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1 posted on 12/01/2013 6:23:02 AM PST by Yooperman
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To: Yooperman

well said.....where u at in MI YOOP?

2 posted on 12/01/2013 6:25:42 AM PST by Michigan Bowhunter (Patriots needed!)
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To: Yooperman

There’s a communist living in the White House!

3 posted on 12/01/2013 6:27:05 AM PST by Third Person (Welcome to Gaymerica.)
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To: Yooperman

> It’s time to take our Country back.

The time to do that was 100 years ago after the passing of the 16th Amendment.

Taking it back by force would be near impossible with modern surveillance and ordnance.

We could’ve out-breeded them and home-schooled our young so that we could take over by sheer numbers in a matter of years, but the importation of tens of millions of DemonRAT voters has preempted that.

I don’t think that “communist” is exactly the right label for what the DemonRATs and GOPe are. They are a blend of communism, fascism, collectivism, crony-corporatism. They are globalists.

They use junk science and its ugly twin sister alarmism to justify stupid and onerous regulations as a means to control the people and their personal business.

Whatever you want to call them, they run the media, the schools and universities, and even mega-enterprises like Microsoft, Apple, Google, and much of Wall Street.

I don’t see any way out of this, really, but it does go along with what I read in Biblical prophecy.

6 posted on 12/01/2013 6:41:41 AM PST by Westbrook ()Children do not divide your love, they multiply it.)
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To: Yooperman

call a spade a spade.

7 posted on 12/01/2013 6:52:20 AM PST by maddogtiger
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To: Yooperman

When our guns are gone we are slaves of the Government.

That is the Obama plan.

Take our guns have control of our health care.
Put the IRS in charge of it all and we will all be slaves.

8 posted on 12/01/2013 6:57:14 AM PST by Venturer (Keep Obama and you aint seen nothing yet.)
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To: Yooperman
Look closely. The democratic party is the New Communist Party, and they are not even ashamed of their crimes anymore.
11 posted on 12/01/2013 7:19:10 AM PST by Rapscallion (The party of the liberal lie have given you Obamacare. Republicans were locked out of the process.)
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To: Yooperman

Former red diaper baby David Horowitz DOES call them Communists.

And recall that it took a Socialist revolutionary like George Orwell to point out the dangers of Stalinists in the West who were unwilling to decry any of the offenses of Uncle Joe Stalin. Gave him enough material for 1984 and Animal Farm.

I heard a radio interview between Dennis Prager and David Horowitz this week. Here’s a related article:
Ex-Marxist calls out Obama as ‘communist’
Takes one to know one: Warns health-care failures are means to totalitarian ends
Published: 11/07/2013 at 10:05 PM

Gave Obama a chance

...Horowitz is conservative, but he is no rhetorical bomb-thrower, prone to wild or exaggerated accusations. In fact, the editor of the conservative FrontPage Magazine advised Americans to give the newly elected President Obama a fair chance.

In March 2009, Horowitz wrote of “the over-the-top hysteria in response to the first months in office of our new president, which distinctly reminds me of the Bush Is Hitler crowd on the left.”

Horowitz advised conservatives to give Obama a chance before opposing him.

“As for Obama’s speeches, they are hardly in the Huey Long, Louie Farrakhan, Fidel Castro vein,” he wrote. “They are in fact eloquently and cleverly centrist and sober. So what’s the panic?”

Now Horowitz may have found reason to panic.

He said Obamacare could be used to pave the way for a single-payer health insurance system. And he has no doubt what that would mean.

‘That’s communism’

“Why are we calling it single-payer? Single-payer means that the government has total control of your health care. That’s communism. That’s what it is. And that’s what they’re definitely driving for,” Horowitz said Wednesday on Fox News while promoting his new book.

“The Black Book of the American Left” describes how Horowitz inherited his radical-left politics from his parents, became a founder of the New Left, but then turned into one of its main antagonists after “three decades of second thoughts” led him to become a conservative.

Horowitz said it’s not difficult to figure out how the push to provide health insurance to all Americans could turn into a communist program.

He said the key players in the drive for Obamacare, the president and his closest advisers, Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, were all born into households that preached communism, just as he had been.

Horowitz claimed the difference is that he grew out of it, while the others never did.

Concealed agenda?

The writer said he knows how they lie to conceal their destructive agenda...

13 posted on 12/01/2013 8:25:34 AM PST by a fool in paradise (America 2013 - STUCK ON STUPID)
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To: Yooperman
Just looking at definitions, I'd say Totalitarianism better describes the Obama regime than does Communism.

Totalitarianism - Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed. - the Free Dictionary

Communism - A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members. - the Free Dictionary

Even with Obamacare there have been no moves to collectivize property. On the contrary, Obamacare will take money out of middle class pockets & give it to bureaucrats & the rich. Crony capitalism is the criminal opposite of communism. There must be private property in order to steal it.

No, Obama has managed to fool the Leftists into supporting his power grab with a multitude of gay/green/black/women lies. But his intentions were never about fairness & equality. It was always about power, money, & control.

That is Totalitarianism, not Communism.

I think the Democrats have figured out that government ownership of the means of production does not work, that owning the boat is not as good as having "friends" with boats; taxing & regulating is more profitable & amusing than meeting production/sales quotas. This is their direction.

15 posted on 12/01/2013 8:28:35 AM PST by Mister Da (The mark of a wise man is not what he knows, but what he knows he doesn't know!)
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To: Yooperman
As true today as when non-politician Ronald Reagan recorded it back in 1961: "Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine":

Back in 1927 an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for president on the Socialist Party ticket, said the American people would never vote for socialism. But he said under the name of liberalism the American people will adopt every fragment of the socialist program.

There are many ways in which our government has invaded the precincts of private citizens, method of earning a living; our government is in business to the extent of owning more than 19,000 businesses covering 47 different lines of activity. This amounts to a fifth of the total industrial capacity of the United States.

But at the moment I would like to talk about another way because this threat is with us, and at the moment, is more imminent.

One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine.

It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it.

Now, the American people, if you put it to them about socialized medicine and gave them a chance to choose, would unhesitatingly vote against it. We had an example of this. Under the Truman administration it was proposed that we have a compulsory health insurance program for all people in the United States, and, of course, the American people unhesitatingly rejected this.

So with the American people on record as not wanting socialized medicine, Congressman Ferrand introduced the Ferrand bill. This was the idea that all people of Social Security age, should be brought under a program of compulsory health insurance. Now this would not only be our senior citizens, this would be the dependents and those that are disabled, this would be young people if they are dependents of someone eligible for social security.

Now , Congressman Ferrand, brought the program out on that idea out , on just for that particular group of people. But Congressman Ferrand was subscribing to this foot-in-the door philosophy, because he said, “If we can only break through and get our foot inside the door, then we can expand the program after that.

Walter Ruther said, “It’s no secret that the United Automobile Workers is officially on record of backing a program of national health insurance. And by national health insurance, he meant socialized medicine for every American.

Well, let us see what the socialists themselves have to say about it. They say once the Ferrand bill is passed this nation will be provided with a mechanism for socialized medicine capable of indefinite expansion in every direction until it includes the entire population. Now we can’t say we haven’t been warned.

Now Congressman Ferrand is no longer a Congressman of the United States government. He has been replaced, not in his particular assignment, but in his backing of such a bill by Congressman King of California. It is presented in the idea of a great emergency that millions of our senior citizens are unable to provide needed medical care. But this ignores that fact that in the last decade, 127 million of our citizens, in just 10 years, have come under the protection of some form of privately owned medical or hospital insurance.

Now the advocates of this bill when you try to oppose it challenge you on an emotional basis. They say, "What would you do? Throw these poor people out to die with no medical attention?”

That’s ridiculous and of course no one is advocating it. As a matter of fact, in the last session of Congress a bill was adopted known as the Kerr/Mills bill. Now without even allowing this bill to be tried to see if it works, they have introduced this King bill, which is really the Ferrand bill.

What is the Kerr/Mills bill? It is a frank recognition of the medical need or problem of the senior citizens I have mentioned and it has provided from the federal government, money to the states and the local communities that can be used at the discretion of the state to help those people who need it.

Now what reason could the other people have for backing a bill which says we insist on compulsory health insurance for senior citizens on a basis of age alone regardless of whether they are worth millions of dollars, whether they have an income, whether they are protected by their own insurance, whether they have savings.

I think we can be excused for believing that as ex-congressman Ferrand said, this was simply an excuse to bring about what they wanted all the time -- socialized medicine.

James Madison in 1788 speaking to the Virginia convention said, “Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”

They want to attach this bill to Social Security and they say here is a great insurance program; now instituted, now working.

Let’s take a look at Social Security itself. Again, very few of us disagree with the original premise that there should be some form of savings that would keep destitution from following unemployment by reason of death, disability or old age. And to this end, Social Security was adopted, but it was never intended to supplant private savings, private insurance, pension programs of unions and industries.

Now in our country under our free-enterprise system we have seen medicine reach the greatest heights that it has in any country in the world. Today, the relationship between patient and doctor in this country is something to be envied any place. The privacy, the care that is given to a person, the right to chose a doctor, the right to go from one doctor to the other.

But let’s also look from the other side. The freedom the doctor uses. A doctor would be reluctant to say this. Well, like you, I am only a patient, so I can say it in his behalf. The doctor begins to lose freedoms, it’s like telling a lie. One leads to another. First you decide the doctor can have so many patients. They are equally divided among the various doctors by the government, but then the doctors are equally divided geographically, so a doctor decides he wants to practice in one town and the government has to say to him he can’t live in that town, they already have enough doctors. You have to go some place else. And from here it is only a short step to dictating where he will go.

This is a freedom that I wonder if any of us has a right to take from any human being. I know how I’d feel if you my fellow citizens, decided that to be an actor I had to be a government employee and work in a national theater. Take it into your own occupation or that of your husband. All of us can see what happens once you establish the precedent that the government can determine a man’s working place and his working methods, determine his employment. From here it's a short step to all the rest of socialism, to determining his pay and pretty soon your son won’t decide when he’s in school where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him where he will go to work and what he will do.

In this country of ours, took place the greatest revolution that has ever taken place in the world’s history; the only true revolution. Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another. But here, for the first time in all the thousands of years of man’s relations to man, a little group of men, the founding fathers, for the first time, established the idea that you and I had within ourselves the God given right and ability to determine our own destiny. This freedom was built into our government with safeguards. We talk democracy today, and strangely, we let democracy begin to assume the aspect of majority rule is all that is needed. The “majority rule” is a fine aspect of democracy provided there are guarantees written in to our government concerning the rights of the individual and of the minorities.

What can we do about this? Well, you and I can do a great deal. We can write to our congressmen and to our senators. We can say right now that we want no further encroachment on these individual liberties and freedoms. And at the moment, the key issue is, we do not want socialized medicine.

In Washington today, 40 thousand letters, less than 100 per congressman are evidence of a trend in public thinking.

Representative Hallock of Indiana has said, “When the American people wants something from Congress, regardless of its political complexion, if they make their wants known, Congress does what the people want."

So write, and if this man writes back to you and tells you that he too is for free enterprise, that we have these great services and so forth, that must be performed by government, don’t let him get away with it.

Show that you have not been convinced. Write a letter right back and tell him that you believe government economy and fiscal responsibility, that you know governments don’t tax to get the money they need; governments will always find a need for the money they get and that you demand the continuation of our free enterprise system.

You and I can do this. The only way we can do it is by writing to our congressmen even we believe that he's on our side to begin with. Write to strengthen his hand. Give him the ability to stand before his colleagues in Congress and say that he has heard from my constituents and this is what they want. Write those letters now call your friends and them to write.

If you don’t, this program I promise you, will pass just as surely as the sun will come up tomorrow and behind it will come other federal programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known it in this country until one day as Normal Thomas said we will wake to find that we have socialism, and if you don’t do this and I don’t do this, one of these days we are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children, what it once was like in America when men were free.

16 posted on 12/01/2013 8:35:01 AM PST by a fool in paradise (America 2013 - STUCK ON STUPID)
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To: Yooperman

There may be a lot of commies around now, working hand-in-hand with islamists. But even hillary knows what writing’s on the wall, and has likely converted under huma, lest she be spared the bloodbath that a complete islamist takeover of the US would mean.

communists are atheists. And if there is one thing an islamist hates more than then the itch of sandfleas it is atheism. A faith based system will ultimately win out over an atheistic one every time. And there’d be a lot of sorry commies being herded into stadiums where they could spout Marx as their final words before that scimitar started swinging.

18 posted on 12/01/2013 8:39:21 AM PST by onedoug
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To: Yooperman

I agree 100%. Finally, some are actually calling them LIARs. I could never understand why conservatives wouldn’t call the liars on the lying left LIARS, while the left continually called Bush a liar.

Stop beating around the bush and call them what they are. Communist lying traitors to our nation and constitution.

20 posted on 12/01/2013 11:04:33 AM PST by FreeAtlanta (Liberty or Big Government - you can't have both.)
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