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To: Hardens Hollow
Hardens Hollow :" I have so much to learn, but it will just be one season at a time ;)"

Maybe so , but as the old Chinese proverb says: "A jouney of a thousand miles ... begins with the very first step ".
To me, that means actually doing something , rather than just thinking about it, and then taking action (even if it is only a small step towards a goal).
The goal might be weight-loss, a small garden, an education, or just something that is meaningfull to you, or to your companion. Anything that allows you to personally grow.
It all begins with that first step of action !
Sometimes it feels like you are being overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation ,.. and then later it all seems to fall into place, only if you continue with it.
But , no change occurs without you first taking .. ACTION !

127 posted on 05/26/2015 7:58:47 AM PDT by Tilted Irish Kilt
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To: Tilted Irish Kilt

“But , no change occurs without you first taking .. ACTION ! “

Why am I being lectured?

I’ve started my garden beds, everything has sprouted WAY better than I had anticipated, so I’m here getting information how to best deal with all the greenery.

129 posted on 05/26/2015 8:35:11 AM PDT by Hardens Hollow (Couldn't find Galt's Gulch, so created our own Harden's Hollow to quit paying the fascist beast.)
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To: Tilted Irish Kilt
I forgot to ping you to #142. Wanted to show you that I have started! My little bean plants (and everything else) are growing so fast. I feel like a new mother watching her little ones going to school already!

I had a #10 can of garden seeds that was in the frig or freezer for 7 years. Since the can said they'd last 4 years, I wasn't sure if anything would grow. I finally moved to some acreage so I could try them out, but alas, don't have the strength or equipment to get a big plot going this year. I did what I could alone and have 4 small beds.

Well, almost everything has sprouted! Now, we are very overcrowded and I have sadly decimated my babies to give the others some room. I'm sure we are still overcrowded, but...they look so happy and healthy now. I've taken a few wee ones and planted them in the flower beds by the house, since I couldn't bear to just toss them in the grass. I water those my hand when it doesn't rain, so am regretting that since I have to use a water pitcher until hubby shows up and fixes another outside faucet.
144 posted on 05/27/2015 3:13:59 PM PDT by Hardens Hollow (Couldn't find Galt's Gulch, so created our own Harden's Hollow to quit paying the fascist beast.)
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