And that just might bring things to the table.
We've ALWAYS had surveillance and spies...from the Revolutionary War to the present.
The manner in which you stated this implies certainty and a familiarity with the groundwork put in place during the Bush administration. What would you expect Cheney to do? He is not going to condemn something that he had a hand in implementing, lest he be exposed as a hypocrite. He is a politician first - patriot is somewhere long down the list.
Never fall in love with a politician. :-)
I guess Cheny’s not immune to Obama’s blackmail, huh?
He has always been a CFR weasel, but only admitted it to his constituents when he no longer represented the district in Wyoming.
We should be sick to the point of puking our guts out over those Republicrats we thought were Conservatives.
If the Tea Party isn’t going to take the lead in defeating this monstrous evil government then it’s got to be the OATH TAKERS!
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you very much. Well, Les and Pete, I want to thank you all for the warm welcome today. I see a lot of old friends in the room. And it's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations. As Pete mentioned, I have been a member for a long time, and was actually Director for some period of time. I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for reelection back home in Wyoming -- (laughter)
Clinton's team knew at least 8 times where Bid Laden was and failed to kill him.
Did Karl Rove and Grover Norquist - who were working with the Muslim Brotherhood in 2000-2001 influence Bush officials to take their foot off the gas pedal in pursuing radical Muslims? (Norquist pushed Bush to support the dropping of so-called "secret evidence" used against Muslims - the top objective of CAIR).
"Data" means nothing when you have decision makers who are either incompetent (Clinton officials), corrupted by Wahhabists (Bush officials), or both (Obama).
Clinton's team knew at least 8 times where Bid Laden was and failed to kill him.
Did Karl Rove and Grover Norquist - who were working with the Muslim Brotherhood in 2000-2001 influence Bush officials to take their foot off the gas pedal in pursuing radical Muslims? (Norquist pushed Bush to support the dropping of so-called "secret evidence" used against Muslims - the top objective of CAIR).
"Data" means nothing when you have decision makers who are either incompetent (Clinton officials), corrupted by Wahhabists (Bush officials), or both (Obama).
Why do so many pols retire in honor and glory....and then they can't resist putting foot in mouth every chance they get....and poof!.....there goes that hard-earned legacy.
Getting ALL this INFO is only the BEGINNING.....just WATCH how it's USED AGAINST the RIGHT!!
cheney is being a tool for the fly-infested one,
i wonder why? no way the chicago thug machine would ever watch cheneys back, or run interference,
He defended the NSA Surveillance Program by saying he started it in 2004.Put another way:
Anyway since his uncalled for comments about Sara Palin he's dead to me now. It's too bad too, I used to really respect him. It just goes to show you, you have to be careful to whom you swear your allegiance.
A lot of GOP are Big Government many are quick to attack Snowden....and not Obama....the one who ordered the spying
Snowden or Obama.....
He’s always been a creep.