I miss men wearing hats and tipping them to the ladies.
I miss women wearing dresses everywhere.
I miss children being respectful of their elders.
I miss music the made sense and spoke of love, both found and lost.
I miss cities that were safe.
I miss streets that were clean.
I miss buildings and overpasses that did not have graffiti scrawled all over them.
I miss language that was clean and not profane.
I miss people getting dressed up to go shopping downtown.
I miss America...........
Well said!
I miss people bathing and dressing to fly on commercial flights.
I miss not seeing people’s underwear.
I miss work places that were places of work and not a second home.
I miss the government minding their own business.
I miss a country where if you wanted to work there was work for you.
I miss not having to close the garage door or lock the front door, unless you went out of town.
I miss people’s word being as good as a signature, and business being done with a handshake.
I miss the standard of decency that used to be upheld - that everyone knew what the rules were and that some things “just weren’t done.”
I miss nieghborhoods and parks being safe for children to play in.
I miss children being able to walk to school (back when schools allowed prayer and taught patriotism and weren’t socialist indoctrination camps).
I know this is a relatively small point of yours, but I’ve always been taken with hats but largely am “too late” (I’m a 45 year old male). If I were to wear a fedora to work, people would treat me like I were in a costumed role from the 50s or earlier.
I miss men wearing hats and tipping them to the ladies.
I miss women wearing dresses everywhere.
I love old 30s, 40s and 50s movies, even though a little before my time, because they remind me of the decency and security that I had growing up . You see in the movies the intact families, clean and safe cities, clean language, etc. Kids that have grown up in this generation can’t even imagine the world was like that - they think it is made up, but those of us who grew up then KNOW it WAS like that! (Men may have ‘cussed’ a little among themselves, but NEVER would in front of children and ladies, and gentlemanly Christian men didn’t use bad language much anywhere except in very stressful circumstance! I never once heard my father use a bad word - even when he was mad!)
I’m trying to raise my kids in the old ways, but it is really, really hard.