I haven’t needed MS support to speak of either. Thank goodness. They all sound and act like “Peggy” on that commercial.
What I meant was no further updates. I really don’t know how valuable they are...but I hesitate to not let them upload.
> I have called MS exactly one (1) time for customer support. That was about 10 years ago...
The "support" that everyone with Win 7 will lose in 2020 that is worrisome are the monthly security patch updates.
This has nothing to do with customer or tech support from Microsoft. It's about Windows Updates security patches.
When "support" stops, it means that as of the next Zero-Day or other exploited vulnerability, Win 7 WILL NOT GET FIXED. It will remain vulnerable to the exploits, and Win 7 users will not have an option to patch their systems.
That said, it doesn't mean Win 7 stops working. It just means we're skating on increasingly thinner ice.