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To: Marcella
So part of the problem is, which plants will grow best in this space

I don't know either. Or when the ones that do well need to be started. You will figure it out. Then you will be a PhD candidate for your particular microclimate. It's a lot like that.

People that think a sealed can of 'open pollinated' seeds, and no experience, will save them if the SHTF are going to die disappointed.


181 posted on 09/21/2013 7:26:24 PM PDT by JRandomFreeper (Gone Galt)
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To: Marcella

I never have much luck with pumpkins, watermelons, cantaloupes, or squash, but I just decided I want to try to grow square watermelons, or pumpkins next year..

184 posted on 09/21/2013 7:34:01 PM PDT by sockmonkey (Of Course I didn't read the article. After all, this is FreeRepublic..)
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To: JRandomFreeper; greeneyes; All
Let’s take a relatively small space, say your space. What foods would be best to plant in order for that food to keep you alive in a survival situation? Now, I’m not talking about strains or which tomatoes, I’m just talking about the general food. Consider in general, foods easier to grow anywhere that would give the most food value, to keep one alive.

Beans: For instance, one of the foods needs to be beans of some sort, whatever kind grows better for your space.

Tomatoes: The kind that grows best for the space.

What foods after those top two?

See, if I had a list of the best survival foods, I could eliminate others and find the survival strains that would grow best in my space. Do you understand?

185 posted on 09/21/2013 7:43:48 PM PDT by Marcella (Prepping can save your life today. I am a Christian, not a Muslim.)
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To: JRandomFreeper; Marcella

Marcella: “So part of the problem is, which plants will grow best in this space”

Johnny: “I don’t know either. Or when the ones that do well need to be started. You will figure it out. Then you will be a PhD candidate for your particular microclimate. It’s a lot like that.

People that think a sealed can of ‘open pollinated’ seeds, and no experience, will save them if the SHTF are going to die disappointed.”

Words to live by.

Right now I know I can grow okra and cucumbers and sunflowers through the wazoo. If I can figure out what’s eating on my snow peas and care for them properly, I can grow those. Tomatoes are marginal. I have a lot to learn there. Black turtles are probably good for our yard as well because they have survived and are actually producing pretty well. Again, gotta figure out what’s eating on those. I think this year it was grasshoppers. The asparagus patch is still surviving, so that looks promising.

So we have a few winners from our tryouts this year. I’ve captured the info on the TSquash from Marcella and plan to try that one next spring. My scallop, yellow, and acorn squashes have been so far pretty disappointing.

So we have the makings for a good gumbo with side dish of beans. Sunflowers for oil.


270 posted on 09/23/2013 8:18:26 AM PDT by TEXOKIE (We must surrender only to our Holy God and never to the evil that has befallen us.)
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