Hmmm. Another Vichy Republican makes a spectacular public fool of himself. This is a problem for patriots because...?
The thuggish sounding Cristie had no chance outside RINOville (NE US)anyway. We have been laughing at his ass in Texas since his so called GOP frontrunner status.
The blockade was in place for four *days*, not 4 hours. The four hours comes from how long people reported being stuck in traffic before getting past the restriction.
I’m not a big Christie fan, but if the media make this traffic lane issue a huge story, a huge scandal, it will just further my contempt for the MSM. They won’t touch anything regarding Obama, but just jump all over Republican problems. I hate them, with a deep passion.
The moderates will support him. As has been pointed out before, Rove, et al., support(ed) him for 2016 even though Romney’s vetting saw significant skeletons in his closet.
In a rule-of-law state, these people abused power and would get jail time.
My, my, my....the MSM is getting a little ahead of itself, isn’t it. Perhaps they’ve forgotten that their current declaration that Christie is the GOP nominee is only a symbolic one. They really should have waited until he actually got it before unleashing this.
They are either the ignoramuses we think they are, or they are just mighty damned sure he’ll get it anyway. They need to check in the Karl Rove on this....
The guy or gal that comes out and promises to open investigations against democrats, fire Holder and eliminate 30% of the government, though he/she has green hair and drives a Yugo gets my vote.
For once I’m happy what the media is doing to a Republican.
A well deserved a-kicking.
Now I’m glad Christie didn’t tie himself to Cuccinelli. Cuccinelli is not associated with corruption should he choose to run for the senate:))
Omfg, so it took people four hours to cross a bridge to Manhattan instead of the usual two. I hate to break it to Big Media in NY, but no one cares about the GWB outside of their bubble.
The way the left is all over this non issue makes me think they are deathly afraid of Christie. Has he been officially nominated yet?
It will take a lot of wagons to circle Christie!
Real Conservatives do not support Christie...
The DNC wants Christie to run because they can tear him apart
I just love that pig Debbie Wasserman Shultz coming on television ranting that closing highway lanes as revenge for not supporting the progressive whale from New Jersey,a world shattering event,but the president of the United States using the IRS to target the tea party is no big deal,or sending thousands of automatic weapons to Mexican drug cartels which kill Americans and innocent Mexican men women and children is a non story,or lying about a video being responsible for killing Americans and sending no help is nothing but a phony scandal.
When the hell is this country going to get a grip
Gonna take a lot wagons to do that...
Images for christie and obama
302 million images of the two thugs together.
F Christie.
He went out of his way to shiv us in 2012.
What goes around comes around.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer d-bag.
I still contend that Christie has never had any intention of running for president. Even if he was the best governor in the country and a man of flawless character, he’d be hard pressed to win a single state west of the Delaware River.
Probably. The establishment loves him.
Stupid does as stupid is.