He’s scared.
Not interested in what this anti-Christian jerk-off thinks
I hope the UKIP keeps winning and growing.
David, as another poster says, is running scared. He’s realizing that his own limp-wristed liberal ways have made his voters quite mad.
The PM of a party being derided by authentic conservatives as the “Lavatories” is running scared from the United Kingdom Independence Party and its popularity with grassroots conservative voters.
There has to be a crisis, real or not, so Cameron can capture public support ahead of the General Election set for May next year.
Cameron’s political future is on the line.....
Too bad Cameron is not a native-born American.
I’d say he’s getting his notes from Obama....
For the most part good but this fantasy that ISIS is the fault of Assad is not helpful.
Um...no. Can you tell us what he said?
I guess kissing their arses isn’t working out so well?
Well....he sounded like a leader... As opposed to the POS we have....
I don’t follow British politics so I can’t comment on the content....
one flaw (imho) and all leaders are saying and repeating the same flaw ... Until leaders tell the whole and complete truth the one flaw will continue (imho) and the truth left untold by leaders speaking is glaringly evident. Maybe Timber Rattler is right; and so are the other leaders that have spoken.
All smoke and mirrors.
There's a better way to deal with terrorists: Empower the people to deal with it, with a bounty system. Put up a nice sum for the arrest and conviction of terrorists with stiff penalties for false arrest.
Bounties extirpated the passenger pigeon. They work, without reliance upon the institution of a police state.
Listening to it, by the time they get round to discussing everything and putting it through committee the terrorists will have done the damage.....
Just enact laws and get on with it,strip passports, arrests the known fighters, jail them, none of this pussyfoot discussion.
read under the video for summary - around 3-4 min mark he begins talking about the terrorist threat from ISIS
13:21 Minutes
David Cameron terror laws statement 9/1/2014 - FULL SPEECH
God, for another Churchill.
I missed it but my father said it was pretty good, something about keeping the muzzies out and confiscating their passport at the border.
I caught some of it. He sounded like a guy who woke up and figured out his house is on fire. He talked about emergency actions against foreign nationals holding dual citizenship, against immigrants from Islamic countries, increased border security - no more open gate policy with other EU countries.
All of that I actually heard. Why the sudden change? Could be politics (UKIP), but it could be the intel. That’s speculation.
Heard about ten minutes. One thing he did say is that all temporary measures would be shored up by primary legislation as close to immediately as possible. Rule of Law appears to still matter to the Brits.