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To: JohnPDuncan

The WH may have people who can control the GOP and the other old farts in D.C., but they will be hard pressed to control the minds of determined wiz kids, MIT,social media gurus. I have been waiting for this.....WH has crossed the line, some people are serious about freedom.

36 posted on 01/26/2013 11:31:50 AM PST by Texas4ever
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To: Texas4ever

Hmmmmmm comments were was stoking a bit of outrage at the administrtion. Interesting

39 posted on 01/26/2013 11:35:34 AM PST by Texas4ever
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To: Texas4ever

The coup is taking too long. There’s a set amount of time from the beginning of a coup to its successful conclusion. Any more time than that, and the idealists - the “useful idiots” - who put the coup into power will realize that their leaders are just power-hungry thugs after all. Oliver Stone has awakened. Sounds like anonymous is now awakening.

My husband was not happy to hear me describe this situation or the emotions I have regarding this. It’s sort of like torture. Nobody wants torture, nobody wants to be “the bad guy”. But when you have to decide which takes precedence - the comfort of one killer, or the lives of perhaps thousands of intended targets - sometimes you have to make the ugly decision.

Right now this country is headed towards civil war. American gun owners are waiting for somebody to try to take their guns away, and the Obama regime is waiting for a trigger to allow them to do so. I believe actually trying to goad the gun owners into creating a trigger. We’re like two armies lined up against each other, just waiting for somebody to accidentally let fly so the war can start. That’s the overt picture.

Enter the covert picture. The “useful idiots” are seeing that the regime is not only lawless but uses their power to screw everybody they can. They’re disillusioned. They know that the powers-that-be don’t give a rip about truth or justice. It’s all sausage. So they are going to hold a gun to the heads of the people making the sausage, saying, “You will do the right thing using the ‘proper’ channels, or you will get a taste of your own medicine.” We have all wondered how to get the process to hear us and take us seriously. Well, anonymous is doing it by holding a gun to the players who are screwing us all.

In effect, they are waterboarding the US government.

I don’t want to be the person who makes the call about torture. I don’t want government to be able to be terrorized by some anarchist group (although it sounds like this “anarchist” group has realized that lawlessness doesn’t work).

I think what we’ve got here is a last-ditch effort to avoid civil war. No law-abiding citizen wants civil war. But then, no law-abiding citizen wants the lawlessness of the current regime and the puppet structures of a dead republic either. We’ve got the choice between bad and bad. Torture of the guilty or death of the innocent.

My husband was glad to hear that I’m among the voices still trying to work things out through the “legitimate legal” means - the kind of voices that anonymous is saying the government needs to listen to, or face the consequences. I’m a spectator to the covert means. I know nothing about them and have nothing to do with them. How do I feel about those covert means? Torn. That’s all anybody reasonable can feel. It’s encouraging to me that the anonymous folks seem to be somewhat torn as well. The only people who don’t seem to be torn about the whole mess this country is in are the people who enjoy their power too much to be torn about anything.

56 posted on 01/26/2013 12:32:06 PM PST by butterdezillion
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