You’ve come a long way baby!
“A Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday 10am at Holy Name of Jesus in New Rochelle”
Baby murderers shouldn’t get Catholic funeral Masses.
The problem is, they are only reporting this in the pro-life media. No one else is hearing about this.
“Botched Abortion”? What is the goal of abortion - to kill a baby.
It’s like saying a “robbery gone wrong” - what’s a robbery gone right?
That's what the abortion-lovers will tell us, anyway.
Maryland is one of those special places where crime is preferred.
If there were no guns (babies), deaths like this wouldn't happen. Replace guns with babies and it blows the anti-gun fanatics away.
If there were no guns (babies), deaths like this wouldn't happen. Replace guns with babies and it blows the anti-gun fanatics away.
Apparently not wanted enough.
She had a choice: Life or death. She chose death for a baby she and hubby (presumably) had named. She got more than she bargained for--the same fate for her as her baby.
“Jennifer was carrying a wanted baby.” Wanted, until she found out it wasn’t perfect.
Jennifer and her baby girl Madison will be interred at Greenwood Union Cemetery in Rye. In Lieu of flowers donations may be made in memory of Jennifer and Madison to the St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital 800-805-5856.
Good grief
how could they be so hypocriticaL as to have the funeral for little Madison at the same time ???
I bet theyre in the same casket too...
and they put Madisons name with the female who wanted her dead for “donations”
They make it sound like they both died in a car crash or something...
or they died during Madisons natural birth...
am I the only one who finds this sick and repulsive ???
America once stood for good. For protecting the innocent. Those that couldn't protect themselves.
We must confront evil on every front. We have been silent to long. If we want to save our country we can not let the liberals shout us down anymore.
We must take the battle to the enemy and beat them with their own weapons.
SHE was the victim? I don’t think so.
She died while killing a baby- and she was a victim??? And now the family takes refuge in Jesus’ name? Where were they to teach her not to sacrifice her child? My four year old knows not to kill others, that the baby in a mommy’s tummy is a child, and to never ever sacrifice her OWN child.
People are so sick and deranged to think they can screw around and screw around and THEN pretend that Jesus doesn’t mind at all.
Did they repent? DO they mourn the death of the child? Or only mourn the death of the child who was lucky enough to make it out of the womb?
What is with reporting that calls it 33 weeks. She was 8 months pregnant.
An atrocity on all levels!! This story leaves me sick and disgusted (I am writing this through a mother’s tears for that poor baby).
Even if she didn’t want the baby there are those out there who would have gladly taken her, damaged or not.
It’s a sick sick sick society that allows this.
You can actually still view the baby registry and the little stuffed bunny and lamb made me cry.
This occurred in a Maryland suburb of DC and the local CBS affiliate actually reported it tonight after the Grammys.