.
You’re one of the ones who make Free Republic the best Conservative site on the net, but could you please let up on the Trump attacks just a bit?

As a native Texan, you know I’d like one of our own as president, but I have thoroughly researched Cruz’ background, and found him unsuitable.
Have you thoroughly researched him?

The longed for revolution against corrupt politicians and the corrupt administration who has stolen our country from us is here. Now is our chance to act. At last we have a nominee for president who hears and understands our anger and frustration. That man is Donald Trump.
At last we have a nominee who is not PC crippled, a fighter- a man who is owned by no one. A man who hears the voice of We the People, and is willing to stand up and fight for us- a man who is non establishment, but is one of us. Our voice.

On the other hand, we have Cuban-Canadian Ted Cruz.


(If any of these links are dead, just google the subject.
Numerous, numerous articles from excellent sources)

Alumni, roommates, law clerks, former staffers in the George W. Bush campaign and White House (and the president himself), members of Congress and others who have known Cruz — lots and lots of people — consider him socially awkward, nasty, dishonest.
Most term him a blatant apple-polisher and all-around creepy guy. You can write off a few of these critics as jealous of his success, or liberal antagonists, but all of them? There is something badly amiss here. Cruz, who so obviously lacks emotional intelligence, cannot recognize it, but those closest to him surely must see that something is awry...

Don’t you think there MUST a good reason WHY Cruz is so disliked and mistrusted?

Ted Cruz the senator: Heard but not seen:

The Texas Republican seriously lags most of his colleagues in attending hearings and casting votes.
Ted Cruz came to Washington two-and-a-half years ago pledging to be the anti-senator. But he’s been more like the no-show senator.
The Texas Republican seriously lags most of his colleagues in attending hearings and casting votes in what has been a Senate career long on rhetoric and short on Senate business.
He’s skipped the vast majority of Armed Services Committee hearings, is below-average in attendance on his other major committees and ranks 97th during the first three months of this year in showing up for roll call votes on the Senate floor. ... -Read more: Ted Cruz the senator: Heard but not seen

Cruz can’t be bothered to show up for the job he was elected to do!

Cruz wants to cut our Senior’s Social Security benefits- when most of them are the poorest of the poor. Donald does not: (I know: SS may not have been the best idea, but what is, is. Seniors paid into SS their whole working lives, they can’t afford to have it cut!

Cruz is a member of a radical religious cult (Father speaks in ‘tongues’):

In a sermon last year, Rafael Cruz said that his son is among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as “kings” to take control of all sectors of society. This is a Christian dominionist agenda that’s commonly called the “Seven Mountains” mandate: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion. If “Seven Mountains” is too abstract, “Creeping Christofascism” puts a much finer point to it.
Cruz’ father let a man speak in his church who stated homosexuals should be killed! (I’m against them, but KILL THEM???)

Cruz flip-flops on amnesty and illegal invaders.
Ted Cruz only talks tough on immigration now because he did so badly in S.C. He is in favor of amnesty and weak on illegal immigration.

Cruz has sold his soul to the corrupt establishment.

What if he is disqualified at the last minute because he is not eligible, having been born in Canada?

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Please give all this some consideration.

Thank you

62 posted on 04/04/2016 2:12:39 PM PDT by patriot08 (5th generation Texan ...(girl type)N)
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To: Lurkinanloomin
When he was running for his Senate seat, he KNEW, word for word what constitutes a NBC and told a caller in, to an interview show, in Texas, what it REALLY is.

Now he claims it is something completely different and what it isn't ! Lyin' Ted is a FRAUD and a LIAR!

63 posted on 04/04/2016 2:13:18 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: nopardons

“The female who wrote this tripe is a CRUZ-Aide swilling propagandist and a moron.”

True but her mother probably lo..TOLERATED her......

64 posted on 04/04/2016 2:14:09 PM PDT by stephenjohnbanker (My Batting Average( 1,000) since Nov 2014 (GOPe is that easy to read))
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To: skeeter

Policies like Pushing TPP, drafting NAFTA, Doubling the Number of Syrian Muslims coming in without checking to see if they are ISIS, increasing H1B visas by 500 percent, Voting for the Corker bill, pushing Judges like Roberts, taking the side of BLM protestors against police. Blaming Muslim terror attacks on opponents, etc.

Or is it where he was for Amnesty, not building the wall, global trade as normal etc until his opposition showed opposing them was an acceptable position?

65 posted on 04/04/2016 2:14:51 PM PDT by Mechanicos (Attend a Trump Rally and get to "Punch a Commie for Mommy.")
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To: Mr. K


66 posted on 04/04/2016 2:15:07 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: blueplum

With this as her recent advocacy journalism, this woman has NO CREDIBILITY...

Letter to Trump Supporters: The Principles and Person of Ted Cruz, and the Political Realities for Donald Trump
Posted April 04, 2016
It does my heart good to see millions of Americans rising up and boldly proclaiming that we are DONE with Washington politics as usual.

I Get it, But Tell Me Who You’re For
Posted March 17, 2016
The “anybody but Trump” efforts are noble and worthy. There is no doubt that Donald Trump’s MO, temperament, judgement and 40 years of support for liberal policies and politicians would make him incredibly dangerous as POTUS.

Cruz Surges in Florida While Rubio Loses His Way
Posted March 14, 2016
A new CBS News poll published Sunday shows Ted Cruz flying past Marco Rubio in the final stretch of Florida’s race for the White House.

Whose the Cause of the Civil Unrest?
Posted March 12, 2016
The extreme candidates on both sides of the political aisle are representing the worst of human nature, and the natural result was the anger in the streets and inside the doomed Donald Trump event in Chicago tonight.

A Floridian Speaks: Rubio Betrayed Me — I’m Voting for Cruz
Posted March 11, 2016
When I moved to Florida several years ago, one of my greatest joys was getting to vote for Marco Rubio to take a seat in the U.S. Senate. It was exciting to support such a bold, courageous, visionary young leader. I loved taking on the establishment in Florida and doing my part to help Marco beat the odds. I had hope and confidence in him. I believed that he would help us take our country back from insane and immoral policies that are bankrupting our children’s future.

The Rubio Rally That Wasn’t
Posted March 08, 2016
The man was standing alone, leaning against the wall in the still half-empty conference room that the Marco Rubio campaign had rented for the senator’s “big” Tampa rally. It was only 15 minutes before start time, and people were only trickling in.

Meet Donald Trump: The King of Sleaze
Posted February 28, 2016
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
Posted February 15, 2016
The schoolyard bully that would be president, Donald Trump, now daily reaches such new lows of sophomoric language and behavior that even seasoned political watchers who have “seen it all” are shaking their heads.

67 posted on 04/04/2016 2:16:14 PM PDT by detch (")
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To: stephenjohnbanker


68 posted on 04/04/2016 2:16:33 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: MamaB
"Ted Cruz is more than prepared" - he is steeped in the wisdom apparently steeped in women not his wife!
... there, now it makes sense.
69 posted on 04/04/2016 2:17:24 PM PDT by MIA_eccl1212 (When you see a drowning liberal, throw them the anchor...)
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To: Kaslin
Cruz is playing the role of the turd in the punch bowl, deluding the gullible to join the evil in the destruction of America.


70 posted on 04/04/2016 2:18:48 PM PDT by Souled_Out (Our hope is in the power of God working through the hearts of people.)
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To: nopardons
"The female who wrote this tripe is a CRUZ-Aide swilling propagandist and a moron."
Potential former or current girlfriend/staffer?
71 posted on 04/04/2016 2:18:57 PM PDT by MIA_eccl1212 (When you see a drowning liberal, throw them the anchor...)
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To: CodeToad

That is unbelievably creepy. Someone in Cruz’s campaign should be seeing prison.

72 posted on 04/04/2016 2:19:33 PM PDT by castlegreyskull
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To: detch

People like this writer-—and like Beck, Levin, National Review, talk radio and conservative media in general, FR Cruzers-—they sound like they have been PAID to write what they write, say what they say. I mean the writing itself, the words, the prose, sound like it is paid-for writing. The words themselves, the sentence structure...

73 posted on 04/04/2016 2:21:32 PM PDT by gg188 (Ted Cruz, R - Goldman Sachs)
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To: detch

Oh oh....the idiot woman wrote all of that tripe? YIKES!

74 posted on 04/04/2016 2:22:11 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: MIA_eccl1212
All of what you wrote or wannabe.

She sounds just like the lefty females who had sexual dreams about Slick Willie and worse.

75 posted on 04/04/2016 2:23:39 PM PDT by nopardons
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To: Kaslin
It has become VERY EASY to distinguish between Cruz supporters and Trump supporters. People whose words you read or hear, pundits, your neighbors, FR trolls...

It's easy because they all fall in one of two buckets:

Patriots and non-Patriots.

Patriots are for Trump. Others are for Cruz.

List every word that defines patriot and it applies to Trump supporters. Take every word that applies to non-patriot, it describes Cruz and his supporters.

NATIONALIST works too, along with Patriot.

The others are people who are GLOBALISTS, who wish to submit our sovereignty and our existence to Globalists and Muslim/Mexican Invaders. And no amount of arguing with them will change this.

They demand ONE THING every election: the election of PROFESSIONAL CAREER POLITICIANS.

76 posted on 04/04/2016 2:26:12 PM PDT by gg188 (Ted Cruz, R - Goldman Sachs)
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To: nesnah

That and he has been a high level Bushy for the last 20 years, his wife too. I wonder where Neil, George P. and Jeb! Bush would fit in a Cruz administration?

77 posted on 04/04/2016 2:28:45 PM PDT by jospehm20
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To: EQAndyBuzz
has a wife who at one time worked for Golman Sachs

His wife CURRENTLY works at Goldman Sachs---she is on LEAVE from Goldman Sachs, where she is at the second highest level: Managing Director. She was Vice President for a few years, then 9 days after Ted was elected to the Senate, she was promoted to Managing Director. There is only one level higher: Partner.

Prior to her working for the White House (advising former US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick) she also worked for the banks, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs.

And she was a member of the Council On Foreign Relations, responsible for devising the document that will be used to create the NORTH AMERICAN UNION, and make Canada, US, and Mexico into one entity, erasing U.S. borders and laws.

Make no mistake about it, just as Cruz is for Obamatrade (TPA and TPP and others to follow, which Heidi Cruz helped devise working in Bush trade policy), Cruz is for the NORTH AMERICAN UNION, where he can serve as supreme leader without the disqualification of being born on foreign soil.

78 posted on 04/04/2016 2:35:20 PM PDT by gg188 (Ted Cruz, R - Goldman Sachs)
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To: Kaslin

Here is what Cruz said about Trump voters:

“Donald does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged and who are angry and they see him as an angry voice. Where we are beating him is when voters get more engaged and they get more informed.”

CBN interview, 10 March 2016

It seems Mr. Cruz has a few problems besides insulting the folks he now want to vote for him.

1) He has lied consistently about Trumps stances: example the March 1 primary post-win speech, he lied 6 times about Trumps stances.

2) Mr. Cruz blamed the Chicago riots on Trump, which was kind of nasty, not to say tin eared.

3) Mr. Cruz seems to have a large probability to have had two affairs. While only the three people involved business, he is kind of sleazy to go around as Mr. Christian, if true. Yes I know it is not proven, but folks have to make assessments based on what facts they have and what is out there leads one to believe his guilt in 2 of the 5 cases alleged.

4) Mr. Cruz and his wife seem to be globalists: at least one half of the import reform that folks want from trump is to be an economic nationalist and bring back jobs for the middle class, instead of for the elitist class. He and his wife do not seem to even know what middle class working world is like,, they have spent their entire adult lives as part of the elite, sheltered form dealing with the common folks.

5) His attempt this late in the game to get the nomination, when traditionally the guy in the lead is at this point rallied round, speaks to a character of driving ambition at any price. Not exactly a principled chap. Mr. Cruz billed himself as a principled conservative, but other than his stance on ethanol, I cannot name one time when his principles have prevented him from doing something advantageous to himself. In fact his actions seem much more like those of an opportunist, one with great ambition.

He is a fatally flawed candidate at this point (as well as trump). Now there is one thing that would convince me he all he says he is, those that doubt him are wrong and that he is fighting the Trumpster so hard out of principle. That is if he does not take the nomination or fight for the nomination if he knocks trump out and supports a Republican governor on a platform that is similar to trumps on immigration, the economy and getting out of foreign meddling. If he steps aside I will believe he is conducting his campaign out of principle and distrust of trump and not personal gain. Also I think at this point perhaps a Governor with a trump like platform might be the only candidate who could unite the party against the Hillary beast, there is too much anger between the supporters of each candidate.

How likely do you think he would do that?

79 posted on 04/04/2016 2:35:26 PM PDT by Frederick303
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To: traderrob6

That sentiment always makes me laugh as Trump does worse than Cruz against Hillary/ Bernie in virtually every poll.

Don’t you know Donald has ALL the dirt on Hillary, and at the proper time will not be PC crippled, but attack her with it all? He’ll rip her a new one.
He WON’T let her win.

80 posted on 04/04/2016 2:38:06 PM PDT by patriot08 (5th generation Texan ...(girl type)N)
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