Posted on 08/11/2012 6:36:18 PM PDT by mamelukesabre
Ever notice how the people most obsessed with championing abortion are grouchy women past child bearing years who never had a baby? Just curious if anyone else noticed this.
And/or Lesbians..
misery loves company. they probably lost count of the abortions they’ve had.
Maybe they think if they scream about it loud enough, they think someone will think they are super sexually active hot mamas or something?
It’s because many of them have had their own babies murdered by abortions, imo. To admit that killing innocent babies is inhuman would be to admit their own guilt. GOD will deal with them accordingly.
Sebelius has a lot of blood on her hands. Secretary of Health and Human Services...what a disgrace!
What I’ve never understood about the whole abortion fracas is this: The whole discussion could be over and done within a generation if only the conservatives who claim to be against abortion would get smart about it.
Simple. Give the abortionists what they want. Heck, help them. Drive their constituents to abortion clinics with a smile upon one’s face, knowing that you’re preventing another welfare-sucking Democrat/liberal voter from coming into the US.
Even better, campaign for forced sterilization: Any woman going in for a second abortion gets a free ticket to a tubal litigation. No charge at all. Paid for by the state.
Then up the tax benefits for those who want to adopt children. Put on a national campaign to adopt children away from liberals.
After about 10 to 15 years, when the Democrats look at the demographic implosion in upcoming Democratic voter registrations, they’ll cease backing abortion completely. The argument will be forever over and done, and no political hack will ever back it again.
The problem here is that ‘conservatives’ would rather trumpet their principles and their holier-than-thou preening rather than fight political fights to a point where they’re won and done.
I think the answer’s probably pretty simple. How do you face your own child (if you DO have one) as a pro-abort? A pro-abort can’t very well avert a youngster’s natural fears by saying, “but I love YOU, and I wanted YOU” when YOU—at the time of the momentous “choice”—were simply a soulless, lifeless lump of protoplasm in her womb—as easily dispensed with as nurtured..
Back in ‘73, heck earlier than that—when New York okayed abortion—I allowed myself to think that way. LET them get their abortions; there’ll be fewer of ‘em.
Like today’s kids, however, who believe gay marriage will affect only the part of the population screaming for it, I couldn’t have been wronger. There’s a price to pay for moral laxity, never mind moral suicide. And it doesn’t need to be allayed to God’s anger on the subject. God gave us natural law, and part of the onus on recipients of that law is to recognize and support it. How can right-thinking people, and by that I mean honest, ethical people, possibly believe Nature (even if we reject God) supports damage to procreation, to a specie’s “carelessness” about its own survival? Without going into the whole chain, what we end up with as a race is being a little bit UNpregnant. Because abortion’s demonstrably wrong on a macro scale, it can’t be supported on a micro scale.
Ditto for sterilization/tubal ligations.
Even so, I couldn’t agree more with increasing and promoting adoption. The stigma of unwed pregnancies is gone. What’s the problem?
I noticed that all of those who are FOR ABORTION, have already been BORN.
Abortion is indiscriminate racism.
I think its even simpler than that. I think if the anti abortion people would just shut up about birth control and the morning after pill, we could outlaw late term abortion tomorrow, and midterm abortion next year, and probably early term abortion the year after that.
Well, that and the fact that we believe human life (even the spawn of liberal scum) is precious.
Oddly enough, it is also the immoral sexual activities of sexually promiscuous males of both the hetero and homosexual varieties, who fuel the spread of all STDs, of all kinds.
feminazis...mostly lesbos.
Wow! You are the closest I have ever seen to channeling Jonathan Swift.
It’s really the many of the old femi-Nazi crowd of women from the ‘60s and ‘70s...remember how they were so proud of their independence and their strength to rise above the little woman in the kitchen? And then they turned into these old ball-busting man-hating harpie hags? Most of them old and flat busted and living off the government dole, and scared to death the rest of the country won’t be willing to keep them up in their old age by going into huge debt? The ones that had children before they tossed their menfolk out in the street are now alone because their kids are grown and the many separate from them because of the way their Mom treated their Dad. Yes, it’s very sad, and the many times you can tell by the bitter attitudes displayed and their support for more government handouts. ROFL
I don’t think so.
First, because I’m not recommending that anyone eat children, merely give the females who are potential mothers (especially single, liberal females) their wish.
Irish parents didn’t make a big public show of wanting to eat their children, Swift just proposed that the Irish eat their children as satire to rid the land of impoverished papists. The papists didn’t say they wanted to be poor, indigent and stupid, that’s just what they were.
Ah, but the modern American female ... she wants to “have it all.” She wants her “reproductive rights” paid for with government (ie, taxpayer) monies and supposedly will vote this concern above all else.
All I’m suggesting is that we give this demographic cohort EXACTLY what they’ve been loudly protesting that they want.
You’re right as far as late-term abortions, but the other aspects would take longer.
What I’m trying to get at, and the anti-abortion crowd is too damn dense to understand, is that the only way to make a systemic political change on issues like this is to make supporting a particular political position so expensive, that a political party will not “go there.”
Take gun control. Sure, the Democrats have made noises (especially among their reliably loony Jewish liberal members from nice, safe districts and states) for more gun control.
But the national DNC isn’t having any of it. They know how much it cost them in 1994. They can look out over the landscape and see that the whole of public opinion has now shifted under their feet and as much as their idiots in office might want to trumpet gun control, the smarter heads among them will not allow it to pass or even come to a up/down vote.
How did this happen? By costing the pro-gun-control people their cushy seats. But costing them elections. By shifting public opinion to such a point that there’s nothing in it for a political hack to seriously propose gun control any more.
OK, so how do we accomplish that with abortion?
Easy. Give those who want free and easy abortions... free and easy abortions. Look, if implemented as rigorously as the mendacious twits who propose such things would want.... we could see the minority voting bloc that put Obama into office gutted within a generation. The Demorats would never again support abortion because after about only 10 years, they could see the consequences of their position, when applied to only them.
So: Encourage conservative women to have children and not have abortions. Encourage adoption by conservative parents to get kids out of liberal cesspools. Encourage conservatives to get their kids out of public schools and out of the reach of the advocates of feral stupidity that run them.
At the same time, give the abortionists exactly what they want. Give them such a tidal wave of abortion, forced sterilizations, etc that in 20 years, there’s nothing the Democrats can do to win an election on their prior platform - because the new generation of voters who would have supported their platform are gone. As the older generations die off, the Democrats (and their positions) disappear from the political landscape.
Let’s put it more starkly:
If the anti-abortion people had a clue, quit sermonizing and singing hymns and other stupid nonsense and got down and dirty with the politics of this issue back in the 70’s, by today, abortion on demand would be a) a dirty secret (if it were still legal) and b) have no political support outside a very limited set of circumstances. It certainly would not be paid for with taxpayer money.
But the holy rollers are going to keep on sermonizing so that they can feel good about themselves rather than win the political fight. And that’s what this is - a political battle. As long as it keeps getting pitched as some big moral issue, the Democrats and secularists are going to dismiss it.
In the end, I hope the holier-than-us crowd are happy, because a whole lot more abortions will continue to be done under their sanctimony than under my ruthless, but effective, ideas of giving the liberals what they want.... good and hard.
And that’s where we part ways.
There are people on this planet who are malum in se, and therefore their lives are not any more precious than that of a rat in a dumpster.
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