Posted on 11/06/2012 3:14:18 PM PST by DManA
I'll go first. Mine was Richard Nixon 1972. I felt cheap and used. I wish I'd waited for a better man.
Most of you folks are just babes. I go back to 1968. Lord I pray we get some grownups voted in, in this election.
Bob Dole in 1996. (Sigh)
Mine was Richard Nixon 1972. I had supported Nixon and Goldwater growing up and was used to Democrats beating my choice. I was in the USAF when Nixon resigned.
McGovern, not Carter...
My first? Harry Truman in 1948.
I’ve voted Republican in every presidential election since.
Ronald Reagan 1980
I liked Richard Nixon:)
My first was Bush Sr.
I went to see Governor Reagan speak at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley, CA. I was young and dumb, and had no idea where I stood politically. But a female friend talked me into going with her. The crowd was massive. We were near the back, but I am tall (6’8”) so I could see over the crowd. I was inspired. Everything the man said made perfect sense and I realized then and there that I was a conservative.
1st? Ronald Reagan.
I blew off the Carter election but served under him for all his years in the Army.
Comeon! He was from here. And if it makes you feel any better the DFL stole it for him.
John Anderson in 1980. Confused.
Dukakis in 1988. I felt smug about it as I knew everything at my young age. I was a both a friggin’ genius and as ignorant as only a college student could be. Four years later, it was Perot...
The first time I voted was also Nixon in ‘72. Unlike you, I never felt cheated or used. He was a better man and president than most after him. So many people fell for the MSM’s hype of Watergate which, compared with the Clintons’ antics, Fast & Furious, Benghazigate, etc., was a big fat nothing.
The first time I pulled a lever was for Eisenhower, when I went into the booth with my mom who let me pull the lever for her vote.
Bush 2004 it was awesome seeing all the sad college kids at Rutgers. They literally held a eulogy the next day...loved being a conservative in college
Voted for Nixon in ‘72 over McGovern. If I had it to do over I would still vote Nixon over McGovern.
It was that election where the radical left really began to flex its muscle in the democrat party. They took control of the national Dem party and has gone from bad to worse ever since.
Nixon also in 1972. Given the alternative, and even knowing then what we know now about Nixon, I’d do it again.
Dwight D. Eisenhower. Since then I’ve never been presented with a clear choice (even R.R. had some issues) and ended up voting for the lesser of the two evils. This time I voted for the person I felt was best qualified to run this country. She wasn’t on the ballot so I wrote in “Sarah Palin” and voted for her. Regardless of which evil wins tonight I voted my conscience and I will be able to hold up my head tomorrow.
I was 18 years old in 1976. Like a lot of first times... I was probably a little wasted when I did it. I did vote for Ford. I think.
But ahhhhh..... The second time. It was wonderful. I had just gotten married in June. That summer I vividly remember attending campaign speech in my hometown by John Anderson. I bet I’m the ONLY FReeper to remember THAT guy. But never the less, he un-impressed me, as did Mr. Peanut. But the real magic was a certain former actor.
It was still dark that election day morning as my new bride and I voted together in a little elementary school not far from our first little home. We voted for Reagan.
Those were golden years.
Remember McGovern wanted to give every citizen $1000?
I think that alone ensured his defeat. Not a serious man.
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