Did NORAD really believe the president was that interested in the "cool lighting" on the UPS902 contrail?
Wow. Put it that way, and your explanation makes sense...
If the Pope said he saw Jesus working the counter down at the 7/11, would you assume that Jesus needed the extra income, or might you assume that the Pope was wrong, and demand something other than his fevered rantings about the Messiah selling Lotto tickets?
And let's not forget that Brigadier General Cash (retired for almost 20 years now) writes for Joseph Farah, who, although a nice guy, doesn't have the best reputation for publishing non-fantastic truth (African Ark of the Covenant anyone?).
He makes a couple of absolutely false statements : That no flight was in the area at the time, and that the contrail was "clearly observed by NORAD, assessed by a four-star general in minutes, and passed to the president immediately". No such thing happened, because there was nothing out of the ordinary to track, report, or "cover up".
Opinion, unsubstantiated assertions, and zero data.
Unless you Missile Truthers can come up with at least one fact to argue, there isn't much of a conversation to be had.
Here, I'll make this very, very simple. Fill in two facts (not opinions) that either falsify the UPS902 contrail explanation, or support the missile contrail/alien starship/elves assertion: