Sometimes, you gotta think "what would Robert Mitchum do in this situation?" It wouldn't be to go crying to the media.
He'd probably light a smoke and be asked to leave.
“Seems like the vet could have manned up and said, “OK, no problem” instead of acting like a squealin’ li’l lib.”
I have a hard time believing that a minimum wage barrista is going to be actively enforcing rules like this rather than just serving the coffee and getting the guy out of the store.
People need to realize that the whole “service dog” thing has been abused in the recent past and that businesses are starting to crack down in response. I personally know a few people who put “Therapy Dog” Certifications on their dogs (some of those requirements ain’t too tough) then attempted to pass their dogs off as “service dogs” by misusing the ID’s provided.
The Vet got his double-apology and should let it drop.
If the Left hadn’t long ago perfected the art of phony outrage, I’d agree entirely with you.
If the veteran can take Starbucks and the employee to the cleaners, I say go for it.