thanks! You are a wealth of information.
I have so much to learn, but it will just be one season at a time ;)
Maybe so , but as the old Chinese proverb says: "A jouney of a thousand miles ... begins with the very first step ".
To me, that means actually doing something , rather than just thinking about it, and then taking action (even if it is only a small step towards a goal).
The goal might be weight-loss, a small garden, an education, or just something that is meaningfull to you, or to your companion. Anything that allows you to personally grow.
It all begins with that first step of action !
Sometimes it feels like you are being overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation ,.. and then later it all seems to fall into place, only if you continue with it.
But , no change occurs without you first taking .. ACTION !
Just remember we all started from zero the day we were born. What annoys me is that I forget so much from one season to another.
There was a time when I remembered volumes of info. Now I just remember, there’s an answer for that-now where was it?LOL
Getting older doesn’t improve the memory is all I can say, but that’s life!