Lots of info there. Thanks for the links. That boot camp sounds interesting. I’ll have to check our extension center and see if they have anything like it.
I know we have a master gardener course, but I didn’t think I could manage the time it would have required, plus they want you to do a lot of volunteer stuff when finished. My volunteer stuff already takes as much time as a full time job-so I thought it best not to do it this year.LOL
” I didnt think I could manage the time it would have required, plus they want you to do a lot of volunteer stuff when finished”
That was an objection that Darlin pointed out. When I was asking about the “Boot Camp” I also asked about the Master Gardener program. Yes, it does require about 60 hours of volunteer work. Darlin reminded me of the several other projects I’m working on, and basically discouraged me from thinking about getting the certification any time soon. So I guess I’ll table that ambition for a time as well.
I don’t know where this has been but today is the first I have seen it, even though it is dated the 20th.
Anyway-now I can quit worrying about what mighth ave happened to you.
The Master Gardening- what we have here in Nebraska is a six day course- offered M W F for two weeks. There is a charge. Then we are asked to do 40 hours of volunteer work over the summer. That can be a wide range of options—judging garden produce at the county fair, writing gardening articles for the local newspaper etc—Most of what I have done is answering questions —like doing an ID on the local bug—making yard visits to see what problem a person is having with their garden or flowers. Often a person brings their problem in to the extension office. Sometimes a phone call will handle it.
Bottom line, it is a great way to increase a person’s knowledge, make new friends, and in my small town, meet people again that I used to know.
One does have to consider the time involved however. But if it can be done, it is a neat thing to do. Perhaps a year or two down the road...or not.