Abercrombie may be playing us like a ukulele!
Probably, I think they just want to keep the birth certificate thingy going to make Conservatives look like nuts.
I still think if there was anything to it, Hillary would have pounced on it before he even entered the primaries
“Only here was it exposed how the communists of America overthrew the Republican form of Government of Alaska for this Obama Marxism, in how they set upon a path of “darkening up” Hawaii from a prosperous white conglomerate state to a welfare fraud state which was registering and STILL IS REGISTERING hundreds of thousands of foreign babies as Americans.
This is what the birth of Obama has been hiding, and was covered up by Alaskans from the RINO GOP and the Democratic left. There was for a generation a wholesale treachery against America and everyone in government, hospitals and business was in on it.
Illegals brought in welfare revenues and brought in increased populations so Hawaii received more power in Congress. It was treacherousness wholesale and if Hawaii admits it, their leaders are going to prison or going to be hung.
That is what Abercrombie blundered into, in his Obama’s birth was recorded statement.”
Maybe Hawaii is covering IT’S arse....along the same line of thinking, wasn’t the “Won” recently desperate to give Puerto Rico statehood, in the hopes of swelling “representation” in Congress with more democrats?