All of the above are so easily forgotten.
People call me paranoid when i wipe down at work when someone has a Cold.
It reduces the impact dramatically if just door handles are wiped regularly through the day.
If Mr Lister doesn't mind ...Initiating Paranoia Mode.
One comment on wiping stuff down. They did some studies and found that often wiping stuff down only spread it MORE! (Trying to conserve on the wipes and using the same wipe for several areas.)
Another key is to keep your hands away from your face with the common habits of hand on chin, nose scratching, head scratching, etc. So use the alchohol based lotions a lot.
Red Dwarf Ping!
RIMMER (Sitting up) What do you mean, cheated?
KRYTEN There's no point in lying sir. You crept in here last night, knowing you were going to have a medical, and you copied the eye charts onto your shoes.
RIMMER I admit I might have taken a peek, but I'm a competitive man Kryten, always have been. That's what makes me what I am.
KRYTEN We're all perfectly well aware of what you are sir. Oh, the results. (Moves over to the panel, and returns with a small piece of card)
RIMMER (Standing) Ah, everything tickedyboo?
KRYTEN Would you like to take a seat for a moment sir?
RIMMER (Sitting on the bench) Problem?
KRYTEN You don't have any next of kin, do you sir?
RIMMER No, they all died of heart attacks. And not just heart attacks - aneurysms, strokes, brain clots, you name it.
KRYTEN Are you of the school that, when faced with bad news, prefers to hear that news naked and unvarnished, or are you of the ilk that prefers to live in happy and blissful ignorance of the nightmare you're facing.
RIMMER Ignorance, every time.
KRYTEN (Very cheerily) Congratulations sir! You've come storming through your medical with flying colours. See you next time.
RIMMER Everything's OK then?
KRYTEN Absolutely peachy.
RIMMER I want to know, Kryten, if there's something wrong.
KRYTEN If there were something wrong, sir, I would tell you.
RIMMER Even if I'd asked you not to?
KRYTEN Well no. In that case I would lie and tell you everything was absolutely peachy.