In his classroom one was recorded encouraged students to sign GOP recall petitions regardless of their residency.
There’s a disease loose in our land and it’s called liberalism and political correctness.
Imagine if Hitler had been killed at some point in WW2, there would have been jubilation in every class room in the country without a thought to what some students of German heritage might think.
Screw all the muzzie bastards, an evil enemy is dead. Celebrate it.
In a statement, the district elaborated about the incident at the Friendswood school: "In the Clear Creek Independent School District, we believe diversity strengthens our community and seek opportunities to celebrate the different cultures within our schools and neighborhoods.
No, this is more proof that diversity is...well... divisive.
“The teacher is going to suffer....”
Diss a muslim, filthy kuffar, and you will pay the price, inshallah!
And just how many muzzies ARE mourning the death of bin Laden? Gazillions of them, that’s how many!
>>The Clear Brook High School teacher is accused of profiling a student in his ninth-grade algebra class Monday
>>”This little girl suffered.”
That’s the first time I’ve heard a 9th grader called a little girl!
Bet she can’t wait to have her clit cut off, have that arranged marriage to some 50 year old goat trader, and then be stoned to death for having an affair with an infidel. Wear that burkha proudly stupid! You’re part of a master race of inhuman terrorists!
Yeah well I think it was insensitive of Bin Laden to kill thousands of Americans.
Did anybody even read the article here? “I bet that you’re grieving.”?? Unless the girl was wearing a black armband and “Osama We Miss You” t-shirt, it was a pretty damfool thing to say....
We have quite a few Muslim kids at the high school and they were posting satirical Facebook statuses like “Uncle Osama died unexpectedly” and such
The teacher who made the remark is a horse’s ass.
I'll bet he's encouraged. One or two more generations of indoctrination and the progeny of those infidel students will be bowing to the offspring of the muslim.
“I think every society has some people who are a little off. He may be one of those.”
Let’s hear Saddiqi tell us how “off” Saddamm and Osama were. Sheesh, this would be funny if it weren’t so sick.
Was this teacher ever with the TSA?
Apparently he/she has adopted the “anyone can be a terrorist” approach.
Asked and answered my own question. Of course, the Muslim girl should not have been considered sympathetic to the Muslim cause if influenced by TSA.
My bad.
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Oh, boo hoo, Someone didn't like a comment about bin Laden.