That is a question I had never heard put that way before.
I’m two months shy of 65 years of age.
Trump is basically saying, I’ve never given that specific question thought before.
This surprises you?
There are so many things to say on this subject.
1. Trump said he will defund Planned Parenthood abortion operations
2. Presidents can’t wave a wand and end abortions.
3. The Supreme Court will have a say in this
4. Congress will have a say in this
Acting as if this is a deal killer, while reassuring to Christians, isn’t in the end really in touch with reality.
I’d love to think Trump or Cruz could walk in and declare abortions over. They can’t.
Trump is basically saying, Ive never given that specific question thought before. This surprises you?
Not really. But, it does confirm that he has not thought deeply about the source of inalienable rights, or if he has, he thinks it is of no consequence. Abortion is but a consequence of a cavalier attitude toward Declaration principles.
We do not yet know all that we don't know about Trump. He is a slippery as an eel and no one seems to have the ability to nail him down.
My point is not that I want a POTUS to walk into office and outlaw abortion. But, I need to hear an unequivocal declaration that "loser" babies maintain their right to life.