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1 posted on 12/19/2012 9:01:44 PM PST by djf
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To: djf
"Door-to-door confiscation by men and women in blue [i.e. city cops] would be a suicide mission."


2 posted on 12/19/2012 9:05:50 PM PST by Paladin2
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To: djf
"I was told by more than one person in this group that any effort by Obama to invoke gun confiscation could lead America to civil war if any real effort were made to enforce it. "

(nothing to add)

3 posted on 12/19/2012 9:09:35 PM PST by Paladin2
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To: djf
One of the police detectives explained another reason for saying no: "There is no love for gun confiscation in law enforcement. We're all gun owners and most of us grew up with guns, hunting, target shooting or just collecting.

I don't think this quote especially applies to Denver or Aurora PD, and certainly not to Los Angeles, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, Boston, or any other liberal big city police force.

Denver PD conducted a violent arrest of a symbolic, peaceful protestor, an image I will never forget nor forgive. It would have been enough for them to have one officer put his hand on the man's shoulder and announce, "I place you under arrest." But no, a bunch of officers jumped him, tackled him and, with knees to the neck and back, and in what might even have been a choke hold, put handcuffs in the most violent way possible. Despicable and unforgivable. The 98% who give the other 2% a bad name.

8 posted on 12/19/2012 9:16:56 PM PST by coloradan (The US has become a banana republic, except without the bananas - or the republic.)
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To: djf

One does not need to ‘take’ your guns. The Gov’t simply creates so many laws, that joe will eventually brake said law and will become a ‘criminal’ who will be denied their right to carry such a gun.

10 posted on 12/19/2012 9:21:11 PM PST by Theoria (Romney is a Pyrrhic victory.)
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To: djf

There in fact aren’t many units in police or military that can do the type of sweeps that would be required under gun confiscation. Most are trained for dynamic entry and most of the rest for field engagement. Problem is that once the word gets out they are going house to house, you won’t just be dealing with dynamic entry, you will have field engagement in an urban setting, arguably the most difficult of all engagements.

To imagine the difficulty of that, Walmart, the biggest non-govt employer in the U.S., has about 800K employees in the CONUS. IF, and it’s a big if, we could muster that level of troops for sweeps, imagine your local Walmart employees armed and trained to go thru the community and confiscate guns? Do you REALLY think that few people could accomplish such a task?

There is the ‘Mogadishu Line’ where you are so outnumbered on so many sides that no matter how good you are, you are just overwhelmed. That is what we’d have in a gun confiscation scenario. Keep in mind that many resisting gun confiscation would also have significant military combat experience from a number of different wars.

13 posted on 12/19/2012 9:25:50 PM PST by Free Vulcan (Vote Republican! [You can vote Democrat when you're dead]...)
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To: djf

Please, Lord, let Hussein try to take our guns away. Please.

14 posted on 12/19/2012 9:28:23 PM PST by 867V309
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To: djf

In Printz v. United States, (June 27, 1997), Judge Scalia for the Court stated:

...”Finally, and most conclusively in the present litigation, we turn to the prior jurisprudence of this Court. Federal commandeering of state governments is such a novel phenomenon that this Court’s first experience with it did not occur until the 1970’s, when the Environmental Protection Agency promulgated regulations requiring States to prescribe auto emissions testing, monitoring and retrofit programs, and to designate preferential bus and carpool lanes. The Courts of Appeals for the Fourth and Ninth Circuits invalidated the regulations on statutory grounds in order to avoid what they perceived to be grave constitutional issues, see Maryland v. EPA, 530 F. 2d 215, 226 (CA4 1975); Brown v. EPA, 521 F. 2d 827, 838–842 (CA9 1975); and the District of Columbia Circuit invalidated the regulations on both constitutional and statutory grounds, see District of Columbia v. Train, 521 F. 2d 971, 994 (CADC 1975). After we granted certiorari to review the statutory and constitutional validity of the regulations, the Government declined even to defend them, and instead rescinded some and conceded the invalidity of those that remained, leading us to vacate the opinions below and remand for consideration of mootness. EPA v. Brown, 431 U. S. 99 (1977).

“Although we had no occasion to pass upon the subject in Brown, later opinions of ours have made clear that the Federal Government may not compel the States to implement, by legislation or executive action, federal regulatory programs. In Hodel v. Virginia Surface Mining & Reclamation Assn., Inc. 452 U. S. 264 (1981), and FERC v. Mississippi, 456 U. S. 742 (1982), we sustained statutes against constitutional challenge only after assuring ourselves that they did not require the States to enforce federal law. In Hodel we cited the lower court cases in EPA v. Brown, supra, but concluded that the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act did not present the problem they raised because it merely made compliance with federal standards a precondition to continued state regulation in an otherwise pre-empted field, Hodel, supra, at 288. In FERC, we construed the most troubling provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, to contain only the ‘command’ that state agencies ‘consider’ federal standards, and again only as a precondition to continued state regulation of an otherwise pre-empted field. 456 U. S., at 764–765. We warned that ‘this Court never has sanctioned explicitly a federal command to the States to promulgate and enforce laws and regulations,’ id., at 761–762.

“When we were at last confronted squarely with a federal statute that unambiguously required the States to enact or administer a federal regulatory program, our decision should have come as no surprise. At issue in New York v. United States, 505 U. S. 144 (1992), were the so-called ‘take title’ provisions of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985, which required States either to enact legislation providing for the disposal of radioactive waste generated within their borders, or to take title to, and possession of the waste—effectively requiring the States either to legislate pursuant to Congress’s directions, or to implement an administrative solution. Id., at 175–176. We concluded that Congress could constitutionally require the States to do neither. Id., at 176. ‘The Federal Government,’ we held, ‘may not compel the States to enact or administer a federal regulatory program.’ Id., at 188.

“The Government contends that New York is distinguishable on the following ground: unlike the ‘take title’ provisions invalidated there, the background-check provision of the Brady Act does not require state legislative or executive officials to make policy, but instead issues a final directive to state CLEOs. It is permissible, the Government asserts, for Congress to command state or local officials to assist in the implementation of federal law so long as ‘Congress itself devises a clear legislative solution that regulates private conduct’ and requires state or local officers to provide only ‘limited, non-policymaking help in enforcing that law.’ ‘[T]he constitutional line is crossed only when Congress compels the States to make law in their sovereign capacities.’ Brief for United States 16.

“The Government’s distinction between ‘making’ law and merely ‘enforcing’ it, between ‘policymaking’ and mere ‘implementation,’ is an interesting one. It is perhaps not meant to be the same as, but it is surely reminiscent of, the line that separates proper congressional conferral of Executive power from unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority for federal separation-of-powers purposes. See A. L. A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, 295 U. S. 495, 530 (1935); Panama Refining Co. v. Ryan, 293 U. S. 388, 428–429 (1935)”....”Even assuming, moreover, that the Brady Act leaves no ‘policymaking’ discretion with the States, we fail to see how that improves rather than worsens the intrusion upon state sovereignty. Preservation of the States as independent and autonomous political entities is arguably less undermined by requiring them to make policy in certain fields than (as Judge Sneed aptly described it over two decades ago) by ‘reduc[ing] [them] to puppets of a ventriloquist Congress,’ Brown v. EPA, 521 F. 2d, at 839. It is an essential attribute of the States’ retained sovereignty that they remain independent and autonomous within their proper sphere of authority. See Texas v. White, 7 Wall, at 725. It is no more compatible with this independence and autonomy that their officers be ‘dragooned’ (as Judge Fernandez put it in his dissent below, 66 F. 3d, at 1035) into administering federal law, than it would be compatible with the independence and autonomy of the United States that its officers be impressed into service for the execution of state laws.”

18 posted on 12/19/2012 9:31:56 PM PST by marsh2
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To: djf
Why would Obama order house to house searches when he could just order the arrest in public of the most important targets and hold them indefinitely until they instruct their families to bring the guns down to the station? Or take the wife and same deal? Or take the kids and same deal?

I'll bet ya won't see any of these "good guy" cops refusing those arrest warrants or springing targeted citizens taken on the street by surprise.

Nah, Hitler got excellent cooperation from the police and most all of the military, as did the Soviet Communists when they superseded the Nazi command structure.

All the cops had to say in their defense was "I vas onlik folloink orders".

19 posted on 12/19/2012 9:38:00 PM PST by Navy Patriot (Join the Democrats, it's not Fascism when WE do it, and the Constitution and law mean what WE say.)
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To: djf
If Obozo and his minions exercise the confiscation option, they're waiting for a complacent population to standby and wait to be raided. Ah, no. Remember that this is not a zero sum game where the government thugs (a very small population when compared to the country as a whole) gets to pick and choose its targets that are passive. On the contrary, the victims will become predators and actively hunt the raiders, This is a guerrilla war and the gun owners will swim in the sea of the people at large.

Government attempts to intimidate the population with shows and demonstrations of force will be applied blindly and indiscriminately. That's bad because innocents will be punished along with everyone else. The government goons will succeed in creating more enemies than friends. Liberals and Leftists will be targeted because this is now a civil war. It will not be pretty and there's no guarantee that Obama’s thugs will prevail.

28 posted on 12/19/2012 10:57:20 PM PST by MasterGunner01
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To: djf

Civilians should be allowed to have whatever weapons law enforcement is allowed to have, for the exact same reasons law enforcement has them.

Either the world is dangerous, and people can arm themselves as they see fit, or it is safe and we can have law enforcement unilaterally disarm “because nobody needs a weapon like a........”

This is the fundamental flaw in the liberal gun grabbing argument.

In todays environment police are arming themselves with every MORE potent weapons, including sniper rifles, automatic weapons along with armored vehicles.

Why should law-abiding citizens not be allowed the same tools as the police?

30 posted on 12/19/2012 11:15:24 PM PST by RFEngineer
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To: djf
It's becomeing obvious that designating a 'gun free zone' is an open invitation to violence. It's resulting in the oppposite way that it was intended. It tells the assailant that he will face no opposition, that he's clear to commit any atrocity.
33 posted on 12/19/2012 11:34:47 PM PST by ArmyTeach ( Videteco eos prius (See 'em first) Sculpin 191)
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To: djf

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago 

34 posted on 12/19/2012 11:44:58 PM PST by Eagles6 (Valley Forge Redux)
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To: djf


37 posted on 12/20/2012 12:33:30 AM PST by Chuckster (The longer I live the less I care about what you think.)
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To: djf

Bullshit..... LEO....ALL LEO have been enforcing blatantly unconstituonal
laws and regulations for decades. When they are offered the choice of
enforcing any new anti 2A laws and unemployment they will do what they
have always done....tell their massa’s who sign their paychecks “yessa bossman, right away”.

38 posted on 12/20/2012 1:36:58 AM PST by nvscanman
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To: djf

98% of LEO’s will do what they’re told and not even complain much. If you’re relying on cops to protect you or your rights, you’re naive. Besides, direct confiscation is unnecessary. A $10,000/yr possession tax enforced by the IRS with compounded penalties would scare 90% of the guns out the hands of Americans. We’ve seen from obamacare that the SCOTUS will stomach any sort of tax.

40 posted on 12/20/2012 3:14:09 AM PST by muir_redwoods (Don't fire until you see the blue of their helmets)
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To: djf
Re: this one:
#2) If such an order is given, will you or fellow members of your organization enforce it against the citizens? (And if so, how?)

I can foresee something like this being attempted. However, I do not think any local LEOs would be tasked with this.
IMO it would be non-local uniformed personnel of some Gov't agency tasked with this. If it happens, this is how, IMO, it will be staffed.

41 posted on 12/20/2012 4:30:55 AM PST by Tainan (Cogito, ergo conservatus sum -- "The Taliban is inside the building")
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To: djf
So, they wouldn't confiscate guns only because it would be too dangerous or because they don't like the guy in the White House. Why am I not comforted by that?

"People that spend $500 on a nice handgun are almost never the problem when it comes to violent crime. It's the ones who pick up a junk gun for $50 on the street."

"Levying new taxes on all handguns like the tax stamps on class three weapons" would likely prevent new guns from being purchased by most violent criminals

How stupid is this guy? 'The expensive guns bought legally aren't the problem, so let's make the guns bought legally more expensive.'

43 posted on 12/20/2012 5:15:23 AM PST by tnlibertarian
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To: djf

Anyone who thinks cops, especially in the cities will not follow whatever orders they’ve been handed from above is delusional, and hasn’t been paying adequate attention.

45 posted on 12/20/2012 6:57:00 AM PST by zeugma (Those of us who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.)
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