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To: opentalk; US Navy Vet; Wisconsinlady; george76; rktman; kristinn; markomalley; KeyLargo; DH; yoe; ..
Here is another round-up of Agenda21 and other threads which are related to the grassroots and other efforts on the part of the power elite to strip away our freedoms. The post is rather long, and I apologize for that, but felt that all of these are important for documentation on this thread. Please feel free to share!

I heard disquieting agenda21 news about a nearby town. Its officials apparently have been passing A21 ordinances stealthily after they received local push-back. I also did a search on the search engine for "agenda21." Several of us have been placing that key word on threads as we come across them. The following are taken largely from that list. However, it should be noted that not every thread which was marked with the keyword "agenda21" was included. If I have missed some that you think should be preserved on this thread, please do post them here!

I continue to be grateful for all who are interested and pursuing pushback and educating others in ANY no matter how small against the plans of the power elite for us through this Agenda21 and related activities.

In a recent post to the thread, SCalGal has alerted us to the fact that the ones behind Agenda 21/GlobalWarming may be trying for a name change:

"Looks like they may be trying a name change: Future Earth

Future Earth is a new 10-year international research initiative that will develop the knowledge for responding effectively to the risks and opportunities of global environmental change and for supporting transformation towards global sustainability in the coming decades. Future Earth will mobilize thousands of scientists while strengthening partnerships with policy-makers and other stakeholders to provide sustainability options and solutions in the wake of Rio+20.

198 posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:19:48 PM by SCalGal

Thanks, SCalGal

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Also relevant to this issue, see:

"UN’s “Post-2015 Development Agenda” Morphed from “Agenda 21”
Canada Free Press ^ | 6/5/2013 | Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

"On May 30, 2013, a letter was sent to the Secretary-General of the United Nation, signed by the Presidents of Indonesia, Liberia, and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron. This letter was informing Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General that the task he assigned to a panel of twenty-seven individuals has been completed, and the report published.

The distinguished panelists represented Indonesia, Liberia, UK, USA, Cuba, Benin, India, Sweden, Mexico, Colombia, Japan, Yemen, Republic of Korea, Germany, Mozambique, Kenya, Russian Federation, Nigeria, Latvia, Timor, Netherlands, Jordan, France, Brazil, Turkey, and China. Representing the United States was John Podesta, chair of the Center for American Progress and of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, advocates for progressive policy."

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EPA CO-OPTING WORDS Justice, Schmustice—Don’t Let Green Progressives Steal a Good Term
Cornwall Alliance ^ | June 19, 2013 | E. Calvin Beisner

"Last month, the EPA released for public comment an 81-page ‘Draft Technical Guidance for Assessing Environmental Justice in Regulatory Analysis,’” reports Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. Steven F. Hayward. “… The ‘technical guidance’ lays out a detailed framework for assessing the demographic and racial impact of regulations, such as how to identify minority populations at higher health risk. ‘Minority, low-income, and indigenous populations experience greater exposure and disease burdens that can increase their risk of adverse health effects from environmental stressors,’ the guidance states.” 2)FOOD/GMO issues in JAPAN

"US genetically modified wheat stokes fears, Japan cancels tender"

Reuters ^ | May 30, 2013 | Naveen Thukral and Risa Maeda

"- A strain of genetically modified wheat found in the United States fuelled concerns over food supplies across Asia on Thursday, with major importer Japan cancelling a tender offer to buy U.S. grain.

Other top Asian wheat importers South Korea, China and the Philippines said they were closely monitoring the situation after the U.S. government found genetically engineered wheat sprouting on a farm in the state of Oregon.

The strain was never approved for sale or consumption..."


"Common core state standards the hot topic at ABEC conference"

Phoenix Business Journal | May 31, 2013 | Angela Gonzales

"The Arizona Business & Education Coalition brought together business and education leaders from across the nation for its annual conference today to delve into common core standards.

ABEC Executive Director Susan Carlson hosted a private reception for out-of-state business leaders at The Buttes in Tempe last night, where I got a chance to catch up with them to talk about their secrets..."


"Looky here(Agenda 21 ALERT), IBM report: Omaha's westward growth cause for concern"

The Omaha World Herald(Buffet's RAG) ^ | June 4, 2013 | By Erin Golden

"Omaha should cut down on suburban sprawl, restructure incentives for inner-city development and do a better job sharing data between government departments, according to a new report from IBM business consultants.

The city was one of 33 communities that received a grant last year for a study. A team of five consultants visited Omaha in October to assess the city's planning and development efforts and offer their recommendations.

Monday, the city released the consultants' final report...."

The "IMB's Smarter Cities Challenge OMAHA Report" is included in the post page by page.

THis is somewhat old news, but nevertheless relevant to our concerns. As most of you already know, Samantha Power is Cass Sunstein's wife.

"Obama to Name Samantha Power to UN Post"

ABC News ^ | June 5, 2013 | Julie Pace

A White House official says President Barack Obama will name former aide Samantha Power as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Power will replace Susan Rice, who will take over as Obama's national security adviser. The official says Obama will announce both appointments from the White House Wednesday afternoon.

Power is a longtime Obama adviser who worked on his 2008 presidential campaign and ran the human rights office in the White House. She left the administration in February but was considered the favorite to replace Rice at the U.N.

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From a more recent article about her appointment process, we find that there are some surprising (and some not so surprising) supporters of her nomination:

"Despite Cruz’s objections, Power does have McCain’s stamp of approval – which carries a significant amount of political weight.

Power also has two other GOP senators on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee vouching for her -- Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and Idaho Sen. James Risch. More than two dozen foreign policy experts sent committee Chairman Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., and Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the ranking Republican, letters calling for a quick confirmation for Power.

In a July 16-dated letter to Sens. Robert Menendez and Bob Corker, 30 people including Paul Wolfowitz, former Deputy Secretary of Defense; Elliott Abrams, former assistant secretary of state for International Organization Affairs; and Samuel Berger, national security advisor under President Clinton, pledged their support of Power who they called a “tireless advocate for American values and interests.”

“She will stand up for universal values like freedom of religion, speech, assembly and the press, and by standing up for those values advances America’s interests around the world,” they wrote. “And she will ensure that the United Nations is using the resources at its disposal to take action on behalf of those in need.”

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Wikipedia bio:

There was a recent meeting in June outside of London of the infamous group of power elite.


Sources: NSA Sucks in Data From 50 Companies (Can track people in 'near-real time')
The Week ^ | Thursday, June 6, 2013 | Marc Ambinder

"Analysts at the National Security Agency can now secretly access real-time user data provided by as many as 50 American companies, ranging from credit rating agencies to internet service providers, two government officials familiar with the arrangements said.

Several of the companies have provided records continuously since 2006, while others have given the agency sporadic access, these officials said. These officials disclosed the number of participating companies in order to provide context for a series of disclosures about the NSA's domestic collection policies. The officials, contacted independently, repeatedly said that "domestic collection" does not mean that the target is based in the U.S. or is a U.S. citizen; rather, it refers only to the origin of the data.

The Wall Street Journal reported today that U.S. credit card companies had also provided customer information. The officials would not disclose the names of the companies because, they said, doing so would provide U.S. enemies with a list of companies to avoid. They declined to confirm the list of participants in an internet monitoring program revealed by the Washington Post and the Guardian, but both confirmed that the program existed.

"The idea is to create a mosaic. We get a tip. We vet it. Then we mine the data for intelligence," one of the officials said...."

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Sources: NSA Targeting Credit Card Use

Big Government ^ | 6/7/2013 | Elizabeth Sheld

"The WSJ is reporting that in addition to monitoring cell phone records, emails and web activity, the National Security Agency is monitoring credit card transactions. "NSA has established similar relationships with credit-card companies, three former officials said..."

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Biometric Database tucked inside Gang of Eight immigration bill
Conservative Action Alerts ^ | May 31, 2013 | Conservative Action Alerts

"Biometric Database tucked inside Gang of Eight immigration bill"

by Conservative Action Alerts on May 31, 2013

ALERT: The Gang of Eight’s comprehensive immigration plan will destroy individual privacy via biometric database.

American Conservative,

Last Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed their markup of the Gang of Eight’s “immigration reform” bill – a version that not only preserves most of the bill’s original problems, but also contains 233 additional pages of rules.

Senator Ted Cruz says that the bill only makes our current immigration problems “worse.” Sadly, he holds the minority opinion as he was one of only five Senate Judiciary Members who opposed S. 744′s exit from committee.


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School iris-scanned students without telling parents CNET ^ | June 17, 2013 | Chris Matyszczyk

"A Florida school admits that it made several mistakes when it allowed a security company to install iris scanners without telling parents -- and without even having a contract with the company.

The eyes have it? Or the eyes were had? (Credit: Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)

There's a quaint concept that seemingly every technology company dismisses as outdated.

It's called opting in...."


Ernst Haeckel, Father of Fascism and Environmentalism Environmentalism is Fascism
| 2012 | William Walter Kay

"Professor Gasman’s "Haeckel’s Monism and the Birth of Fascist Ideology" provides insights into the coherent fascist intellectual doctrine that, by 1920, was embraced by a wide swath of European academics and artists. Defining features of this cohort were:

They referred to themselves as: ecologists, naturalists and socio-biologists.

They were pseudo-scientists bent on subverting real science.

Their mantras were: natural, holistic, and organic.

Their Religion of Nature was basically a revival of Pantheism. They worshipped Earth as a divine living organism. Human achievements were disparaged as scant and fleeting compared to Nature’s glory.

They desired scientist-led governance. Scientists probed Nature’s divine realm, hence scientists alone understood the political implications of Nature’s laws...."

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A vanity by long-time FReeper DH regarding the HISTORY OF AGENDA 21 on FREEREPUBLIC.COM

"Posted on Friday, June 07, 2013 10:05:15 AM by DH

What goes around comes around. What a true statement.

In the very early days of the internet and Free Republic there was a lot of articles dealing with Agenda-21 and the super spy agency NSA.

We were called all kinds of names but "being right" was none of them. We all were looked upon as kooks and extremist for our beliefs of what would happen when these agencies took full control of our freedoms.

Now, look at what we are dealing with in 2013. It has finally come to the point that the full power of both these agencies and policies has been brought to bear on the freedom loving Americans who, back then, scoffed at our comments back then......and now cower in fear of what the devil has let loose on them.

Back in Germany during the Nazi occupation they had Hitler youth to spy upon their own families and friends and now we have an even greater method to spy on everyone and keep a completely historical record of it to use against them, or anyone they wrote or spoke to, ..."

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Feds to Protect “Endangered” Mouse ( and kill NM, AZ & CO farmers/ranchers/oil/gas )
Judicial Watch ^ | June 25, 2013

"American taxpayers will be tremendously relieved to know that the U.S. government is hard at work trying to get official endangered status for ... the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse and the feds want to designate it a critical habitat protected under the Endangered Species Act, the 1973 law signed by President Richard Nixon to protect species from extinction as a “consequence of economic growth and development untempered by adequate concern and conservation.”

The federal government’s list of more than 1,300 threatened or endangered species..."

..."The Service is proposing to designate around 14,561 acres of critical habitat along streams in a number of counties located in New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona..."

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Military spending millions to protect gophers, while workers go on furlough
Fox News ^ | July 12, 2013 | Dan Springer

"A total of 650,000 civilian employees are now being furloughed at U.S. military bases in response to sequester cuts -- but the Department of Defense is still spending millions to protect fuzzy critters.

Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) in Washington state just received a $3.5 million department grant to purchase land around the base in an effort to protect the Mazama pocket gopher, a species that has not even been listed as endangered or threatened.

The expense is not sitting well with furloughed workers.

"That really makes me mad that they would do that," said Matt Hines, one of 10,000 civilian employees forced to take a 20 percent pay cut. "I'm all for saving animals, but at what cost?"

Under REPI (Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative), the Department of Defense and other federal agencies have spent $397 million to protect 264,000 acres around bases since 2003.

Sarah Hamman, from the Center for National Lands Management, has been tracking the Mazama pocket gopher in the prairie land around JBLM and says the military's involvement has been critical...."

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Forest Service Demolishing 1860s Mining Community ( What Sequester ? )
AP ^ | July 11, 2013

BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. — "The U.S. Forest Service is starting demolition work on one of the earliest mining communities on the west side of the Continental Divide.

The Lincoln Townsite is an abandoned mining community east of Breckenridge in White River National Forest. The 1860s community was never platted or incorporated, but it existed through four minor booms and busts over the course of 50 years.


Sheriff Arrested in Florida Defending the Second Amendment Minutemen News ^ | June 7, 2013 | Sara Noble

"A number of Sheriffs around the country have pledged to abide by the Second Amendment and not enforce laws that they believe violate the Constitution.

Sixty-seven sheriffs in Florida signed one of those pledges declaring that they would uphold the Second Amendment and protect people’s’ right to keep and bear arms.

One of those signatories, Sheriff Nicholas Finch, was arrested by Governor Rick Scott in Florida for actions he took in a case in early March in which Finch made his stand for the Second Amendment.

Carl Causey has been appointed to replace him by Governor Scott until July when the case will be heard.

The charge stems from an incident involving his Deputy Sheriff, James Hoagland.

On March 8, Sgt. James Hoagland arrested a man named Floyd Parrish who was carrying a concealing semi-automatic, fully loaded...."

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Police Open Fire on a Car Sitting at Crowded DWI Checkpoint Daily ^ | June 17, 2013 | Robhino

"*VIDEO* Police open fire on a car sitting at crowded DWI checkpoint

BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NC (WECT) – A couple celebrating Father’s Day with their baby found themselves in the middle of a shootout at a DWI checkpoint when officers unloaded on a car sitting in heavy traffic. The couple, Jared and Rose Cleerdin were hoping it wouldn’t be their last Father’s Day together as the officers fired dozens of rounds in the direction of on-coming traffic. Jared Cleerden believes the officers acted way beyond what was necessary for public safety saying, ”Every cop turned around and started unloading like super trigger happy as if their training was coming into full effect and they were being able to utilize it,” said Cleerdin. “Everybody was just blasting this car to pieces. It was absolutely terrifying. It was way beyond reckless,” said Cleerdin. “I couldn’t believe it. These are professional people, professional officers, and they’re training, they’re highly trained and they’re not supposed to do stuff like that. Cops are shooting from the front of the car, back into the rest of the on-coming traffic to the check point, into the rest of the innocent civilians down the road...”

Other links provided on the thread about the DWI checkpoint shootout.

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CALIFORNIA - (Whiff of good news out of El Dorado County)

El Dorado County Sheriff Strips Forest Service Of State-Law Enforcement Power ( CA )
CBS13 ^ | June 21, 2013

"The El Dorado County Sheriff says he’s not happy with the U.S. Forest Service, so he’s stripping them of their authority by keeping them from enforcing state law within the county.

Sheriff John D’Agostini is taking the unusual step of pulling the police powers from the federal agency because he says he has received “numerous, numerous complaints.”

In a letter obtained by CBS13, the sheriff informs the federal agency that its officers will no longer be able to enforce California state law anywhere in his county.

“I take the service that we provide to the citizens of El Dorado County and the visitors to El Dorado County very seriously, and the style and manner of service we provide,” D’Agostini said. “The U.S. Forest Service, after many attempts and given many opportunities, has failed to meet that standard...."

10)16th AMENDMENT - (Income Tax - IRS scandals)

If Not Obama, then Impeach the 16th Amendment (The author makes an excellent point) ^ | June 9, 2013 | Mark Baisley

"I’d say it’s official; President Obama’s Watergate has arrived. And the witty question originally formed for Nixon’s big scandal can now be re-applied to President Plausible Deniability, “What did he not know and when did he not know it?” While I do think that IRS-Gate spells the end of this President’s ability to effectively advance the liberal agenda, I do not see an impeachment on the horizon; at least not for Barack Obama – but perhaps for the Sixteenth Amendment.

The recent parade of citizen witnesses to congressional hearings has laid bare the raw suffering that inevitably comes from tolerating the existence of a despotic government agency...."

CALIFORNIAN - FRACKING (Whiff of good news here)

Boom: California greens try, fail to pass a fracking moratorium
Hot Air ^ | 1:21 pm on June 11, 2013 | Erika Johnsen

"I somehow managed to completely miss this from a couple of weeks back, but it’s an especially interesting and kind of epic piece of news from a state that’s home to some of the largest, most cultishly do-or-die green interests in the country and a legislature currently dominated by a liberal supermajority. When I first caught wind of the fact that Californians were getting ready to introduce a proposal to ban fracking, I suspected that they would definitely have a fighting chance of getting the thing passed — but it turns out that enough of California’s legislators are at least somewhat tuned in to the economic realities of hydraulic fracturing, and enough so to thwart the often overwhelming clout of the state’s many eco-lobbies...."

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Oil Found in Australia. Lots of Oil. Saudi Arabia Quantities of Oil.
National Review ^ | Jan 25th | Greg Pollowitz

"Trillions of dollars worth of oil found in Australian outback

Up to 233 billion barrels of oil has been discovered in the Australian outback that could be worth trillions of dollars, in a find that could turn the region into a new Saudi Arabia.

The discovery in central Australia was reported by Linc Energy to the stock exchange and was based on two consultants reports, though it is not yet known how commercially viable it will be to access the oil..."


Honeywell introduces city-controlled thermostat system for homes
St. Paul Pioneer Press ^ | 06/11/2013 | Julio Ojeda-Zapata

"Honeywell has announced a new Wi-Fi-controlled thermostat that is intended to be distributed by municipalities instead of purchased at retail by consumers in order to better manage energy consumption across a town or city.

South Sioux City, Neb., will be the first community to deploy the new thermostat to help its 13,000 residents manage electricity costs, which are said to have risen steadily there in the past three years.

In the future, other municipalities will recruit residents to reduce energy consumption when demand spikes, a strategy known as automated demand response, or ADR.

As part of this, the residents would receive the $150 Honeywell Total Connect Comfort with ADR thermostat for free so that utilities can link to the home devices and reduce that residence's energy as needed.

Such an approach can help avoid brownouts and blackouts on the hottest days of the year, when power-grid stability is threatened..."

"Honeywell is based in Morris Township, N.J., but its division responsible for the Total Connect Comfort technology is based in Golden Valley...."

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ARIZONA - good news brought to us by Jim Rob!

Sedona Arizona- A Smart Meter Free Zone? ^ | June 21, 2013

Posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:56:25 PM by Jim Robinson

"On Wednesday, June 19, the Sedona City Council held a special workshop regarding Arizona Public Service (APS) plans to deploy utility smart meters in Sedona.

Sedona Smart Meter Awareness (SSMA) is raising awareness about the cost, privacy, health and safety hazards of utility smart meters. APS and SSMA presented information about smart meters. Both sides were given equal time. Only ten public speakers were allowed due to time constraints, however all spoke in opposition to Smart Meter deployment. The meeting was standing room only. The entire discussion, including the presentations and council discussion is available by video here, see part 3A,.

Nancy Baer, SSMA representative said, “APS representatives seemed to be in over their heads when Councilors began asking questions. Sedona Smart Meter Awareness created a solid, fact-filled PowerPoint presentation delivered by Warren Woodward. All concerns were thoroughly covered: health, safety, privacy, and cost.”

In response to the question of federal requirement to install smart meters, APS confirmed, “There’s been no federal mandate for us to move in this direction.”

APS currently has a proposal on file with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) to charge opt out consumers $75 upfront and $30 more added to their monthly bill. Every councilor objected to that proposed fee...."

Dream of the Power Elite who are cut off already from the Creator - the SciFi world of physical immortality coming closer? People are seriously looking into this!

Immortality by 2035?
CNBC ^ | June 14, 2013 | Bob Pisani

"How's this for a weekend conference: Some of the smartest people in the world are gathering in New York to try to figure out how to build lifelike copies of humans ... to be eventually uploaded with the contents of a real human brain.

It's the brainchild of a Russian multimillionaire, Dmitry Itskov. ... And he says he's perfectly serious, and that it could be accomplished by 2035.

Crazy? The New York Times gave Itskov a front-page profile on its Sunday Business page a week and a half ago.

Imagine this ... a digital copy of your brain in a different life form that could live for hundreds of years and be replaced.

There are several stages to his proposal, including an early stage (Avatar A) where lifelike avatars (androids) are created..."


"Constitutionality of Renewable Energy Mandates in Question"
The American Legislator| 6-17-13 | Todd Wynn

"With a potentially striking blow to renewable mandate advocates, a recent federal court ruling calls into question the constitutionality of key components of many states’ renewable energy mandates.

On Friday, June 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) against the state of Michigan (among other petitioners) in a dispute over FERC’s plan to apportion costs for new power lines to transport millions of megawatts of wind power around the Great Lakes region..."


What happens in the backroom of a sue-and-settle lawsuit?
Washington Examiner ^ | 6/6/13 | RON ARNOLD

"Is Big Green running things in President Obama's Environmental Protection Agency? Wake up and smell the corruption.

A virulent 2009 sue-and-settle lawsuit, WildEarth Guardians v. Jackson (as in Lisa Jackson, former EPA administrator) is an outrageous sweetheart deal rife with collusion and manipulation to create arbitrary regulations, along with the EPA takeover of state regulatory programs and a price tag of more than $2.5 billion -- all aimed against the domestic fossil fuel industry..."


Klamath Tribes and Feds Exercise Water Rights
ABCnews ^ | 6/11/13 | JEFF BARNARD

"Tens of thousands of acres in Oregon's drought-stricken Klamath Basin will have to go without irrigation water this summer after the Klamath Tribes and the federal government exercised newly confirmed powers that put the tribes in the driver's seat over water use — a move ranchers fear will be economically disastrous.

Klamath Tribes Chairman Don Gentry and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Mike Connor said Monday that they were making what is known as a "call" on their water rights for rivers flowing into Upper Klamath Lake in Southern Oregon...."

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Fish Hatchery On The Elwha Loses 50 Percent Of Fish To Failed Water Pump
Northwest Public Radio ^ | July 11, 2013 | Ashley Ahearn

"The largest dam removal in U.S. history is running into problems. Over 200,000 fish were found dead at a hatchery on Washington's Elwha River after a water pump failed over the weekend.

The water pump was put in to supply water to the Lower Elwha Klallam tribe’s hatchery. Originally, the hatchery was supposed to get its water from the newly constructed Elwha Water Treatment Plant. But this past spring, sediment released from above the dams clogged the Plant..."

Meeting in June about the Seven50 "Prosperity Plan"

“Fascism” Is The Best Way To Implement Seven50: SE Florida Prosperity Plan
RSN ^ | Monday, 17 June 2013 12:17 | Dr. Richard Swier

"On June 19-21, 2013, there will be dueling Seven50 Summits at the Palm Beach Conference Center, West Palm Beach, Florida.

The Seven50 plan is an effort by the Southeast Florida Regional Partnership, funded by a grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), with the mission to “[C]reate and implement the Seven50: SE Florida Prosperity Plan, a blueprint for a vibrant and resilient economy; socially inclusive, sustainable, and affordable communities; and environmental sustainability.” …

The City of Vero Beach, FL has pulled out of the plan.

Mayor Craig Fletcher attended a briefing given by proponents of Seven50 and reported that: city and county government would be less important, only “mega regions” are important as in the EU, ..."


This is what the UN wants for us in west.

China’s Great Uprooting: Moving 250 Million Into Cities NYtimes ^
| June 15, 2013 | Ian Johnson

"BEIJING —China is pushing ahead with a sweeping plan to move 250 million rural residents into newly constructed towns and cities over the next dozen years —a transformative event that could set off a new wave of growth or saddle the country with problems for generations to come.

The government,often by fiat,is replacing small rural homes with high-rises,paving over vast swaths of farmland and drastically altering the lives of rural dwellers. So large is the scale that the number of brand-new Chinese city dwellers will approach the total urban population of the United States —in a country already bursting with megacities

… Across China,bulldozers are leveling villages that date to long-ago dynasties. Towers now sprout skyward from dusty plains and verdant hillsides. New urban schools and hospitals offer modern services,but often at the expense of the torn-down temples and open-air theaters of the countryside...."

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Obama Admin Plans To 'Force' Americans To Move Into Cities You Tube ^ | 67/2/13 | XRepublicTV

"Redistributing" the Wealth


Feds May Close Forests Near Fresno ( CA )
KMPH ^ | Jun 20, 2013

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is looking to close 2-million acres of forest to protect a toad and frog habitat.

The service held a meeting in Prather Wednesday to discuss closing parts of nine forests...."


Taxpayers, Rockefellers Fund “Sustainable” Plot to Undermine Market
The New American ^ | Tuesday, 25 June 2013 | Alex Newman

"The Rockefeller Foundation, mega-banks, and even taxpayers via the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) have provided millions of dollars toward pushing a new type of “socially responsible” corporate structure known as the “benefit corporation.” More than 15 states have already signed on. Critics, however, say the scheme will further undermine what remains of the market system while promoting deeply controversial United Nations Agenda 21-linked notions of “sustainable development....”


5 Ways Barack Obama Is Making War On The Middle Class ^ | July 2, 2013 | John Hawkins

"While Barack Obama is enjoying extravagant parties with Hollywood celebrities and taking opulent vacations, America's middle class is being decimated by his policies. Certainly Obama deserves to be condemned for the Nixonian corruption and Carteresque incompetence of his administration, but what Obama is doing to middle class Americans is just as despicable. He's slowly, but surely squeezing them into oblivion.

Sadly, many Democrats are fine with this because they've calculated that a poor voter or better yet in their eyes, a voter dependent on welfare and food stamps, is more likely to support them than a voter in the middle class. Whatever happened to having a government that tries to make it easier for people in the middle class as opposed to putting policies like these in place? ..."

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Michelle Obama Calls on Youth to Be ‘Citizens of the World’
Cybercast News Service ^ | July 2, 2013 - 10:49 AM | Fred Lucas

"First lady Michelle Obama called for young people in both South Africa and the United States to be “citizens of the world” through the use of social media.

“For you guys to begin to talk to each other and realize that you have so much in common whether you are in Soweto or Houston or anywhere in the world there is so much we can do together,” the first lady said. “And I want you all to start thinking about being citizens of the world, and in order to do, that you’ve got to start reaching out, and this is just the beginning.” …


Here’s Obama's 'Smart' Government at Work
Investor's Business Daily ^ | 07/09/2013 | IBD Staff

"ObamaCare: The president brags about how he's bringing smart, 21st century technology to government. But the news surrounding that talk provides a showcase for how inept his administration is when it comes to IT.

'We've made huge swaths of your government more efficient and more transparent, and more accountable than ever before," President Obama claimed Monday.

But the very next day, AP reported that a "computer system problem" has caused his administration to delay yet another piece of ObamaCare for at least a year...."


‘When the Guy Comes with a Clipboard…’ ^ | July 8, 2013 | Ed Driscoll

“I can fight the bugs, I can fight the lack of rain, but when the guy comes with a clipboard what are you going to do?”, asks farmer who’s shutting down his business, thanks to the Obama FDA:

Bessemer called it quits out of frustration with pending federal food safety regulations that likely will require farmers to very specifically track their produce and how it is handled from seed to sale, among other things.

The new rules are part of the Food Safety Modernization Act, sweeping changes within the Food and Drug Administration aimed at making our food system safer by being able to pinpoint where contamination occurs. The federal law was passed in 2011, but how it will be implemented is still a work in progress..."


...“Bessemer Farms calls it quits, says new farm rules too cumbersome,” from (the Akron Beacon Journal Online), today. As Jon Gabriel of the Exurban League once tweeted in 2009, “Just finished Amity Shlaes’ The Forgotten Man today. Obama’s team thinks it’s an economics textbook rather than a cautionary tale.”

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(Whiff of good news)

A Healthy Farm Rebellion - Breaking up the food stamp-agribusiness political alliance.
The Wall Street Journal ^ | July 12, 2013 | WSJ

"An old Washington joke goes that an employee of the Department of Agriculture sees a colleague sobbing and rushes to ask what's wrong? The man replies, "My farmer died." So it goes with this week's House rebellion on the farm bill, which has Democrats wailing in protest. Their latest vehicle for subsidies and food stamps died.

House Republicans passed an historic farm bill on Thursday that for the first time in about 40 years separates food stamps from farm policy. This bids to divide what has been a political alliance of urban Democrats and farm-state Republicans that has bloated the budgets of both programs for decades.

This also explains the howls from Democrats, all of whom voted against the measure. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was visibly irate as she accused Republicans of taking "food out of the mouths of babies and you prevent a bill from going forward that addresses our food banks and our nutrition needs and the rest for our country, what are you thinking?" Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut chimed in that "a vote for this bill is a vote to end nutrition in America." Who writes this melodrama?

Ms. Pelosi's anger must be especially amusing to House Speaker John Boehner, because the Democratic leader helped to defeat the original..."

199 posted on 07/17/2013 12:58:17 PM PDT by TEXOKIE (We must surrender only to our Holy God and never to the evil that has befallen us.)
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There’s plenty here to absorb and pass on. Thanks for your hard work.

200 posted on 07/17/2013 1:38:34 PM PDT by Baynative (Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.)
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Can you give us more on “I heard disquieting agenda21 news about a nearby town. Its officials apparently have been passing A21 ordinances stealthily after they received local push-back.”?

202 posted on 07/17/2013 7:42:17 PM PDT by B4Ranch (AGENDA: Grinding America Down -----
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Jeepers... Thanks for the ping!

203 posted on 07/17/2013 7:45:38 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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