I try to refrain using my middle finger...but I do give them a BIG THUMBS DOWN when I see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most Obama voters are either drunk or high on drugs all the time. If you flip them off, they wouldn’t be able to understand what you were doing.
OH NOOOOO!!!!! Not the FINGER!!!!!111111oneoneoneoneoneone
I see them so much in Annapolis, MD....I still can’t believe that they still have it on their cars all this time later. You would think that they would have been embarrassed by now. If they had it on the car in 2008, ok...got caught up in the rhetoric, but I do not respect anyone with an Obama 2012 sticker at all. In fact, I find them lower then pond scum.
I grumble, but there’s no point in flipping them off. Not gonna stoop to their level of expression, and I’d hate to be responsible for starting something that may end with me shooting them.
Unless I’m reading it wrong...
The guy with the IMPEACH OBAMA sticker (Paul Guaschino) got out and struck the OTHER guy’s car with the bat, because the guy flipped him off.
That’s not a real intelligent thing to do, getting yourself arrested because some douchebag flipped you the bird...
The bumper sticker did its job; it pissed off a lib. That seems to me to be the reaction Guaschino was looking for, so it makes no sense to go after the other guy with a bat and then get arrested for it.
If I have a chance I mention that I am just so disappointed with Obama when so many people had such high hopes for him and now I am “heartsick” over how he has failed so badly(LOL) and throw in a simple clear fact like 48 million people on foodstamps or that I lost my family health insurance because of Obamacare. It helps that I drive a Prius and am a woman so they actually think I probably voted for him and have sincere remorse and sorrow over his failure.
I have 3 stickers on my pickup: IMPEACH OBAMA, Socialists Suck, and the left’s old favorite: Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism
Payback for the Obama crap I see daily.
Whenever I see an Obama bumper sticker I assume the car is being driven by a True Believer. I then try to get next to the car to see what this kind of lunacy actually looks like. I don’t really get angry. I get curious. Usually they are black. It’s the white ones that are interesting.
I’ve received my share of middle fingers sporting some of Jeff Head’s bumper stickers.
When we see an obama sticker on a car, I tell my grandson .
lookie there .that’s what stupid looks like!
I usually notice they are the dopey drivers.. the ones with Obama stickers. The typical entitled mentality of “I can drive in the left lane even if I am driving UNDER the speed limit”. Even after 5 years of Obama there are STILL morons that like the job he is doing. Unfreaking-believable.
I just point at them and laugh hysterically!
I just point at them and laugh heartily. That gets under their skin better than arguing with them, because liberals love to get conservatives upset, but they hate to be mocked.
Justifiable baseball battery.
I see a few Obama and Elizabeth Warren stickers here in MA. Not as often as back in 2008 and 2012. If I flipped everyone of them off I’d develop carpal tunnel syndrome.
I don’t bother with those drivers. They have the stickers on their car to a) broadcast their lack of intelligence, b) show they have no financial sense by defacing and devaluing an asset and c) fill their constant need for attention.
Deep down they know they’re idiots. If they were brave they’d put the stickers on the front bumper. They would run out of gas waiting to be let into traffic on a busy road.
Most here in North Dallas that sport a Obammy sticker are middle aged white people that drive small cars...I’ve never seen one on a bigger SUV or a truck like a Caddie, Chevy or Ford. Most have a rainbow sticker or that AIDS double line sticker on their car.
In 2008 I worked at a company that was 3/4 black. The black owed cars were pasted with Obama stickers and I can’t recall a single McCain sticker. When we talked about it virtually everybody who would have voted McCain had decide that having a sticker would get their car damaged.
At this company any political discussion was carried out with many fearful glances to ensure we were not overheard by black workers.