GOOD MORNING~~~Compiter has been down, SIL fived it for me and been having serous eye problems, still having them. Got all my windows covered with dark towelsm any light puts me down down, typing with heavy dark shunshades ovet window.’t know if any of your have been watching the Oral Roberts University nightly TV programs but they are most inpessive. GD is going to a cristian college here on the cosst when she gradutes from Hi School in the couple of years. She sure has her head on stright.
Please forgive me, using one finger to type with.
Here is hoping all are doing just great and I hope to get my eye ‘fixed’ soon.
In clozing, the weedk=ennd Fox and friend is terrible.
and know I really miss ya’ll.
Toby! I was afraid that your eye has been bothering you still. I’m sorry and know that I’ve been praying for you. Do everything that the doctors tell you to do. (((Toby)))
You have been missed here. Love, love!
Toby, I hope by this time you’ve seen a Dr about your eye and all is right with the eye now.