You can always tell someone is a charlatan when they feel the need to tell bald faced lies about the opposing theory. Nothing about the current theories has the contents floating willy nilly crashing like bumper cars, that’s just Neal Adams being a no good filthy lying scumbag. Don’t listen to NGFLS they spread contagious stupidity.
Ok, so he used a bit of snarky artistic license to describe the current theories. In essence, though, he's telling the truth. That's exactly the impression I've gotten from the opposing theory all my life.
The current theory holds that there once existed a massive mother continent (Pangea), which somehow broke up, and all of the various parts then (somehow) scattered over the face of the globe.
That same theory holds that India crashed (yes, they do say "crashed") into lower China, thereby lifting up the Himalayas.
I've never seen any reasonable explanation for how or why any of that occurred. How does something the size and mass of an entire continent 'drift' across the face of a planet? That's more an absurd theory than what Neal Adams is proposing, in my view.
What's more, the current theory doesn't have an intuitively simple model that explains itself, such as Neal Adams' does.